Here's what experts are saying about Trump and Harris on the economy
Here's what experts are saying about Trump and Harris on the economy



@grahamashe9715 Says:
It's amusing to see a Marxist lecture people about how the economy works. 😂
@joaoalbuquerque9650 Says:
Tá chegando a vez dos latinos americanos imigrantes ajudarem a eleger Kamala Harris presidenta dos EUA
@fredrickopiyo3390 Says:
The inflation and economic recession was a Global issue not an American one. At times I think that we are witnessing the end of the USA as a World Power, if they can still support the Orange Man Child... Very sad.
@fredrickopiyo3390 Says:
The inflation and economic recession was a Global issue not an American one. At times I think that we are witnessing the end of the USA as a World Power, if they can still support the Orange Man Child... Very sad.
@joaoalbuquerque9650 Says:
Será que os americanos esqueceram da invasão do Capitólio?
@Bhag-p5w Says:
We have new name for Kalmala Al - Harris Muslim name
@joaoalbuquerque9650 Says:
Tá chegando a vez da primeira mulher ser presidenta dos EUA Kamala Harris
@fredrickopiyo3390 Says:
Can the media please insist that the Orange Man Child to give us specifics as they keep crying that Kamala give specifics
@YSYS-k3l Says:
An Indian as Presisent!💙💙💙
@Thorns924 Says:
Trump for President! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Says:
I can feel and hear her online . Am in NIGERIA. SO SHE SHOULD GO MORE
@allthingsparanormal4109 Says:
You don’t need an expert to see the economy was better under Trump than it is now
@akeembuchanan8180 Says:
Any young person who vote for Trump has no sense of direction
@sputnikmoonchild Says:
Trump has no understanding of how tarrifs work. Who is that male pundit, and how much is he paid to sychophantically spin Trump's rally exclamations?
@bernardoduke5496 Says:
Kamala Harris will make America better.
@ashleysmith8167 Says:
Pls east mills malvern Mrs.pine pls
@lindalovatt5799 Says:
Kamala is sane.trump is not.simple
@sandradfr Says:
CNN etc need to stop booking campaign operatives and presenting them as analysts. Removing my "thumbs up"
@Gen_635 Says:
Here ya go another mentally unstable BRYAN together with Scott & Trump!!
@MrNyc4Life Says:
Of course, he goes off topic bc he doesn't have a plan . Trump is a mess
@JesseJones-jh3fl Says:
Kamala Harris; worst Border Czar ever. Ten million illegal immigrants, and counting.
@BluePlanet470 Says:
Kamala believed Jussie Smollett and bailed the rioters in Seattle out of jail only to say they should continue to do what they’re doing. Her poor judgment is like a neon sign.
@josephnjogu Says:
Harris Biden kept Trump tarrifs and want to even expand them - hate or like him - Trump knew what America has to do, and i am sure he will do it again. Kamala has no clue what to do to grow the economy. Kamala is leftist, no one is mistaken about that. Trump implemented specific tarrifs that brought China to negotiation table, they worked and brought more money into Americans pockets. Why keep opposing what worked? My goodness
@michaelgarcia-bt8cx Says:
Wolf the ? Should be , why would the American People vote Dump back in, when everything he has had his hands on he has screwed up. Ok let me think, 5 casinos bankrupted, he has destroyed the republican party, the school he had was a sham. And what happens when the next pandemic comes, is he going to run from it like he did covid, where millions lost their lives due to his incompetence , I'm done with this dumb ass.
@jackbraddell1124 Says:
Needs more time to learn what economics is 😅😅😅
@acorchan55 Says:
Trump is offering you people everything and nothing to stay out of jail, and start a war.
@pissonliberals Says:
Thanks to her and her boss Joe Biden is why we're in the shape we're in now high gas prices High grocery prices High interest on your mortgage open border wide open border because Joe Biden was campaigning on open the border and greet them with open arms
@jackbraddell1124 Says:
She is personally invested in needing articial intelligence.
@RemoteViewer1 Says:
"81 million votes".. "The MOST votes EVER".. "Bat Soup".. "TRUST THE SCIENCE"
@Jackwang-e4z Says:
Kamala is not a real human being but just an adol of Democratuc Party, no brainer. Never understand what Kamala talk about!
