'He hurt me:' Women describe how family doctor abused them
'He hurt me:' Women describe how family doctor abused them



@CharlesHallESP Says:
@thiosemicarbizidebenzoylal2921 Says:
Of course. Whenever you mix some extreme freaky religion with any population, you get some dude that is a freakazoid only worried about his personal gratification. Another sick colonial society that went full P. Diddy because it was allowed to.
@Chris-Phantomview Says:
BREAKING NEWS: Religious man missuses faith for sex!
@LeechyKun Says:
And churches are wondering why people are becoming more secular these days and why the right is trying so hard to turn the US into a theocracy instead. So easy to control people in religion and warp their minds to the magical fairy. The only good thing about church though is community and getting to know people that can help you out with a job or learn from people with more wisdom but that's about it.
@RYN988 Says:
@trspotr Says:
Does Kamala Harris know about this? 🤔
@Snafuski Says:
The fact that all these abusers are sucking up to Trump says a lot....
@antonymwangi4986 Says:
Very common among them
@ellebelle2507 Says:
USA seriously needs to have some federal laws on sex ed!
@nlmnyc Says:
Kardashians are looking rough.
@sly5346 Says:
This is their community normal. This is how this bunch functions, even for those smaller groups of them in other locations. They are not surprised, nor should we be.
@GR-zi2pg Says:
Don't forget that this Mormon doctor is also a victim of a patriarchal subculture subscribed to by likely his parents, grand parents and great grand parents. He didn't evolve in a vacuum and in that subculture it would be much easier for him to exert dominance over other people because of his perceived status which would have been a big temptation for him given his ability to have others be subservient to him. He is also a victim unto himself by only knowing how relate to females by exploiting the vulnerable among that demographic instead of knowing how to relate to them genuinely. In other words, because he doesn't experience empathy with that vulnerable demographic who seek his help, he suffers a type of humanistic self-alienation from them preventing him from knowing the true beauty of relating to them as fellow human beings. In this situation, if you condemn him you'll only evoke your own animosity, and, thus, you also experience a type of humanistic self-alienation. These young women need to understand the overall context of this situation beyond victimization and work towards a solution for themselves. They won't find a satisfactory solution through condemnation because it will lead to circular repetition of the events they experienced. The beautiful women here through their naivite, owing to youth, unwittingly enabled and encouraged his spiritual pathology of him exalting his own sexual arousal above other people's concerns and hopes through a type of predatory exploitation. That's not just his problem or an individual problem - it's a societal problem at large when you take into consideration how large the pornographic industry is all over the world. We need to take a look ourselves as a society and look at how we are also predatory in other ways such as how capitalism teaches us to exploit the financially vulnerable when we try to sell them something they don't need to increase our own wealth status.
@Motherplantmusic Says:
The Mormon church, like the Catholic Church and Scientology and others, have enormous operational resources dedicated to silencing victims and covering up all manner of sexual abuse and other crimes. The Mormon church is far more effective at a granular level in suppressing misconduct because it is structured so that the church is intimately present in the lives of every family, and especially the children. Members are required to inform on others, even within their own families. And because of the intense indoctrination, beginning almost at infancy, it all works very effectively. And the secret sauce of the whole operation is, as in most religions, the belief that it is God’s will. And the absolute fear of going against it.
@YogaBlissDance Says:
WHEN WILL MEN STANDUP? These are your wives, daughters..... that this man abused-stand with them more, support them. This is not a "women's issue." Wait "an exam at his home..." and the wife facilitated this...? OMG...these close knit religious communities, I'm sorry they can make it very hard to see what is going on...It's a wholesale grooming... @4:46 that should NOT HAVE BEEN A warning but like "you are done," completely inappropriate behavior.
@mandraterry541 Says:
The church is protecting him.
@besmartvoteblue2702 Says:
Oh, Morman, OK. Got it. TAX this religion!!
@PatriciaLBentley-c9r Says:
Monster! I hope he gets sentenced to prison.
@PaulinaPalos-k8p Says:
Please give a shoutout to MR. Farmer's AP Human Geography class at Pebble Hills High School in El Paso, Texas. He has been watching the show with his classes for 8 years now and absolutely loves it.
@Pigeon6666 Says:
I choose the bear every time. How can you trust any man. Husbands drugging their wives to film them in rapes from strangers, doctors filming their abuse of women, children, what is wrong with our society.
