UAF Achieved Second Breakthrough in Kursk Region, Russia Shifts Troops to Defend Border
UAF Achieved Second Breakthrough in Kursk Region, Russia Shifts Troops to Defend Border



@TheIceland2000 Says:
Old footage, sorry, but these tiny attacks look like Germany's tiny attacks against the 1nd Ukraine Front in 1944/45. There is another important lesson learned from WW2, the problem of wishful thinking. Therefore, the Germans were rather surprised to meet Ukrainian and Russian soldiers in Berlin. Anyway, good luck to the people in Ukraine.
@joemartinez-673 Says:
SLAVA UKRAINE ❤️‍🔥 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🌎 ♥️
@frankfiddler1144 Says:
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
@EvilGrin Says:
Imagine if the allies in WW2 would have stopped at the german border in '44 because Hitler threatened to attack them with one of his "Wunderwaffen"... That's what NATO is doing right now. Putin has no "miracle weapons", even his state of the art "Satan" missile is falling apart in the air one the cameras are turned off, but everyone still is flinching as if Russia actually was a serious opponent. 20 years of Putin's corruption have destroyed everything the soviet union has created with hard labour and sacrifice in decades. I'm not scared, and all people I know aren't scared of Putin anymore. We're scared of our governments letting these people like Putin get away...He needs to be dealt with, by window or by trial, but he cannot be allowed to get away. Slava Ukraini! Not an Inch to the dictator! 💙💛
@yvesroy99 Says:
If you don’t put date to your video, we don’t know if the news is old or new, so it’s useless to watch your channel sorry 😥
@RobertMurray-wk5ib Says:
Shhhh…. Be very quiet. They inside the belly of the BEAST! Omfg 🙀. Who’d have thought. Like invading HELL. Final stage on the video game. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU
@Hochspitz Says:
🇦🇺💙💛✌ 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini!
@RobertJackson437 Says:
You can go and fool little tiny villages Lithuania, or Estonia
@509brown Says:
Its time to send in Nato logistics support, training on Ukrainian soil, and get Russia out of Ukraine. Putin needs to stand trial for his War Crimes, Russia needs to start paying for reparations.
@nivek-x8x Says:
over 16000 ukrine/nato mercs kia in this pointless excursion " the salesman from kiev as trump calls him is killing his nation all for uncle sams war economy
@yvesprovencher Says:
🐹🍁Le général Putin doit se rongé les ongles en ce moment hihihi 💙💛
@alvaroc.g.gemignani Says:
São Paulo (Brasil), 24 de agosto de 2024. Hoje, 24 de agosto, celebramos a Independência da Ucrânia. E, devido às circunstâncias, esse dia torna-se o Dia da Independência de todas as DEMOCRACIAS. O valente povo ucraniano, ao lutar contra esse regime imperialista, ditatorial e criminoso de Putin (amigo de Trump), também luta para libertar o povo da Federação Russa. Não há nada a negociar com ditaduras. Devem ser sistematicamente enfraquecidas e eliminadas. A integridade territorial da Ucrânia deve ser TOTALMENTE restaurada e o regime de Putin deve pagar por todos os inúmeros crimes de guerra que cometeu contra o povo ucraniano. Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani São Paulo (Brazil), August 24, 2024. Today, August 24th, we celebrate the Independence of Ukraine. And, due to circumstances, that day becomes Independence Day for all DEMOCRACIES. The brave Ukrainian people, while fighting against this imperialist, dictatorial and criminal regime of Putin (Trump's friend), also fight to free the people of the Russian Federation. There is nothing to negotiate with dictatorships. They must be systematically weakened and eliminated. The territorial integrity of Ukraine must be FULLY restored and the Putin regime must pay for all the countless war crimes it has committed against the Ukrainian people. Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani
@ruthwolfer4154 Says:
Standing with Ukraine
@sms3037 Says:
While the attack attempts in the east are less, build decent defense lines in that area.....!!!
@moneymay6324 Says:
@j.dunlop8295 Says:
Slava-UA 💙🇺🇦🩵⚖️🚀🇺🇸🩵🇩🇪💙🇹🇼. (🙏☮️)
@goiseeewestsoof5793 Says:
Bayraktar 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@PaulMcKendrick Says:
Bravo Ukraine 🙌🏻

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