No Need to Help Ukraine, Defeat russia instead
No Need to Help Ukraine, Defeat russia instead



@UATVEnglish Says:
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@nickpope8056 Says:
Ukra naZi supporters are so desperate today…))) it’s just hilarious..)))
@erikrehtlane4890 Says:
Anna is really great and I like the name of her channel Anna from Ukraine. It is straight forward and clear, just like Anna's commentary.
@iamdinkel Says:
Stays focused always
@iamdinkel Says:
Good people. Anna fights for good people
@iamdinkel Says:
Pearl Harbor again? Boiling frog feeling, a little learn from from history people
@pellewoin4949 Says:
Slava Ukraini!
@karentuckman6900 Says:
Good to see you both.
@timmommens901 Says:
🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦✌🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 👋🇧🇪🇰🇷
@MariaHlad Says:
Two of my favorite Ukrainian women! Carrying on the centuries old tradition from Princess Olha.
@jeromehaymaker5071 Says:
Putin likes to flip the table all the time. So, since Russia can't be peaceful ever. If Ukraine is part of Russia, Ukraine needs to rule Russia. Not the other way around!
@jeromehaymaker5071 Says:
Anna, great interview. Ukraine is mostly Christian. I can't find a Church that post Jesus Commandment anywhere. Why do they disrespect Jesus by no display of his most important message to love one another. Peace was the goal! Peace to Ukraine. From Midland, TX USA
@MrRichieface Says:
This was a great conversation, please have Anna on again 🙏❤️
@mikepatterson6416 Says:
Anna is the patron saint of Ukraine 🇺🇦 in my opinion. We all love her sincerely ❤️ on her YouTube channel! Very, very strong woman!
@brianlowther5929 Says:
hello Yulia and Anna i follow you both. ❤to💙💛
@asktoobtain Says:
"Not Like Us" - Kendrick Lamar
@GaryBickford Says:
Ukraine reminds me of a Space Opera series, one of whose titles is "A Short Victorious War". In that book, a large aging socialist nation that is approaching bankruptcy figures out that they can invade their richer small neighbor, in a few weeks they "liberate" it and take all their resources to ballance their books and keep their own power. The heroine, a military leader in a third ciuntry, spoils their plan!
@DianaDeLuna Says:
Jake Broe mentioned recently that he believes Russia has told the U.S. they will destroy a U.S. base in the Middle East with some of Iran's bombs, killing a lot of American personnel right before our election. Russian blackmail doesn't excuse American reticence, but it does explain it.
@henryford2736 Says:
It has to do with classified technology in the missiles. Russians would examine the debris of the missiles and develop counter measures.
@kiff4005 Says:
The mad man as nukes
@AnnafromUkraine Says:
Thank you so much for all that you do to help the world defeat russia! And Yulia, I so much enjoyed our talk 💙💛
@bensanderson7144 Says:
May I ask, is Yulia American? American of Ukrainian descent? Not trying to pry, just curious, and don’t answer if u don’t want to.
@markmongan Says:
Sorry it took so long to see your country.
@haji1740 Says:
Thank you Yewleea, for this conversation with Anna from Ukraine. Imo, Gen, Ben Hodges should be the next Secretary of Defense, or at least National Security Advisor. Trust in the AFU. Care for your Countrymen. Believe in yourself. Embrace honesty. Envision the Ukraine of the future. Demand transparency Slava Ukraini, Free AZOV, Return the Children, Crimea is Ukraine. Together to Victory. and VPDFO.
@wendel6 Says:
It's so insane that Ukraine was in some parts of North America so unknown, since there is a HUGE Ukrainian diaspora throughout Canada and the US, stretching back to the 1890s. You both do such amazing work, and are both so important to Ukraine's future freedom!  Слава Україні! 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇺🇦💪🏻✊🏻
@CatherineClemons-h3j Says:
Martinez Kimberly Harris James Thomas Betty
@stephenkoludrovic-q5p Says:
It was the Westen countrys that went to war with Russia and not the other way around,
@camdieperink5722 Says:
Very enjoyable and interesting pod casth Slava Ukraine😊
@isstechnz1021 Says:
A1 information thanks 👍
@kenyonmoon3272 Says:
Corruption is part of the normal human condition. The question is whether (and how) it is whether it is responded to. Seeking accountability from offenders is healthy, Russia encouraging (or at least accepting) it is not. You can do this, keep it up!
@kenyonmoon3272 Says:
Russia had a monopoly on shaping international opinion for a very long time. Undoing that is a time-consuming project, even a generational project. And I can only apologize that I was among those who once held the propaganda viewpoints and that it took this long for me to come around. I share what I have learned when the topic comes up but one-at-a-time individually, and one-post-at-a-time on social media feels so slow. :(
@manderson9593 Says:
We could've never won the cold war like this; and yes "russia fatigue."
@chekeocha4923 Says:
Disillusioned n dreaming
@jeanrobertwongtitshing8227 Says:
If you are Russophobes, its the same as you are antisemists.
@javier.asturias Says:
➕Todo lo que ustedes dicen💙🦋💛 debe aplicarse de inmediato➕
@Delgwah Says:
Yea, Putin has convinced Russia population that votes. He is at war with the west. And yet his children do not want to leave the west. The Ukrainian people are fighting with an actual Imperialist. Load his own pockets, wipe out the competition. Get rid of all opposition and everything he does not understand just to fill his own pockets. The World Monetary System change to a system that budgets into everyone in the world. The monetary means in their own pockets to live keeping diversity in the population of the world. Thank you, Strength and love.