@Goethe11 Says:
Why do we need to mention his religion? Would we mention if he was Baptist or Jewish or Catholic?
@JohnathanGuilds Says:
Religion is a fucking joke
@mussaali5239 Says:
I'm sorry, but i feel this may be about getting money 💰! I'm not sure. I smell a skunk... or skunks ...
@yourmommashouse Says:
How do you not know the difference between a check up and finger bang?
@dwanderful1 Says:
Shameful all in the name of Jesus
@cananzion6658 Says:
All unfortunate women escape from Mormon man ASAP!
@psychmatisa Says:
This is disgusting
@mandogrogurescuedogs Says:
That was not consent. He violated her. 😢 thank you for sharing your story! This is so heartbreaking 💔
@judithkornfeld3529 Says:
How can I help?
@MsRotorwings Says:
How in the world was this man not charged? Shame on the prosecution!
@กุศลกรรมบท10 Says:
BUDDHA ..... ..... .....Moreover, Prince, three similes occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before: It is as if there were a wet sappy stick placed in water; then a man might come along bringing an upper piece of fire-stick, and thinking: ‘I will light a fire, I will get heat.’ What do you think about this, Prince? Could that man, bringing an upper piece of fire-stick, and rubbing that wet sappy stick that had been placed in water (with it), light a fire, could he get heat?” “No, good Gotama. What is the cause of this? It is, good Gotama, that such a stick is wet and sappy and that it was placed in water. That man would only get fatigue and distress.” “In like manner, Prince, whatever recluses or brahmans dwell not aloof from pleasures of the senses that are bodily, then if that which is for them, among the sense-pleasures, desire for sense-pleasure, affection for sense-pleasure, infatuation with sense-pleasure, thirst for sense-pleasure, fever for sense-pleasure, if that is not properly got rid of subjectively nor properly allayed, whether these worthy recluses and brahmans experience feelings which are acute, painful, sharp, severe, they could not become those for knowledge, for vision, for the incomparable Self-awakening; and whether these worthy recluses and brahmans do not experience feelings which are acute, painful, sharp, severe, they could not become those for knowledge, for vision, for the incomparable Self-awakening. This, Prince, was the first parable that occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before. Then, Prince, a second parable occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before. It is as if, Prince, a wet, sappy stick were placed on dry ground, far from water. Then a man might come along bringing an upper piece of fire-stick, and thinking: ‘I will light a fire, I will get heat.’ What do you think about this, Prince? Could that man, bringing an upper piece of fire-stick, and rubbing that wet sappy stick that had been placed on the dry ground, far from water, light a fire, could he get heat?” “No, good Gotama. What is the cause of this? It is, good Gotama, that that stick is wet and sappy although it had been placed on dry ground, far from water. So that man would only get fatigue and distress.” “In like manner, Prince, whatever recluses or brahmans dwell not aloof from pleasures of the senses that are bodily, then if that which is for them, among the sense-pleasures, desire for sense-pleasure, affection for sense-pleasure, infatuation with sense-pleasure, thirst for sense-pleasure, fever for sense-pleasure, if that is not properly got rid of subjectively nor properly allayed, whether these worthy recluses and brahmans experience feelings which are acute, painful, sharp, severe, they could not become those for knowledge, for vision, for the incomparable Self-awakening; and whether these worthy recluses and brahmans do not experience feelings which are acute, painful, sharp, severe, they could not become those for knowledge, for vision, for the incomparable Self-awakening. This, Prince, was the second parable that occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before. Then, Prince, a third parable occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before. It is as if, Prince, a dry sapless stick were placed on the dry ground, far from water. Then a man might come along bringing an upper piece of fire-stick, and thinking: ‘I will light a fire, I will get heat.’ What do you think about this, Prince? Could that man, bringing an upper piece of fire-stick, and rubbing that dry sapless stick that had been placed on dry ground, far from water, light a fire, could he get heat?” “Yes, good Gotama. What is the cause of this? It is, good Gotama, that that stick was dry and sapless and had been placed on dry ground far from water.” “In like manner, Prince, whatever recluses or brahmans dwell aloof from pleasures of the senses that are bodily, then if that which is for them, among the sense-pleasures, desire for sense-pleasure, affection for sense-pleasure, infatuation with sense-pleasure, thirst for sense-pleasure, fever for sense-pleasure, if this is well got rid of subjectively, well allayed, then whether these worthy recluses and brahmans experience feelings that are acute, painful, sharp, severe, indeed they become those for knowledge, for vision, for the incomparable Self-awakening; and whether these worthy recluses and brahmans do not experience feelings that are acute, painful, sharp, severe, indeed they become those for knowledge, for vision, for the incomparable Self-awakening. This, Prince, was the third parable that occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before. These, Prince, were the three parables that occurred to me spontaneously, never heard before. ..... ..... ( https://suttacentral.net/mn85/en/horner?lang=en&reference=none&highlight=false )
@sd560 Says:
No nurses there or what??!!! All doctors require a nurse present during examination of a female's private parts!!! That's what my own doctor did. A nurse was present in the exam room too! I feel for these victims 😢
@andrewmelvin91 Says:
Could it not be simply that due to their ignorance of medical practice and procedure that they could have been misinterpreting a medical practice because they were simply ignorant
@robertanderson809 Says:
Beware any ' Authority' who isn't elected. Religion breeds 'boss men' who have no public scrutiny, nor scruples. Always has. Time to grow up, quit this childish attachment to father figures who aren't open or real. Damn religion for the parasite it IS!
