Trump blasts Zelensky, says the Ukrainian president 'refuses to make a deal'
Trump blasts Zelensky, says the Ukrainian president 'refuses to make a deal'



@MariWana-i6b Says:
Johnson, such a little little tiny tiny man,
@Susan-wi2zw Says:
Trump is a traitor
@gardenmike8115 Says:
America cash cow , just think just wear army green color and uncle sam will give you billions.............
@dannydarko371 Says:
So it’s all about Trumps feelings getting hurt…
@jamiethomas6701 Says:
so when Churchill asked for help he was interfering with US elections???
@jamesdz2639 Says:
This is from CNN lol fake news
@DarthWaffle. Says:
A punk commenting on a real leader
*How many wars or 100s of 1000s, from Israel to Gaza to Lebanon to Ukraine, were utterly slaughtered under Trump's watch?? ...I already forgot.*
@AlwinJordon Says:
What's with these republican s...geeeez!
@arielgonzalez2650 Says:
Support Ukraine 🇺🇦. MAGA will be the death of 🇺🇦 if Putin's stooges get elected. Pumpkin Soprano loves strong men. As Pee Wee Herman once said: maybe he should marry Putin.
@arttorres8437 Says:
Trump's words are weak in standing . There is no base on factual substance . He's a fraud or con , it depends if he is taking from or lying to , a person for gain , period ! Don't waste your time on Putin's excrement . Waste , waste , waste ! Please vote for sanity !? BLUE T2B. My dos-centavos.
@timknight2834 Says:
Would trump make a deal to give half Mara largo to a group of squatters, no, so why should Ukraine give up half their country. Trump is on the side of the enemies of America, that alone should tell you all you need to know, what a traitor
@TomTeriffic Says:
Those Golden Shower accusations about Trump in the Christopher Steele report must be true because Putin sure does own Trump. Trump is Putin's lap dog.
@zzzsydneyhom1379 Says:
Trump was Putin's useful idiot in Washington. Now he is just a traitorous fool...
@wugeezhang4034 Says:
excellent comments y'all, but u should post these on fox news.
@southernmasshole Says:
Sorry but I still can't get over how Republicans no longer hate Russia. They were soooo good at it, when did that stop?
@josandoy Says:
Trump hates Zelensky because he refused to fabricate an investigation of Biden.
@GeorgeKafantaris Says:
NATO and Ukraine have brought Russia to its knees and all the Trump folks do is complain. That’s their choice, but they should stop calling themselves Republicans; it offends those who actually are. And it’s making the dead ones roll in their graves.
@dhoward5941 Says:
We all know that Trump supports the Russian movement that Putin has the right to go after Ukraine and any other country that use to be a part of the Soviet Union! Trump hates that Americans have freedom that he wants to take away because it doesn't't serve him. Trumps philosophy is that he can do what ever he wants and everyone else has to do as they are told! When he talks about a 2 tier system that is what he is talking about! Our country was founded on a single tier and that was for all and that is what it should only be! Until we can achieve that again we will have problems! Treat everyone the same even when they have done horrible things. Let those who break the laws be judged by one form that is fair to all without favor to one side or another!
*CIA-begat coups and US/NATO expansionism, in direct violation of the 2014 Minsk Accords, has consequences – i.e., 650,000 Ukrainian KIAs and a country of smoldering ruins.*
@TRUMPWINS-m7r Says:
Fetterwoman is a clown 😂😂😂
@Blaze9946 Says:
So zelensky came to lick the shoes of his employers😂
@marisabenson1222 Says:
Ugh Comer the money waster again with another useless commission. Why doesn't he actually do something productive
@ristomattikolsi5711 Says:
Trump will sellout Ukraine, NATO allies, and America as well.
@fashionpediaaa Says:
Deal was made Hitler
@TomTeriffic Says:
Trump is really creepy – He’s a False Prophet and Putin Puppet!
