Congress targets SEBI Chief with financial misconduct | WION
Congress targets SEBI Chief with financial misconduct | WION



@ashokshukla1690 Says:
Corrupt & fraud madhabi buch must apologise & resign, passport of Madhabi buch be impounded. corruption must be Probed.
@srinathk.v8887 Says:
She is protected by Modi
@Karmanya101 Says:
People need to understand: It is NOT Congress who want her Out, the Group who Funded Congress and generating ToolKit for them is the one who Want SEBI Chief Out! So their person, who joined on June 2024 can have more control, and Indian Stock Market can be controlled. I am Surprised.. why Govt is silent and mute over this. This is kind of a covert Economic Warefare, Think what will China do or US do, or Israel do, or UK do ? ..they will get the foreign Intelligence to act on it, I mean neutralise the threat ! ..yes there will be Media coverage, there will be blame game.. in 1 years time, people will forget everyone need to move on to do their work, i.e. Attack or defend.
@rahulsls Says:
This is the first time Khangress is collaborating some one outside India , Soros 🤡 Also this is the first time Kongres is taken out of power for past 11 years and still 4 years to go 😂
@cgtim3230 Says:
Khangress should be investigated for treason... they are clearly collaborating with foreign BharatBrodhi groups like Soros and Hindenberg to target Adani... SEBI chief is on their radar cos SEBI cleared Adani of any wrong doings...

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