'It's not funny': Tense moment during Cruz-Allred debate
'It's not funny': Tense moment during Cruz-Allred debate



@mattengland653 Says:
Ted Cruz’s left nut has more intelligence that this host and Beto Butt Cork
@BluePlanet470 Says:
Watched it. Allred is way out of his league going up against Ted Cruz. Should have had a mercy rule...
@mirrrie Says:
I love how republicans talk about real men but they all hide when the real men are needed.
@CJ-py8ns Says:
Been in texas for 18 years, Ive yet to find what Ted Cruz has done for Texas since ive been here.
@paul5683 Says:
Hey Ted, you should ask Eric Hovde for some money. He's got plenty after laundering that drug cartel money they probably gave him a couple of million dollars to bend the law. Look it up. Google. Eric Hovde money laundering Mexican drug cartel . It's all there in black and white.
@mattengland653 Says:
Lmao if you ever needed any proof that CNN is a spunk dumpster for the DemoRats… It’s all over DemoRats… the party’s over… The jigg is up… the ship is sinking… there’s a leak there’s a leak in the boiler room… chink in the armor… freak offs over… Epstein island over… big tech censorship over… Au Revoir DemoRats!
@WramblinWreck2187 Says:
Forget issues, politics, etc. How any person from Texas can look at that guy and say, "yep, he represents me" is beyond me. There's nothing Texas about Ted Cruz. He's not manly, rugged or western. He's smarmy and a douchebag.
@sgtty69 Says:
I miss Beto
@Kuklapolitan Says:
What was that? TED CRUZ DOT ORG? OK...that's certainly a site I won't be frequenting.
@croberts2358 Says:
You know she's Kind of right because, most of the j6 after all the videos came out and everything was discovered, a lot of the people that were in that crowd that went in and were encouraged to go in we're FBI and FBI informants. I think the final total was like 56 of them.
@MichaelMcMoron Says:
Came for the video, left a dislike because it's CNN
@LoloMercado-t7w Says:
Rafael Eduardo Cruz Rafelito..what a fake doesnt even like his given name..
@ninadasilva1867 Says:
Cruz's real name is not Ted, it is Rafael. His benighted followers dont vote for anyone with a "forren" name.
@elizabethheyenga9277 Says:
Praying Allred wins
@eddiearmijo6635 Says:
Cancun Cruz has no problem with the Mexican Drug Cartel while in Mexico Where even His Family is Safe.
@beverlyarndt9986 Says:
Yeah CNN keep the tension on the race as high as you can.
@comedian2479 Says:
Cruz was in full panic and yelling
@josleijten3194 Says:
January 6 😂😂😂😂😂 it's all they can talk about.
@michaelmurphy6195 Says:
What we need is a senator that will vote to release prisoners, assuring there will be more crime. Just ask Kamala Hamas
@LoneStar7739 Says:
Don't just chop a piece out of the debate and show that, watch it. Ted Cruz mopped the floor with Colin.
@JackieCooper-ng9ld Says:
The poem ‘ First They Came… ‘ by Martin Niemoller First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me IF YOU CARE IF YOU DARE VOTE BLUE VOTE MAGA OUT
@blackrocks8413 Says:
I don't think Dems will still have a majority. Too much crazy spending. And Rep Allred has had to pay bloggers to promote him. That's not really grass roots support
@vanmcqueen5526 Says:
Cruz sounds just like Billy Graham or Oral Roberts begging for money.
@michaelmurphy6195 Says:
What we need is a senator that thinks they can spend their way out of inflation assuring there will be more inflation. Just ask Kamala Hamas.
@Phoenix-nl2ut Says:
Cruz isn’t even an American. Send him back to Canada
@ugablackice Says:
As a Canadian watching this debate. Cruz seems undereducated. One sided. Old fashioned. Out of touch. Lacking reality…. As well extremely obnoxious. Allred seems well educated. Respectable. And a great voice for the people.
@user-ii3vn8tn3q Says:
Twelve years and nothing has gotten done. Good point.
@michaelmurphy6195 Says:
What we need is a senator that will vote to allow five thousand illegals a week to cross the border assuring there will be more illegals. Just ask Kamala Hamas.
@tammybridges9765 Says:
Texas here Allred, Cruz cares nothing about Texans. Cruz Lies just like The Dump
@CarlosMelara-kt3ki Says:
Ted Cruz’s career is done. And that is good news for Texans because he never did anything to benefit his constituents. He is not even from Texas. And I will go as far as: He is not even born in the USA. He was born in Canada in case you Texans didn’t know. His father was the leech that stuck its teeth in Texas to squeeze the juice out of us. So Ted, go back to Cancun, I am sure there are plenty of corrupt business there for you to do. You got plenty of experience on that.
