'Nobody' is talking about the US's rising debt: Steve Ballmer
'Nobody' is talking about the US's rising debt: Steve Ballmer



@sweenie58 Says:
As a Canuck I'm kinda neutral but the more I learn about BRICS+ wanting to decreasing the about of US dollars they borrow to buy things and when foreigners(Japan ,Saudis) quit buying your debt and they keep selling it that can't be good. The writing seems to be on the wall.Trump seems to have grasped that. If he wins and Ion Musk is called on to find & cut waste in the government things could look up.
@IggyDalrymple Says:
The one and only US President to pay off the federal debt was the founder of the Democrat Party, Andrew Jackson, and the Dems have never forgiven Old Hickory for that transgression. Jackson accomplished that feat without any help from the income tax. He financed the payoff primarily with the help of import tariffs. He also greatly expanded the borders of the US. His pre-presidential feats include defeating Great Britain at the Battle of New Orleans.
@jonathanr9870 Says:
All this spending is just more progressive agenda in form of wealth transfer by inflation. Taking from us citizens and spending on migrants. Retirees, middle class, ext...
@YourTransmissionRepair Says:
If I budgeted my household finances as our country does, I'd be homeless sleeping under a bridge. 🤣
@HolmScott Says:
Pay more then. You can add more to your tax bill Steve
@AndyNassab-e3j Says:
Omg, it's the owner of the Clippers.
@badwabbit1973 Says:
Trumps had more assassination attempts than Kamala had debates!!!!!!!! most amazing fact is Kamalas values hasn't changed so this just shows the serious loss of values and morals!!!!!! Kamala was drilled like a Willie Brown job promotion!!!!! Kamalas i used to work at McDonalds was really i created the Mcword salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@searchandsave142 Says:
Trump raised the debt more than any other president
@randpherigo9724 Says:
Elon musk could reduce big government over spending.. we could fix this is 5-10 years easy.. but Government like democrats are afraid to lose all that $$ They been stealing from us..
@goodfeather16 Says:
‘Nobody’ is talking about the US’s rising debt when the Republicans take the White House.
@24theMoney Says:
Forgive all student debt....LOL!
@user-rn3gw4qg3k Says:
Android, Iphone, Lumia etc..... I never got a cent for it.
@tammy9823 Says:
@michaelsimas4642 Says:
The debt is no longer the elephant in the room. It’s now the entire animal kingdom in the room. The sad news is that all of our politicians have their arm up to the arm pit in the cookie jar and won’t stop spending. The illegal aliens will cost us $500 billion plus annually. We need another money tree.
@ruby2thursday Says:
developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers !!!! finally he says something that makes sense!
@caltransplant Says:
W2 income.
@Painter-l1y Says:
She's Deeply Deceitful and not to trusted Cackling Buffoon 🦧
@krishnendunayek2060 Says:
Mentality is the King. Policies and even Circumstances can Accommodate Accordingly.
@WellbeingToPeace Says:
Exemplary. Believe Trump team, and in particular Robert Kennedy Jr does talk about the debt - namely the massjve debt caused by wars outside of your country while the issues in your country continue to get worse. Shows the need for ethical leadership the world over🕊️💜🙏🇺🇲
@StanScritchfield Says:
To sum it all up this country is broke its play money they are handing out.Wake up American Patriots we can take our contry back with Gods help thats what we stand on never give up.
@dreamwell2020 Says:
Mr. Trump wants to extend his 2017 tax cuts, which benefit his wealthy donors. His tariffs will just raise prices for consumers. During Trump's last occupation of the White House, the deficit grew by close to 8 trillion dollars. If he gets back in, that rise is predicted to be only about six.
@robertbolton9450 Says:
@easyyog1185 Says:
Growth. requires less regulation, lower taxes. Small Business cannot afford, departments full of paper pushers. “The trouble with socialism is you eventually run out of Other People’s Money.” Margaret Thatcher.     Interest..on debt is $2.4 billion. A Day. pgpforg.
@Isthisrealorno Says:
Will Fox News cover 30k Boeing workers on strike?!?
@lalutte65 Says:
Since Obuma took office politicians have add $26 trillion dollars to the national debt, WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT. National debt annual interest is over one trillion dollars and to pay that takes over 50% of every federal income tax dollar you pay—TO PUT THAT ANOTHER WAY, OVER HALF OF YOUR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYMENTS GO DOWN THE DRAIN-remember that every time a politician passes a hundred billion dollar pork laden spending bill
@WENG0407 Says:
Ozempic face.
