Results of Zelenskyy's Visit to the USA Summed Up
Results of Zelenskyy's Visit to the USA Summed Up



@RobertMorpheal Says:
On the matter of Ukraine targeting of targets deep within Russia, I assert once again that I believe it can do no good, for Ukraine or any others. I am convinced that if Ukraine persists on taking the war deep into Russia that Russia will, extremely probably, choose to use weapons of mass destruction, that it has held back from using, within the Ukraine theatre. That might escalate to the use of tactical nuclear weapons there. Whether Russia would take any actions against provident to Ukraine and supportive of Ukraine's actions other states, remains in question. There is some reason to believe that any such escalation to expansion of the war beyond Ukraine borders is less likely. Not impossible, based on what Russia has said, but less likely. As an example of escalated use of weapons we only need to consider what has occurred in Lebanon. Russia could take similar steps against selected Ukraine targets if it felt pressed to do so, as a first step toward more extreme, meaning more destructive, actions. Russia has shown remarkable restraint in terms of what it could potentially do, relative to what it has actually done thus far. If Ukraine strikes more targets deep within Russia, and if that action is seen by the Russian regime as potentially compromising Russia's ability to defend its other interests, we can be reasonably certain that Russia will retaliate against Ukraine in a way it has not chosen previously. Russia will argue that the fault is Ukraine's, not Russia's in any such instance. I quote on the matter: "He didn’t specify whether that would bring a nuclear response, but he stressed that Russia could use nuclear weapons in response to a conventional assault that posed a “critical threat to our sovereignty.”" It is most strongly recommended that Ukraine utilize other strategies and tactics, meant to achieve successes within the Ukraine theatre, against Russian actions and assets there, rather than pursuing any targeting of Russian targets deep within Russia. While it is reasonable to target Russian assets situated in sufficient proximity to the Ukraine border, that they are believed destined for use in Ukraine, targeting Russian assets deep within Russia represents increased levels of risk that I believe Ukraine would not choose to take if Ukraine was in full knowledge of what those risks are likely to entail in terms of reciprocal Russian targeting.
@larszenthio1012 Says:
Slava Ukraini 🙏 Glory to the true Heroes of Ukraine 💙💛💙💛
@east_coast_ceo1070 Says:
God Bless Ukraine 🇺🇦 ❤ from USA 🇺🇸
@TheMightyKingzuru Says:
Fighting to the last Ukrainian actually means that Zelenskyy will be that last Ukrainian. He's always wearing those LU cargo pants. LU means Last Ukrainian.
@ninagomes7713 Says:
@hannisateur Says:
Be judged by your actions, not your words. All of you.
@vincentberg1069 Says:
The seriousness of the current situation in the world encourages me to write this letter. One of the permanent members of the UN Security Council - the Russian Federation - became an aggressor country and even repeatedly threatened to use its nuclear weapons. The gravity of such a threat is steadily increasing due to being largely fueled by the growing Russian religious chauvinism. The goals of the “Russian spiritual mission”, “Russian world”, and so forth act as the “sacred” fruits of the Russian State Orthodox establishment under the rather grotesque name “Holy Russia”. However, here the word “holy” in its real context means “above anything” and is intended to justify any internal and external aggression of the Russian authorities as “spiritual and holy”. There are symptoms of the real formation and development of Russian state fascism, based on the maniac delusions of self-righteousness and special mission in the world, and characterised by pseudo-religious propaganda and aggressive intolerance to any other ideology. Russia is the largest country in the world by its territory with huge reserves of natural resources as well as nuclear weapons. Moreover, this situation is worsened by the fact that the aggressor Russian Federation is the permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, the goals of which are “maintaining international peace and security; development of friendly relations between peoples; cooperation in solving international problems and in ensuring respect for human rights; and the coordination and centralisation of the actions of nations. ” Therefore, the foundations of the established world order appear critically damaged. As a result, each country in the world, without exception, has become a hostage to this situation. Because of this, the task of the entire international community now is not limited to the termination of war in Ukraine, but is much greater. It has developed into the need of creating a new world order, which would never again allow any country to blackmail the rest of the world with the use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. It is particularly significant that the current crisis around Ukraine is not only political and military, but, above all, has ideological and religious basis. Yet, the specifics of any conflicts of an ideological or religious nature usually determine that their resolving is impossible without the demolition of their ideological or religious background. Yours sincerely, bishop Vincent Berg.
@Dragonfly657 Says:
America First !
@carsten9168-hs4gs Says:
Slava Ukrainya ! From Malaysia, we say you do not stand alone, Mr. President Zelenskyy ❤ !
