Labor's misinformation bill is 'bonkers'
Labor's misinformation bill is 'bonkers'



@tonidantonio9877 Says:
The only reason they are censoring everything is because they know that they have fecked up…all they are doing is admitting it now…
@Matt123a Says:
You misspelt 'evil'.
@pa6370 Says:
So is it still okay to voice my thoughts or opinions? I think in my opinion Albo is a jelly boned, glass jawed, egocentric sycophant.
@grantsapain Says:
Albo's the biggest purveyor of "misinformation" there is...
@grantsapain Says:
Nothing more than an attempt to silence dissenting voices...
@lozngr Says:
The IDIOT running the country at the moment is BONKERS..... THAT, YOU CAN TAKE TO THE BANK.
@chrismo2922 Says:
We've just had 3 years of mis & dis information.
@cathryncavaney5070 Says:
You used misinformation for political purposes when you didn't want to sit near the vaxxine free this time three years ago Sherri.
@lindaho4554 Says:
What’s so different about this Labour from the previous Liberal? Two left foots vs two right hands marching to the tune of Waltzing Matilda watched on by the Kookabarra drinking Kickapoo.
@toneman501 Says: if mis-information is out... ...then politicians will be the first to go....surely...
@sunyata4974 Says:
In this world, the only people I trust are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Putin, Xi, Albo, Chris Bowen and Penny Wong. I take their words as papal bull!
@josephriley8346 Says:
That is what it’s meant to do, they start soft, then amp it up as people give way to government without oversight nor accountability. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
@helsbels2582 Says:
Pushed by globalists. Wake up people. Gone are countries independently governing.
@helsbels2582 Says:
Calling Albo a great leader is misinformation.
@helsbels2582 Says:
Governments have become evil cults. They are the people’s enemy.
@politenessman3901 Says:
This legislation is proof that Australia needs a bill of rights.
@miragestor Says:
These are international communist projects. Therefore there is no logic in them. They are entirely about power and totalitarian control. In the European Union it is currently called 'chat control'. In the Soviet Union it was called 'dialectical logic'.
@thedogtutor4998 Says:
The government are the misinformation MASTERS
@motorsportfreak1 Says:
Why is it that socialist left Governments always come close to communist dictators that hate debate/democracy principles.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
"The term misinformation" can be used to silence unpopular opinion, unpopular with the government that is.
@Kaye-ig3wh Says:
Albonsneaky is the biggest user of disinformation and misinformation (aka lies) so should censor himself first. I will not be told what to say if I speak the truth.
@claudiuskaramazov8324 Says:
Censorship at its finest. 😡
@tomjones5338 Says:
Albo need's a Bill to protect him from his own delusional behaviour
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
LOL it must be bad if theres Lefties who dont like it.
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Sky are worried they will have no content 🤣
@Nathan-vq9ch Says:
Reject the Govt
@frankcoates4609 Says:
Sky News brings together the latest lies, spin, bullshit and bluster to the bonehead Liberal punters. Sharri is Miss Information 2024. Congrats cupcake.
@awc900 Says:
They just want misinformation/disinformation only to be available from it's biggest purveyors which is government and government agencies. Contact your local Federal Member and voice your opposition to this bill. Tell them you'll never vote for them if they support this bill and are not actively against it's imposition.
@davidscott5209 Says:
Where does the Opposition stand on this garbage policy proposal?
@JanetWilkins-y3z Says:
What we need is a body of people everyday aussies from each state territories a few corporate lawyers, auditors and this group of people will have all authority over government they would be responsible to keep government honest and transparent. They would have the power to stop any bills government tries to push through if its goes against our freedoms way of life. Govenor of australia doesnt do any where enough to make government accountable, nor does the human rights senator.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
More Divide and Segregation
@doggiebaggage Says:
Of course Sky News hates the misinformation bill, because Sky News is Australia’s misinformation network and it needs to be bought into line for its misinformation. And it will.
@stewatparkpark2933 Says:
They told us that AZ was perfectly safe . It is now BANNED in Australia . It is illegal to use on a human person in Australia .
@DominicPelleisaFreakandRetard Says:
Probably good that the left wing people here don't read their replies... It would break them....... 💪😎
@HyperVaccinated Says:
Q: What is deemed misinformation? A: Anything you think or say that goes against what our leaders say via their own words and the MSM news.
@andrew6526 Says:
Albo calling his Rent a girlfriend his fiance' is misinformation. 😂🤣
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
Bonkers is an understatement. It's Ministry of Truth on steroids. The year is 1984 and Australia is going down.
@tlb2970 Says:
All Albo needs is a moustache and voila we have dictator Hitler in the flesh
@CeeDEE-l8b Says:
Why does every "Liberal" politician want to censor speech?
@xiaobao4757 Says:
In a country full of real men, why is your country led by all these weak ones?
@LuciferBlackIsACowardAndLoser Says:
The left are just jealous 😎
@TheBmco99 Says:
Mayor Adams indicted finally these democrats are falling
@paulgraham5790 Says:
We don't need a misinformation bill, we need protection from this government.
@LuciferBlackIsACowardAndLoser Says:
Lol.. Keep 'em squealing, Sky.... 💪 What else do the left know?
@GrandpaVince Says:
If you think this misinformation bill is bonkers wait until you meet my pesky grandson little billy
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:
These men of fighting age are all suicidal depressed creatures.
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:
All Muslims are depressed.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Dorothy is trying to emulate his hero Stalin!
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
Lol.. Keep em squeal'n Albo...💪 😆😆😆.....
@TrickyBoy1517. Says:
The weaklings of Labor can't silence anyone 😊

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