@MobyHomer Says:
I have said it many times... The damage done the past three years... will take decades to fix... And GENERATIONS to pay for!
@patronequities9054 Says:
Trump will grow us out of debt.
@sebholding Says:
Mandatory spendings can be cut as well, mandatory doesnt mean you can't reform the program
@cccmmm1234 Says:
Ballmer laughed off the iPhone. Technologically he's an idiot.
@cccmmm1234 Says:
American are basically over entitled and think they deserve a fancy life just because of the accident of being born American. Every American owes around $100k of federal debt and that gets worse by $30 every day. Nobody wants to deal with the debt because that requires facing reality that few are prepared for.
@scottosborn6193 Says:
Everybody's talking about the debt. We can't afford any more billionaire tax cuts. Everyone's talking, you just have to listen to what they're saying.
@jackabbott8050 Says:
A lot of people. Talk about and are concerned about the national debt but the people who have the power to do something about continually kick the can down the road. Anybody who is as rich as this guy doesnt care about the people who are not at his level of wealth.
@GeorgeSchneider8889 Says:
The United States is a low-tax country Compared with other nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States ranks 32nd out of 38 in revenue as a percentage of GDP.20 But it’s not just that the United States is near the bottom end of revenue; it is nowhere close even to the average. Over the CBO’s 10-year budget window, the United States will collect $26 trillion less in revenues than it would if its revenue as a percentage of GDP were as high as the average OECD nation. When compared to EU nations, that number rises to $36 trillion. (see Figure 2) In contrast, the $289 billion projected revenue increase in the Inflation Reduction Act21 still leaves the United States ranking 32nd out of 38 OECD countries.
@fake734 Says:
No one talks about it because there is no way to deal with it!🤣🤣🤫👍
@Crimsonoverlord. Says:
why do you think Kamala wants to raise out taxes.. we had a govt bailout, the want a citizen bailout
@lostcreek7551 Says:
I highly recommend Minority Mindset, YouTube video. Kamala Tax policy, it’s very concerning. I’m voting for what’s best for my wallet.
@danielcrane991 Says:
The one thing that no candidate talks about is cutting the size of Government! A good amount of the jobs being done people in the government can be done with technology, government workers like most regular workers could go to 401k and not pensions, and finally entitlements need to be cut.
@jamesheitkemper1433 Says:
Economics 101. All fiat monetary systems fail historically 100 percent. We use a fiat monetary system. I talked until I was blue in the face. The collapse is predictable and exponential. I predict it will happen in the next term regardless who is president. I actually look forward to it. Fiat is just another form of slavery. You work for dollars that become dimes and then nothing. I have very little incentive to work and get taxed in exchange for treen toilet paper. It has no other value and backed by nothing. It is pointless to educate people. Most people have cognitive dissonance and simply can't comprehend or except this reality. Believe me I have tried many times. It isn't even something new. Fake money always fails.
@distanceismyplastercast Says:
Nobody is talking about it, because Biden has already halved Trump's deficit. And now everyone is confident that Trump the man who recorded the 3 biggest budget deficits in history, won't win in November. Who is surprised that a man who has bankrupt every company he has started, can't run the country's budget either.
@adambram Says:
Who cares about the debt? It’s been rising for 50 years, and all that time people keep crying about it. It’s a nonissue. It doesn’t matter. It’s not real debt. Focus on things that actually matter.
@stephenleblanc4677 Says:
Sorry, did you all not hear Harris say that Trump's plan would blow up the debt during the debate.
@OhNoNotAgain42 Says:
Donald Trump raised the debt more than any President in history
@ulyssesbrown7543 Says:
He is a Billionaire who got run out of the NBA. He has thrived off of govt loopholes..
@richardwright5741 Says:
Trump has…
@ZeeVee-t8g Says:
The new movie based on the future " civil war" on HBO it's clear they used insurrection, BLM riots footage still interesting, Kirsten dunst as a reporter,
@josemorrasge8100 Says:
Thats why we need another Trumps taxcuts to stimulate the economy
@cconnon1912 Says:
Republicans selectively talk about it because for all the talk they spend on wars, military etc far more than democrats.
@kurteichmiller7135 Says:
How many billions have we given to individuals illegally here in the US?
@danielmiller5763 Says:
Us debt went up under trump more than any other president in history, and that is a FACT! those tax cuts for the rich are the reason. Look it up. Bill Clinton balanced the budget. Went up with Bush and up ever since. But trump, it skyrocketed.

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