@joedassin6432 Says:
ITariffs will raise the prices of goods targeted since it reduces competition. On the other hand, they sometimes protect local jobs and enterprise from unfair competition from businesses that have artificially low prices boosted by their government subsidies in order to get market share. It's ridiculous to say that tariffs work or don't work... It's not a cut and dry answer.
@RemoteViewer1 Says:
AMERICANS are voting 4 Trump! 🇺🇸
@kevy8377 Says:
PS. Lotter Lies.
@RemoteViewer1 Says:
Has ANYONE come up with 4 Kamala Harris accomplishments?
@phantomgamelab Says:
She trails Trump on the economy because corporate media is cutting her off at the knees and sanewashing Trump when he HAS NO PLAN. YOU ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED
@anthonycashero7605 Says:
CNN runs retraction for showing fake photos of President Trump. Fake news network.. DNC propaganda. Not news.
@pissonliberals Says:
Her and Joe Biden already sold out America they're supporting China with their electric Go-Go Gadget buggies their supporting Iran with taxpayers money this Administration already sold out the United States
@SherrySiering-zx1iq Says:
Terri’s do not work. They put a lot of businesses out of business because products were so expensive. We couldn’t afford to pay for them and make any profit. I had to quit my business of 25 years due to this fools tariffs. People can’t afford his stupid ideas.
@phantomgamelab Says:
HOLD TRUMP TO THE SAME STANDARDS YOU ARE HOLDING KAMALA TO! You disgusting "centrists" are actively lying and letting right wing talking heads ramble nonsensically when you're supposed to be the real journalists. Damnit.
@phantomgamelab Says:
HOLD TRUMP TO THE SAME STANDARDS YOU ARE HOLDING KAMALA TO! You disgusting "centrists" are actively lying and letting right wing talking heads ramble nonsensically when you're supposed to be the real journalists. Damnit.
@dwayned1583 Says:
I don't understand why people can't understand simple economics . COVID shuts down the economies of the world so nothing's moving in or out, lock downs all over, which means no work so layoffs happen. No work so no driving of the economy. So after the shut down you have to find ways to stimulate the economy, which means getting people back to work , investment in small companies because with no traffic you can't make money ... Saying that the big companies are not going to lower their prices, they have to make back what they lost during the shut down so the more people go back to work the more the prices are going to go up cause they use COVID as an excuse to raise prices . The more people are at work the more taxes can be collected , the more people work the more money will spend which drive the economy. Big companies have a product the people want they are not going to lower the prices..... Going back to work your salary, wages are not going to be high cause the employers are not going to say COVID as we all know . In time salaries and wages will go up and guess what groceries will go up as well and some companies will take advantage of that . Tariffs will make it worse because if I pay taxes on a product coming into the country where would I recover my losses from, obviously the customers that want the product.. raising prices to cover the taxes
@Diittzzyy Says:
Just remember that the same people who told you “Joe is sharp as ever” and “he’s mentally fit” are the same people telling you kamala is “great”.
@Diittzzyy Says:
Shoutout to G. Floyd for 1585 days of sobriety! It took some tough love but he did it! Say his name!
@pissonliberals Says:
Under Donald Trump I'm a nobody I don't own no business I'm just a simple nobody retired but my life was hell of a lot better under Trump at least I still had money left in my pocket at the end of the month under these socialist pieces of shit now I've got to use my retirement check plus dip into my savings and barely get by
@jamesjack6991 Says:
Experts =harris supporters
@pissonliberals Says:
What that DEI lunatic is going to do is finish destroying this country that her and her boss Taliban Joe started
@johnward43 Says:
CNN and their fake news “experts”. 😂 😂😂
@phantomgamelab Says:
I absolutely DESPISE these demons at CNN and MSNBC holding Harris to a totally different standard. They talk about Trump and his "economic plan/talk" as if it was just am emphatic economic speech when he rambles about tariffs and immigrants and said a bunch of lies. They WANT TRUMP IN OFFICE. They want the ratings and then they let these right wing propagandists go on with ZERO push back. BOYCOTT WATCHING THESE UNSERIOUS "JOURNALISTS". They have become "Fox News Lite".
@BuduRepiya-r3z Says:
Kamala is a bad choice for USA.
@jeanqbxx Says:
Everybody was better under Trump, I wouldn't trust a Democrat ever again.

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