@janlindtner305 Says:
Længe leve Ukraine🍀❤👍
@Hochspitz Says:
🇦🇺💙💛✌ 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini!
@DacianRider Says:
go Ukraine ! never give up ! never surrender !
@EricaFiore Says:
Did you know Lenin was eliminated it is thought by Stalin?, who was then possible poisoned by Beria and Khrushchev. Putin's turn to assassinated before Russia becomes a wasted country?. You never know who to trust even family can turn on you and that is a fact.
@musadube1647 Says:
8 billion only
@namur-iq6ih Says:
New draftees “run away at the first shell explosion,” a commander told the British newspaper: The Ukrainian military has been so depleted by attrition that new infantry troops are often unfit for combat and flee at the first sign of fighting, the Financial Times reported on Friday. In some units, around two thirds of soldiers are reportedly killed or wounded within days of arriving at the front. Manpower shortages have plagued the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) for well over a year, according to reports in Ukrainian and Western media outlets. After multiple rounds of conscription, the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is now 45, and many of those sent to the front are unfit for combat, multiple commanders and soldiers told the British newspaper. “When the new guys get to the position, a lot of them run away at the first shell explosion,” a deputy commander fighting near Ugledar in Donetsk Region said. Another commander whose unit is attempting to hold the nearby town of Khurakove said that “some guys freeze [because] they are too afraid to shoot the enemy, and then they are the ones who leave in body bags or severely wounded.” The commanders estimated that 50-70% of new infantry troops are killed or wounded within days of starting their first rotation. Experienced soldiers “are being killed off too quickly” and replaced by older and less fit men, another commander told the Financial Times. “As infantry, you need to run, you need to be strong, you need to carry heavy equipment,” he said, adding: “It’s hard to do that if you aren’t young.” As of May, the Ukrainian military has been drafting 30,000 soldiers per month. However, AFU Commander-in-Chief General Aleksandr Syrsky admitted earlier this month that these new recruits are often sent to fight with as little as six weeks’ training. The commanders who spoke to the Financial Times said that they consider this training worthless, as many of the AFU’s instructors haven’t seen combat themselves. “Some of them don’t even know how to hold their rifles,” one officer said. “They peel more potatoes than they shoot bullets,” he complained, explaining that he had bought paintball guns in order to teach his new men how to shoot without wasting ammunition. Those who survive often go AWOL after their first rotation, while others are so shell-shocked and exhausted that they are checked into psychiatric wards, the newspaper reported. With the AFU under no legal obligation to demobilize troops, joining the army or getting conscripted is viewed by recruits as “a one-way ticket,” a ten-year veteran told the Financial Times. Zelensky, however, maintains that with more Western weapons and money, Russia can be “forced into peace.” Russia considers Zelensky’s belief in military victory “delusional and the U.S. and their other backers also believe that. Ukraine's self-proclaimed president made last-ditch pre-election appeals to President Biden, Vice President Harris and lawmakers on Capitol Hill during his trip to Washington this week to sell his so-called "victory plan." "Zelensky's Star Power Fades on Capitol Hill," the New York Times wrote of the trip, contrasting Zelensky's raucous reception in Washington two years ago to his "muted" visit this week, which saw just "a few dozen lawmakers huddle with him behind closed doors while the speaker of the House snubbed him." Zelensky had a ‘pie in the sky’ goal of trying to get the U.S. to give committed support, militarily, financially to get long-range missiles approved. He didn’t fare very well.
@pauleverest5750 Says:
Zelensky and his team have played an astute move in putting together a victory plan of sorts. It clearly should focus the minds of his backer's around the world to respect and cooperate with Ukraine's admirable plan of action against an Evil adversary.🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 The one and only thing that can cause a failure for Ukraine 🤔🧐is his Backers around the world.🌻🇺🇦
@LynnnnnnnnnN Says:
Canada stands fully behind Ukraine and its wonderful people. Slava Ukraine! 💪🇺🇦❤️
@niller2006 Says:
I hope Kamala Harris wins. If Trump wins, his boss Putin wins
@Pietroæ Says:
@sl1763 Says:
I watched his visit to the UN/USA on a few national networks. Indeed he made a very good impression and to some extent helped dent Trump’s stupidity.
@Awibrahor Says:
Former president Trump, the loser, is only included in the clip out of courtesy. He’s no friend of Ukraine and must be defeated in the November election.
@freespeech7747 Says:
Proxy war for NATO
@johntrainor599 Says:
Putin regime is finished

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