'Knock it off': Ohio AG reacts to uptick in threats after JD Vance's false claims about immigrants
'Knock it off': Ohio AG reacts to uptick in threats after JD Vance's false claims about immigrants



@AmyC37217 Says:
The State of Ohio needs to charge JD Vance with Hate Crimes and Terroristic Threats. Politicians keep getting a free pass because they are on the Republican ticket. They're going to push the country further and father into Fascism for the average non-politician citizen voter.
@anthonyquarles7647 Says:
The Haitian people came here to work, go to church and take care of their families. Minding there business helping the cities economy nothing else. It's a dam shame that people are being attacked like this, racism is strong in this country in 2024 😒
@markberns5804 Says:
The same people that tell you that the democrats rhetoric is not causing assassin to try to kill Trump, but reporting on the issue with haitians in Springfield are causing threats from outside the country? These are the same people that told you Biden was sharp as a tack. js.
@markberns5804 Says:
I saw interviews with Springfield residents who say this shit is really happening so quit spreading false information to smear Trump. These threats have been coming from outside the country, so get it strait.
@jackrader4428 Says:
@TheDBar Says:
Dave Yost is so full of crap, the same guy who whitewashed the First Energy corruption scandal. He’s just another trump bootlicker
@osricjohnson3235 Says:
They are not yet in the WH, when they get there if they do get there you can imagine what will happen to America. 😒😒😒😒😒
@grntchstrmdws Says:
4:17 "Potentially untrue facts." Where are these on the truthiness continuum? Are they truer than alternative facts?
@timarnett672 Says:
In 1943, The New York Times contributor Edwin James asserted that Hitler's biggest lie was his revisionist claim that Germany was not defeated in war in 1918, but rather was betrayed by internal groups. This stab-in-the-back myth was spread by right-wing groups, including the Nazis. According to the research and reasoning of Randall Bytwerk, it is an unlikely thing for Goebbels to have said: I DISAGREE! If you tell a lie big enough and KEEP REPEATING IT, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. IF A LIE IS PROVEN WRONG, THAT MUST BE ADMITTED, NOT DOUBLED AND TRIPLED DOWN...
@dirtbikesanddrones677 Says:
Was it said the reason for the threats were related to Vance/Tump's comments?
@deerobins9086 Says:
Watching Trump doing one of his, look at me, news interviews, highlights his arrogance and narcisism. Just the very thought of him back in the Whitehouse is terrifying. Dump and his sad little sidekick have caused untold danger to innocent people through doing their usual. Lie. Lie, lie. How can you have two pathological liars in the Whitehouse together. This is clearly a recipe for disaster. I hope that they dont visit the Ohio town and respect the wishes of the Mayor and others who have said they are not welcome. Vote carefully. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
@MissisChannel Says:
EVERY HAITIAN EVERY LEADER EVERY OFFICIAL, EVERY MEDIA WILL BE SUED CLASS ACTION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. FALSELY claim no Haitian would ever eat a cat, in HAITI they do that. HAITIANS in videos say yes is true. DO NOT try to shame HAITIANS for them doing that in HAITI shame shame shame on you. YOU HAVE each one lied on Springfield residents claiming in videos to be victims of their pets murdered. YOU ARE racists to play the race card while ignoring a black woman crying when her dog was decapitated and then call her even her a liar. YOU have caused great harm to the citizens and promoting unlawful housing violations. YOU Have conspired with local landlords to run off locals and then jack up prices of rent to the black immigrants which is housing law violations of equality and doing so because of the money the city is getting. SEGREGATION is also illegal. MASS segregating an entire populace of black immigrants into one town that overwhelms the resources is not only racists and unlawful to purposely segregate an entire race of people to one place, it is harmful to the locals also. OUR nation is land of diversity. THEN you have audacity to try to shame HAITIANS into denying anyone would ever eat cats, to make them afraid to admit that some in their culture do that. IT IS NOT legal here and no leader has any ability to know what every Haitian is doing. NOR should a few incidents represent an entire people. YET to lie on the victims crying out over their pets both white and black is an egregious willful harm to a mass amount of people there and nationwide. SO CEASE AND DESIST. ALL MEDIA who has promoted that it is not true calling all who spoke out liars are liable to them for defamation. ALL PEOPLE who have spoke up for those people who have spoke online witnesses such and calling us all racists should join the class action to stop such harassing conduct. CEASE AND DESIST NOW.
@debt1306 Says:
Sure,y JD Vance and Trump should be held accountable for this lie that has led to violence in Springfield Ohio. They are still lying take legal,action against this hateful pair. Real consequences of this out and out lie should be attributed to these two nasty idiots.
@busabrye Says:
Trump should be in prison, not continuing to reek havoc on this country
@future.garbage Says:
And yet the AG advances the false claim and already sown discord by publicly announcing the AG office is looking into ways to limit immigrant placement. Does that not scream xenophobia or otherism??
@uflores640 Says:
I won't feel sorry for ppl in Ohio if they rather vote for trump and Vance, if they don't recall Vance, or even worse keep him in office. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Vote blue πŸ’™
@olanosh Says:
He is not even president yet abd this, trump voters... a reminder of what is to become
@annapringle6497 Says:
That racist woman should go to jail,she knew that cats. roam,and what she was trying to do backfired in,or blewup in her face. Karma's a bitch.