@lee-jensuen838 Says:
How much evidence is needed to prove his criminal charges? The system is broken!
@shpp2024 Says:
you could simply leave. you didn't. girls today eat their parents alive but they cant push back a doctor?????
@mtam7575 Says:
Did she reports this behaviours to the police ?
@bumblebee8416 Says:
The Handmaid'sTale!
@СлёзыПокаяния Says:
Почему сатанисты любят проводить свои ритуальные жертвоприношения "17" числа? Примеры: ❗1917 год - в России проведён вооруженный государственный переворот, который вошёл в историю как Великая Октябрьская социалистическая революция рабочих и крестьян. Хотя по свидетельству очевидцев, рабочих и крестьян там не было. Царский Зимний дворец брали вооруженные заключенные, зеки всех мастей, выпущенные по приказу Ф. Э. Дзержинского. ❗17 июля 1918 года, ночью, в Екатеринбурге в подвале дома Ипатьева была ритуально убита вся семья последнего Российского императора Николая ll, семь человек. ❗17 октября 2018 года, в Керченском политехническом колледже, утром, в учебный день, в 10.10 мин, после второго урока, на перемене, произошёл взрыв на первом этаже в столовой. Неизвестные люди с автоматами ходили и расстреливали всех встречных. Погибли студенты и преподаватели. Много раненых и покалеченых, с оторванными руками и ногами. ❗17 сентября 2024 года, в 12 час дня в Новоградовке Донецкой области было совершено ритуальное убийство безоружного украинского военопленного. Ему связали сзади руки скотчем и пронзили грудь ритуальным мечом. ----- Вы можете ещё привести примеры проведённых терактов и ритуальных убийств, совершенных "17" числа.
@whofknknew Says:
I voted for biden so he could destroy the country and I'm voting for Kumalot Harris to finish the job
@familyyoutube4921 Says:
I dislike cnn
@UKBornin1971 Says:
The church is a harbinger for predators
@JohnAnders-p6d Says:
eeeeeew - the vocal fry on these derty shlags is horrible - lying animuls
@37Raffaella Says:
Horrible religion (cult)
@Teddybear-72 Says:
@incedefortiter Says:
Jesus is Lord
@MB-Music23 Says:
Would be glad to see this go to the Supreme Court if it were possible
@brianandrews7491 Says:
Kamala's brother in law stole billions of taxpayer dollars
@malikmcclain7869 Says:
Sorry for your abuse at the hands of this Predator. Red flags were flying all over the place, but the ages of the young ladies, when this started, plus the built in protections given to this Predator, were a perfect storm of long term abuses. Continue seeking relief out of the Attorney General's office, hopefully pulling together enough evidence for an indictment. Usually with a criminal conviction on numerous counts, and hopefully everyone comes forward, opens the door for the civil cases being strengthened, and rightfully so. Amazing how he's allowed to attend church services, as long as he's with his spouse, the unindicted accessory to much of this.
@craiglester3296 Says:
This was probably the most horrific story I have seen in a long time. Those victims' lives will never be the carefree daily celebration of this time they walk this earth. They all had every right to expect that, and it was taken away. I can only imagine how wonderful mine could have been. Those grand jury members and investigators do not appreciate the gravity of their error here. I am still shaking. This story must end differently, or there will simply be no justice 😢
@galatians2twenty Says:
major cover up, a lot of wicked people involved.

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