Albanese government 'not supportive' of Jewish community
Albanese government 'not supportive' of Jewish community



@richardtravers8772 Says:
Mr Desert Bowl Head talking one again BS. I doubt very much that anyone wants to talk to Lesso Wong, especially anyone in the Middle East.
@BarryEmail Says:
Instead of sending 80 million to gaza, Australia should send 80 million to top up the Iron Dome missile defense system and then we could say we stopped 1,600 rockets from hitting Israel. Then Israel would be loving us and get ASIO to get some tips from Mossad on how to stop Iranian influence in our universities etc. This left idea of like Hama or hezbollah are not lebanese or palestine is completely bonkers. If someone is in your Lebanese garage shooting rockets at Israel how is that completely separate? If a family in gaza is hiding tunnels under their lounge room without telling Israel there's terrorists under there, how is it completely separate??? Penny Wong is wrong in that it's fine for civilians to pay the price because they're cooperating and enabling the terrorists. Like to the point where they're literally hiding rockets and tunnels in their homes. It's not like people in gaza don't know there's a terrorist tunnel under their kids bedroom. How sick would you have to be as a parent to be hiding hostages under your kids bedroom? How sick would you have to be to be hiding a rocket launcher vehicle in the rumpus room in Lebanon?
@Kidnapntorture Says:
What do you expect penny wong to say go to war Bruce lehrmanns downsyndrome looking twin
@evelynpaiz9409 Says:
If you are Jewish Be careful with Australia is Allie of terrโ€ฆ and Hamas
@AtomsSDX Says:
True Christians (non -Zionists who aren't guilty of murder) have the God given right to judge the tribes of Israel. "Israelis" are murderous, lying thieves. Their hope is in the desecration of absolution. Forgiveness is out of the question.
@Kidnapntorture Says:
As a high ranking jewish masonic rabbi i feel disgusted that the australian government isnt pushing and supporting israel to eliminate innocent children in lebanon aswell
@Kidnapntorture Says:
Bruce the very first thing you should of said is that you condemn hezbollah your gona get a good flogging tonight after your shift at the murdoch mansion from all the transgender heavy hitting executives at sky news
@HonchHeado Says:
I think he would support or not support anyone or anything to appease those holding him in power which is the greens.
@Kidnapntorture Says:
What do you expect penny wong to say go to war Bruce lehrmanns downsyndrome looking twin
@josephgee143 Says:
Caroline Epstein should work in the Knesset due to her intelligence.
@josephgee143 Says:
Over 142 countries don't support Israel so why can't Australia. Its not Israelia.
@AgiSterling Says:
After the 9000 rockets? Good morning Penny. 60,000 people had to leave their homes while the rockets were hitting Israel. Where was the call for ceasefire?
@wilbur1884 Says:
@trickyboy1517 Says:
The Jewish Community is not supportive of Baby Butcher Benny's warcrimes either, Mick. :I
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Sky jews
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
No offense, but the Jewish community seems well able to support themselves.
@NM97182 Says:
How should you defeat Hezbollah miss Wong?
@Want0nS0up Says:
Please Australians, do not vote the creepy man in again.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
There's no such thing as Jewish, they are zionist terrorists of Israhell
@MB-wc3jf Says:
Albanese government โ€˜not supportiveโ€™ of Australia, I'd say. We need to vote out this doom government.
@DavidSmith-vx1gp Says:
The thumbnail photo of the two grubs smiling together. Penny wrong and albo Yasserr Krakkafatt
@khenchinbiadnes3582 Says:
Wong that is chinese penatrating austrialia.chinese want to control their enemy in diplomatic way๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
@birtlee2078 Says:
Albo is an anti semite! Loves the Islamists! The Islamists will scream โ€˜ gas the Jewsโ€ and he will look away as their hate preachers ask for Jews to be killed! Albo - he brings shame on our country!
@Graeme-r2f Says:
We only hear from penny wong when her teams losing....
@hannahmondry4678 Says:
Caroline is absolutely spot on! Encapsulates it brilliantly!! Thank you!
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Al-pinocchio and Wong are as dynamic as the former Oneill-Giles immigration pairing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚a bad joke really ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@sterlingw470 Says:
Who pulled the trigger? Where is the outrage for October 7? Collateral damage is part of war. If you canโ€™t accept that donโ€™t start a war. Israel did not pull the trigger, but they have the right to defend themselves at any cost if the international community wants to be outraged take a look at the root cause Joseph Biden, removing the sanctions and trying to start up nuclear deals with Iran, which started the funding of terror groups again because the United States released billions of dollars
@runnyhunny786 Says:
Albosneaky has been a Pro Palestinian activist and supporter from many many years ago and so entered into Australian politics with an already set and established pro Palestinian and anti Jewish agenda. He needs to go.
@billienomates1606 Says:
Who would think it could go so wong
@DavidArulnathan Says:
Penny Wong responds to conflict in the Middle East by inviting Hamas and Hezbullah and Palestinans to Australia !
@RichardMaginnis Says:
2 Esdras Ch 16:21 The Holy BibleTeaches The Great Confusion Comes, See Why Christians โœ๏ธ Believe The Holy Bible LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚โค & God Bless Australia & New Zealand & Everyone who Loves Jesus Christ Who Wants to Save โค
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Dorothy and Mr Wong thank you for declaring your allegiance to terrorist organization.
@AffectionateForestHills-qv4om Says:
Thanks Australia
@georgeVideograful Says:
De ce toatฤƒ planeta susศ›ine doar israel???? Ceilalศ›i nu sunt tot oameni?
@matnels277 Says:
Canโ€™t believe people voted for these flogs. Theyโ€™re un Australian to say the least. We donโ€™t side with pigs we eat them for breakfast.

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