*The snake oil seller should've taken the deal Russia offered back in March, 2022, which only stipulated Ukrainian neutrality (no NATO membership). But, Boris Johnson preferred 650K Ukrainian KIAs instead.*
@John-ol5vk Says:
⏳🕛Ukraine's Volodomyr Zelensky whose Presidential Term legally expired in May 2024 knows fully well that Ukraine is losing their battle against Russia! He believes the only option left to him and a way he feels he can assure he stays in power is to get the U.S. & NATO directly involved in his Conflict! This is exactly the SAME PLAN that Israel's Netenyahu has in mind! They both believe the way to do this is to escalate their conflicts to a point where they hope it will cause the other side to retaliate with a massive response that it would justify pushing the U.S. & NATO directly into their Conflicts! The only difference is that Zelensky has a secondary back-up plan which is to try to force the U.S. & NATO to allow Ukraine to become an immediate member of NATO and thereby activating Article 5 which would again push the U.S. & NATO directly into his Conflict! However, both Zelensky and the U.S./NATO fully understands that even talks of admitting Ukraine to become a NATO Member is exactly one of the main reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place! In any event, if the U.S. / NATO allows any of these conditions to happen, they are in essence declaring to the World that they are the ones who will be starting a World Nuclear Conflict! Are the lives of millions & millions of people really worth the risk for a Country who is not even a member of NATO or the EU and who has been consistently Rated Low on the "Corruption Perceptions Index" for many, many years?? ⏳🕛
@josandoy Says:
Pretending to be a bible-believing Christian, Mike Johnson has the right to pretend he believes whatever he makes up.
@cameronsmith3951 Says:
If NATO would stop trying to recruit ukraine this war would have never started!!!!!!
@Ân-Đặng-z9k Says:
Ukraine never asks Putin to come to Ukraine, why making a deal
@jdnb86 Says:
Trump wants Zelenskyy to sell out his country in favor of Russia. And he’s supposed to lead the world’s foremost democracy?
@MilankaMilosevic-l4u Says:
Millossevick : "Millossevick" calls on the internationel community to deffend him , Millossevick , by all available reasonablle means against East European organised mafia crime from Serbia , Montenegro and beyond !
@MilankaMilosevic-l4u Says:
Millossevick : "Millossevick" calls on the internationel community to deffend him , Millossevick , by all available reasonablle means against East European organised mafia crime from Serbia , Montenegro and beyond !
@gabriellejohnson7324 Says:
Trump would have let Hitler take over the world and even helped. Trump wants Putin to win so he can get back to building his hotels. He doesn't realize that if Putin wins, he'll go after the next country and then the next. Putin won't stop. We have to stop him now.
@marisabenson1222 Says:
Traitor trump
@dons3073 Says:
Sending democrats to ukrain war haha so funny
@Brax889 Says:
Yelenskyi is not a president! There were no elections in Ukraine! Cnn stop spreading lies!
@hn5842 Says:
Trump is an idiot.
@MilankaMilosevic-l4u Says:
Millossevick : He refuses to peace deals because He , Russia and the West , the whole world , poursuies Millossevick ( myself ) in order to grab Millossevick and use what is left of Millossevick for some Eastern European Hookers like Sara Kočović or so , that s why He refuses ....
@marisabenson1222 Says:
Trump is incompetent and cannot represent US interests on the world stage. His bias toward putin is becoming more obvious
*Your friendly reminder for the day:* *CLINTON – RUSSIA INVADES CHECHNYA* *BUSH – RUSSIA INVADES GEORGIA* *OBAMA – RUSSIA INVADES CRIMEA* *BIDEN – RUSSIAN INVADES UKRAINE / HAMAS ATTACKS ISRAEL* *TRUMP – NOTHING BUT CRICKETS!!!* *OK, back to your regularly scheduled, state-sponsored, fake news propaganda...*
@user6865bkhhk Says:
Now USA will be sacrificing everything for the Ukraine haha
@IPUTmyBALLSonYOURdrumset Says:
@nonya6022 Says:
Why would Zelensky make a deal when his country was attacked? Russia will not stop until they get a part of Ukraine to keep. There is no deal to be had
@TomTeriffic Says:
Po wittle baby boy Mikie Johnson cryin' like the wittle brat. Wittle Mikie, yo momma says to go to your room - it's past your bedtime. Someone give that crybaby a pacifier. LOL
@IPUTmyBALLSonYOURdrumset Says:
@markandrewhenderson5457 Says:
If you're talking common sense! There isn't any when it comes to Trump 😵😵‍💫🤯
@IPUTmyBALLSonYOURdrumset Says:
*If you can't take the land back by force you have zero negotiating power. Just more proof Zelensky isn't in charge.*
@otakunthevegan4206 Says:
Real Patriots do not cheer for Russia.

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