Israeli special forces have carried out ground raids in Lebanon
Israeli special forces have carried out ground raids in Lebanon



@massiahgrom Says:
We are approaching the one year mark . Things are esclating .
@derekgalia776 Says:
Small special forces coding sites for the air forces
@garettb7800 Says:
Biden Comrade Kamala incompetence has brought the world to WWIII
@airplaneguy17 Says:
Go Israel. Lots of antisemitism in the world.
@CrispinGatera-f2z Says:
Those hom are Muslim and foreign origin critical of the US now and wait to hold thier VOTE or vote for TRUMP! Just close your eyes and imagine how it will be then with The EVIL THUMP in POWER with BIBI on his arms! You will all be wiped out. For real. TRUMP Will give a Green Light for Nuclear 🎉 Believe me! Wait for IT.
@purnarawal Says:
U might b partying today, are you CNN crews?
@Fightthepower365 Says:
I would never die for another country 😮while the ones who started this sit home and drink ice tea while watching your kids die for them on tv
@wayneshammel6816 Says:
Bring all the civilians home safe and keep them safe. But quit using it as an excuse to seize and occupy lands. Simple.
@anthonystar Says:
Them muslim Leaders making their people Take Slap In Their Face Good Riddance All Of Them as Their Talk Is Cheap The Prophets & Caliphs Used To Go Into Battle All These Brave Men Had Heart :)
@mahmudulalam2626 Says:
Main devil is USA
@MySpace662 Says:
Old turkey buzzard Ali Khamenei of Iran, should start digging a deeper hole to hide.
@killbill1175 Says:
This will escalate to a regional war! Hopefully not a mini world War.. 😢
@NewEra-t5w Says:
Allah won't save you from hell.
@gordonj.wallis2826 Says:
Iran can’t do s__t. Because it knows what will happen.
@MSN1701 Says:
Terrorist invasion
@AbuBaket-o3d Says:
غزة والفلسطينيين بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى وينتشر فيه الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية وذلك لتعرضه للتدمير وتدمير كل شيء وتدمير شبكة الصرف الصحي مما أدى إلى انتشار الصرف الصحي على وجه الارض وبين البيوت وبالقرب من مأوى الناس مماأدى إلى انتشار الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية
@Wowthisis1999 Says:
No American soldiers should step food near this.
@Kayeskazi Says:
If Russia did it a war crime if usa friend do not crime
@BuffaloBlack Says:
Hezbollah is ass
@AbuBaket-o3d Says:
غزة والفلسطينيين بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى وينتشر فيه الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية وذلك لتعرضه للتدمير وتدمير كل شيء وتدمير شبكة الصرف الصحي مما أدى إلى انتشار الصرف الصحي على وجه الارض وبين البيوت وبالقرب من مأوى الناس مماأدى إلى انتشار الأمراض والجدري وشلل الأطفال والأمراض الجلدية والمعدية
@JohnJMacai786 Says:
@mericunt and Br!ton shall the invasion, international laws is only applicable to colored people and muslims
@malakmazeh6866 Says:
Lies lies lies hahahah only 30 k soldiers hahahaa 🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇱🇧🇱🇧
@AbuBaket-o3d Says:
غزة والفلسطينيين بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى
@adne1819 Says:
*Israel🇮🇱 must respect soveregnity territorial integrity of Palestine (East Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza Strip), Syria (Golan), Lebanon, Yemen. keep peace!*
@AbuBaket-o3d Says:
غزة والفلسطينيين بلد منكوب يواجه المحرقة والإبادة الجماعية والكارثة العظمى
@DanMukamal Says:
Biden administration advice to Israel has been wrong at every point
@srennielsen4545 Says:
Lebanon goverment getting the help they need, sharing the information they got.
@jaquinhamdan3943 Says:
The dictator from Israel..
@sheilamacdougal4874 Says:
Hezbollah has no hostages. Their tunnels can be handled differently from those in Gaza.
@itweety21 Says:
Anyone surprised 🤭 Donald Trump And Benjamin Netanyahu secret meeting 🤝 call for A October surprise full war before the US ELECTIONS 🗳️🗳️🗳️ .
@muhammadnaftalibennett7887 Says:
*Israel🇮🇱 need new PM. Benjamin Netanyahu 16year PM' israel.*
@frankieclayton9303 Says:
Set alarm to be praying and worshiping doing with the Lord and the precious Holy Spirit say and if you say go in scripture about to go in scripture but I have to do this today for God this is the Lord's will that he moved by his spirit because he has to use a vessel to get what he wants to get done in the earth Realm
@cronizle Says:
What's the point of saying, "we don't want this to expand?" Israel is a rougue state at this point. You can't say for sure they won't use tatical nukes or won't expand this to Syria. The military industrial complex is getting fed and netinyahu is more popular than ever. There's no brakes in the car if the US isn't even moved by the optics of our ally, creating the greatest autrocity of our generation.
@DanMukamal Says:
Biden administration advice to Israel has been wrong at every point
@frankieclayton9303 Says:
The Lord woke me up last night and say pray for Lebanon and pray for Israel
@brentderkson6858 Says:
Palestine are living on Israel land....Disrespectful
@kevinjackson6420 Says:
Whether you agree or disagree, like or dislike Israel and Bibi, you have to admit, Israel’s taking the fight to its enemies in a very powerful way.
@lawrencesmith814 Says:
It’s a sad day at CNN when terrorists are being terrorized !!😢😂😂😂
@brentderkson6858 Says:
Palestine invaders....
@thebigfellar7178 Says:
Iran is doing to Hezbollah, what they did to Hamas. Iran throws money around, promotes their hate message, throws around money and weapons, buys poor Arabs clothes and watches and trinkets and tells them how great they are. Then sits back and watches them die like flies. Iran hasn't lost any troops or money whatsoever. They have lost nothing. Not a single thing. How the people from these proxies can't see, that they are being played is beyond me??? Iran finds poor stupid Arabs and sends to their deaths for pennies on the dollar.
@Luvly2938 Says:
@rayalvarez7247 Says:
Diplomacy isn't going to work out there, obviously. Rinse, wash, repeat..
@brentderkson6858 Says:
CNNs mourning period must be up.....Not wearing black today
@greggbisgrove7499 Says:
My understanding is that Netanyahu has stated the distortion of Hezbollah is his goal.
@Ata-d4d Says:
Free Palestine the resistance will never end till the occupations end
@adamh8031 Says:
@VeritasOphanious Says:
It feels like a reality movie or series
@yourenemy2690 Says:
Another Sad day for CNN
@wyclefmarie5385 Says:
Kamala / Biden war keeps wiping Muslims out lord lord , can you imagine if this was republicans in power and wars everywhere ,what would media be saying ?

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