@debrajohannesson4360 Says:
I think there are many Russia paid traitors planted all over the west too🇨🇦
@samedwards6683 Says:
Hallelujah. Great interview. I follow both channels. I want to thank Everyone Everywhere who is fighting or has fought for Ukraine. You have been fighting for All of our Freedoms, Everywhere. Your battle is not only destroying Putler's warfighting capacity, but it is also providing a deterrence to the likes of Xi and Kim and their expansionist ambitions. Unfortunately, the West's love of self-enrichment and personal power as well as their complete lack of patriotism has meant that they are slow-rolling their support because the longer the war lasts the more profits they make without any real cost to themselves. They wear their wallets where their heart is supposed to be. If Zelensky wants the West to actually change its way, he should approach the largest Western, Chinese, and Middle Eastern companies with a set of "shovel ready" projects that they could make obscene amounts of money on within Ukraine (and even by then the 22 newly independent x-Russian Federation Republics) as soon as the war ends. And, more importantly, show them that the longer they wait, the less money that they'll make. He should keep in mind that these corporations only care about their near-term revenue / profits, as that is how their Executive Bonuses are calculated. None of them care a whit about ethics or morality. And All of them have politicians that they directly or indirectly control. It doesn't matter how many well thought out military / political plans he shows the West. They Only thing they think about is their own Wallets. Slava Ukraini. Glory to the Heroes.
@stevenandrews7180 Says:
It's incredible that polititians delay and delay military aid for Ukraine ... they are partly RESPONSIBLE for thousands of ukranians and enormous destruction of homes, factories, electric plants and infrastructure when they cannot defend themselves. Damages abd victims aren't only in Ukraine, what about the ukranian grain exports to countries that depend on them⁉️ And the world economics⁉️ plus plus plus⁉️
@DFWTexan42 Says:
Actually, Ruzzian propaganda has long since entered Rocky and Bulwinkle territory. (Remember Natasha Fatale and Boris Badenov.)
@RUSGPol-pk7ps Says:
Don't think it's the brains that got them here. Such nonsense, so far removed from the reality
@nurseSean Says:
Разом ми переможемо. Розчарування ворогам. Все буде Україна.😊💛💙
@sparkydog2 Says:
До опису відео: Україні дозволено робити все, що вона хоче - Захід не стоїть на заваді - тільки не зі зброєю, яку постачає Захід! Завжди було так, що Україна може робити все, що вона хоче, зі зброєю, яку вона створила сама! На Заході також багато прихильників Путіна... нічого більше не можливо.... Хто заплатить за всю зброю, яку вимагає Україна? Ми на Заході вже накопичили величезні борги за постачання зброї Україні. Якщо буде поставлено ще більше і на Заході виникне боргова криза, то на виборах настрої зміняться і до влади прийдуть дружні Путіну партії. На Заході не все так просто, як уявляють собі люди в Україні!
@jpr1370 Says:
the fail case for russia is - all availavble russia resources are spent and russia military effort collapses. If the russia military refuses to clean uptime russia mess - and no alternative leadership emerges - then NATO must face the nuclear threat.
@JohnGalarza-u5x Says:
Putin went to Mongolia to seek permission to use nuclear weapons? 🤣😂😂 That is the funniest bull I have ever heard. Putin is just putting on an act!!
@George-kr1de Says:
Always nice to hear Anna. Greetings from George from Australia
@Pierrus60 Says:
When you bought your house, you went to your Notary and so you had proof that your house is yours. So for Ukraine it's the same thing and the Notary is the UN, and when Putin stole Crimea in 2014, the UN let it happen, So why do we pay the UN if it's useless? Then there's climate change to deal with and the UN is going to ask us for even more money, but they let Putin poison the water in Ukraine, they let an environmental disaster happen with the Zaporizhia dam, I'm Canadian, almost an American, but I have to say that I'm ashamed of those who run the world , and the way they despise the civilized civilization that makes them always richer full of shit
@sparkydog2 Says:
To the video description: Ukraine is allowed to do what it wants - the West does not stand in the way - just not with weapons supplied by the West! It has always been the case that Ukraine can do what it wants with the weapons it has built itself! There are also many Putin supporters in the West...nothing more is possible.... Who is going to pay for all the weapons that Ukaine is demanding? We in the West have already built up massive debts to supply weapons to Ukraine. If many more are delivered and there is a debt crisis in the West, the mood will change in elections and Putin-friendly parties will come to power. It is not as easy in the West as people in Ukraine imagine! До опису відео: Україні дозволено робити все, що вона хоче - Захід не стоїть на заваді - тільки не зі зброєю, яку постачає Захід! Завжди було так, що Україна може робити все, що вона хоче, зі зброєю, яку вона створила сама! На Заході також багато прихильників Путіна... нічого більше не можливо.... Хто заплатить за всю зброю, яку вимагає Україна? Ми на Заході вже накопичили величезні борги за постачання зброї Україні. Якщо буде поставлено ще більше і на Заході виникне боргова криза, то на виборах настрої зміняться і до влади прийдуть дружні Путіну партії. На Заході не все так просто, як уявляють собі люди в Україні!
@queridabelemacai3974 Says:
... Dr Anna and Julia. !!! Strong Ukrainian women !!!
@EricaFiore Says:
I love history, self taught, school was to basic so home taught plus I read any book I got my hands on. I learnt so many subjects my partner calls me The Encyclopaedia.

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