@bojax67 Says:
This is nothing new, BLACK and BROWN PEOPLE have always been the BOOGEYMAN in AMERICAN HISTORY!! RACISM is Donald Trump's go to move and JD is quickly becoming Trump's understudy!!
@NicoliTucker-k7t Says:
Republicans need to stop talking about saving children anti abortion when you could care less about terrorizing children in Springfield.
@lillianroman6445 Says:
These judges need to put Trump in jail he's just causing too much chaos. People don't need to fear where they live or fear their neighbors.
@jimmygarraway8626 Says:
The have to put jd in jail and then it will stop
@angelinacatania3206 Says:
Tromp and his people are the ones to creat of the violens. Alwys stac the less privileged people. Tromp did not care about anyone, exept himself.
@TamFenters Says:
The people don't want him in Springfield!! But he doesn't care, he does & says exactly what he wants, with no consequences!! All lies that put a whole race of people in danger!! The man has no shame, no empathy & no morality. A horrible person!! How are almost 50% of people in this country supporting this piece of lying filth?? Can't we rid our country of this garbage forever?? VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY SAY NO TO TRUMP AND PROJECT 2025!!
@jimmygarraway8626 Says:
Why don't the AG don't file harassment charges against JD and trump. The AG need to tell jd if he don't apologize and admit it's false the AG should file harassment and terrorist threats on JD
@missourimomofthree Says:
Please always connect the name Vance with the name Peter thiel…he is behind so many terrible things. and he has been mentor to Vance.
@kellidinit3725 Says:
Maybe the AG Could list a working phone number on his web page. His number is bogus. Typical Ohio politician.
@robinthomason2585 Says:
You all know who is making these threats
@adrellwilliams4754 Says:
Why isnt trump and vance in prison? White america protecting them from prosecution. land , stolen from the indians that christopher columbus found living there when he arrived. Smh.
@adrellwilliams4754 Says:
Maga cult is a hate organization not a political oeganazion.
@raymind1313 Says:
Hey, open up your eyes. The MAGA's core is Neo-Nazi. The Goose-Step is their trendy dance.
@raymind1313 Says:
Fabrication has been their traction.
@JusticeUS1776 Says:
Democrats and Media have been calling Trump a threat to Democracy even before he was elected President in 2016? Wanting to impeach him one day after elected when he hadn’t done ANYTHING YET! Now 2 assassination attempts on his life???? What about THAT??????
@TracyThomas1214 Says:
@tinajj5680 Says:
Kamala most thank Jd to literally give her all the Haitian votes
@tinajj5680 Says:
Jd is just a distraction to create fear but his not helping trump at all He just motivated the Haitian community to let them know who i to vote for
@musabrooks5584 Says:
Another funny fact is that, i think Trump was one of the few president's that didnt have a white house dog.... definitely in recent history.... Hes too seldish to be a pet owner because that would mean devoting time to something else's well being.
@michaelJ415 Says:
More fake News It’s a fact, do you want me to send you a link to the video?
@maryx100 Says:
Trashy Trump set this in motion. More of Trump's fake news by saying Haitians are eating pets!
@melodieshimon Says:
Trumps dangerous rhetoric causes so many problems for others while his hands remain clean after inciting violence.
@adamalvarez2665 Says:
The term β€œRed Herring β€œ was invented to describe what Trump and JD Vance did by throwing out an outlandish and distracting comment to divert our attention from their lack of qualifications for the jobs they are seeking! A lie is still a lie! How dare they pull the race blaming card like Hitler did to the Jews in order to take over the weak minds of the uneducated and uncivilized. Criminal charges should be found for the reckless endangerment these men have caused for the Haitian immigrants who were invited to the US to work and didn’t just earn a β€œGenius Visa” like Melania in her knees - a different kind of β€œJOB” entirely.
@suzanne9150 Says:
It's ALL racist hate speech against Haitians who are legally here to work.
@suzanne9150 Says:
You will NEVER convince stupid people to not believe lies and conspiracies theories.
@lovephotography1966 Says:
Ohioan, they show you who they are. Vote!
@deevideau1716 Says:
Sue JD
@kirstendurham5841 Says:
No basis in fact. I just can't believe the magat's believe this crap! Could vance be any worse, could trump be any worse??!! Dangerous, racist lies.
@dennisgut-l5q Says:
Karen Finney is a joke. It is about immigration, they were brought in illegaly by this bs administration. Asl Cheroilet, Pa. how they feel about getting ILLEGALS Dumped in their town. You people denying what is happening are going to be the first to bitch when it happens to your town.
@forwardpeace Says:
Anti-immigrant urban legends and paranoid fantasies are the stuff MAGA is based on. Vote for sanity.
@Leo-vc6rx Says:
The media in Ohio should attack Vance for his lies for political reasons. He should be recalled for NOT representing the people of Ohio. Sadly, Ohio does not have a recall law. It then is up the the Ohio citizens to protect their state from the senator’s lies.
@Leo-vc6rx Says:
I found this comment on a 2017 YouTube video about the Xi State dinner held at Mar a Lago. Comment. The Mar a Lago dinner with Xi included 2 of Xi’s favorites: Chinese Dog Jerky and his favorite Cat Kabobs with cat stuffed mushrooms specially prepared by Trump himself. β€œI had some Haitian illegals gather and prepare the dogs and cats from one of the neighbors’, replied Trump in a private interview with Tucker. Sorry now that I didn’t save the link

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