Gigantic ocean triple the volume of all of Earth's surface oceans has just been found
Gigantic ocean triple the volume of all of Earth's surface oceans has just been found



@eaglehawk3536 Says:
Scientists knew they were just hiding the truth to the layman. The water rises through subterranean pathways hidden in caves. There is one in Iceland, and a very large one under the U.S. in the N.W. If you think about it, it will hit you like of course it makes sense but the ones in power want to keep you and I stupid, from believing your own educated guesses.
@RAM-db3ti Says:
Gosh everyday you hear more and more theories thrown at us. Just what does one believe when you cannot see it with your own eyes. The same as out space scientists are all on a guessing games
@yesustuhan2847 Says:
Exactly that's where all the water from the floods of Noah times went the bible is true and Jesus is the way the true and the life
@natslawrence Says:
Alien creatures live in it
@mandygershon8603 Says:
@edmund415 Says:
That’s where the aliens live.

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