Putin's Lies Exposed: Ukraine's Daring POW Exchanges Bring Thousands Home
Putin's Lies Exposed: Ukraine's Daring POW Exchanges Bring Thousands Home



@iDeagles Says:
Why don’t you tell everyone how many you traded? 😂
@josephbull2209 Says:
Praise to all for bringing these soldiers home. 🇨🇦
@ruthwolfer4154 Says:
very good success
@alvaroc.g.gemignani Says:
São Paulo (Brazil), April 10, 2024. Putin's dictatorial regime made a very serious mistake by taking Crimea, promoting secession in Ukraine and invading it. This is a fatal error by the Putin regime, with serious consequences for the future of the Russian Federation, as can already be seen. Not only will the TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF UKRAINE be fully restored, but the Russian Federation will also have to pay for all material and moral damage caused to Ukraine. And those in Putin's regime will have to answer for the numerous war crimes committed against the Ukrainian people. Therefore, the sooner the Russian people get rid of Putin's regime, the better it will be for the Russian Federation. The best solution, obviously, is for the Russian people to fight for true democracy and join the European Union. According to reliable sources, Putin is now the richest person on the planet. Citizens of the Russian Federation should ask themselves about the origins of Putin's immense fortune. Autocracies and dictatorships are dumb systems with no legitimacy. According to Peter Drucker, being efficient is doing things right (doing things correctly); and being effective is doing the right things (doing things that lead to achieving desired goals). For example, we are being efficient and effective when we drive correctly on the right road that will take us to our desired destination. And how can we know, moment by moment, if we are being efficient and effective? Very simple: examine, at each moment, the feedback we receive. In the case of the road, the feedback groups are the signals along the road and the signals that our car's instruments give us. Our intelligence, as individuals and as a species, is directly proportional to our ability to be efficient and effective in solving the problems that afflict us. Dictatorial and autocratic governments not only ignore feedback, they also prohibit citizens from providing it, punishing those who dare to do so. Therefore, they are dumb systems, causing serious problems, as history has shown. And precisely because they are dumb systems that are imposed on citizens to exploit these citizens, autocracies and dictatorships have no legitimacy. And they become vampiric: Putin's regime, to maintain itself, continually needs the blood of the young people it throws into the carnage of war. Increasingly hated around the world, instead of strengthening the security of the Russian Federation, Putin's regime is achieving the opposite effect. What we have is a system of autocracies (therefore without legitimacy), made up mainly of Russia, Iran, North Korea and China.  This system has become extremely aggressive, it has already invaded Ukraine and will soon try to invade Taiwan.  It is against such a system that democracies are fighting. Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani
@3maria6orion9 Says:
Nós do Nordeste do Brasil continuamos orando pela Ucrânia livre, vitoriosa e próspera. Viva à Ucrânia!🇺🇦❤ Viva à Paz!🏳❤

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