@Rodsuper Says:
Texas, at this point anyone is better than Cancun Cruz, please vote for Allen Allred as Senator this NOV2024 and vote for Harris/Walz and onky Democrats too.
@tenapappan4031 Says:
Why didnt republicans stand up when trump took over the RNC and took the money they needed for their campaigns? If they are that weak maby they shouldnt make decisions for Americans.
@ronkirk5099 Says:
With only 18% of the U.S. population represented by a majority of 52 senators, it is extremely difficult for the majority opinion to have a say in this house of congress. This disparity in representation will get even worse in coming years with a full 2/3 of our population represented by only 30 senators.
@clarey526 Says:
Not sure what debate ya'll watch last night, but the one I watched; Cruz swept and mopped the floor with Allred. Allred's facial expressions and body posture were key giveaways of his regrettable performance in the debate. On the other hand, Cruz's seemed sharp and ready... all his response were concise and to the point.
@michaelmurphy6195 Says:
What we need is a senator that will vote to fund both sides of a war assuring there will be more war. Just ask Kamala Hamas!
@bonejo4 Says:
Nope, he's for his master Chump. #traitor ##usefulidiot #chump
@catherinec2967 Says:
Ted Cruz: “vote for the guy who called my wife ugly and said my dad helped assassinate JFK!”
@gulnarabracken4189 Says:
@PaloDuro1021 Says:
Ahh yes, Texas. The Democrats wet dream to win that never happens.
@steveo1754 Says:
If anyone thinks that Jan 6th was one of the biggest threats our "democracy" has ever faced, I'm not sure what world you're living in. A small group of bums and people with no plan just there to protest are going to overthrow our democracy and setup a new regime?? LOL the fearmongering on both sides is getting out of control, we the people need to come together and see the media and these trash 2 parties for what they are, dividing and then not solving our problems.
@bradlamarre6272 Says:
I have lived in Allred’s district his whole political career and he is full of BS. He hates veterans and is only willing to support his party. He also is on board with getting rid of majority voting laws. Cruz is worthless but at least he is not for destroying our democracy. Anyone listening to Beto is a joke. CNN partisan reporting as usual.
@jamesjarrell7794 Says:
Ted Cruz is a true statesman and defends Texas ideals. Cruz defends our democracy.
@whitewaterer8608 Says:
Dear Patriotic American voters, I am writing to express my strong support for the notion that the 147 Republican Congress members who signed on to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election should be barred from serving in Congress. Their actions on January 6th, 2021, which sought to undermine a legitimate electoral process, represent a profound breach of the public trust and the foundational principles of our democracy. The certification of electoral votes is a cornerstone of our democratic system. It ensures that the voice of the electorate is respected and upheld. By endorsing efforts to overturn the election results, these Congress members not only disregarded the will of the people but also incited further division and unrest within our nation. Their actions contributed to the chaos of that day, when the Capitol was stormed, threatening the safety of lawmakers and the integrity of our legislative processes. Democracy relies on the accountability of its representatives. Those who choose to prioritize personal or partisan gain over the rule of law undermine the very fabric of our governance. Allowing these individuals to continue serving in Congress would send a dangerous message that such behavior is permissible and that our institutions can be manipulated for political ends. In light of these considerations, I urge you and your colleagues to take a stand for the integrity of our democratic processes. Banning those who sought to overturn a free and fair election from serving in Congress is not only a matter of accountability but also a necessary step toward healing and restoring faith in our institutions. Thank you for considering this crucial issue. I hope to see decisive action taken to uphold the principles of democracy that our nation holds dear. Sincerely, A fellow American patriot 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3: No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
@PetePineda Says:
Another day, another dump of Democrat propaganda by CNN. Really, only bring in fake Robert Francis to talk? They are not even trying to hide their bias. Which isn't necessarily bad, but don't LIE and say you are impartial and get upset when you are called Liberal. Or get mad when laughed at when Colbert says you are "down the middle".
@Ali-gb7mf Says:
Allred should have said Cruz’s daughters were ugly. Then Cruz would vote for Allred.
@SalLuna-x5x Says:
My Tex- Mex Familia vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz 🇺🇸🇺🇸🩵❤️ Why vote for Pro White Supremacists, Xenophobic RABID racist Immigrant who simply doesn't give a shit about you and your Mija and Mijo. He demonizing you 24/7 for decades.
@dr.j6506 Says:
Call me old fashioned but Ronald Reagan played in a movie about the drag shows that our military put on in WW2. 😂😂😂😂
@Readabookfoofoo Says:
Beto is ridiculous. If there is any justice in this world, in the future all people will look back on videos like this where people call the destruction of our offspring “reproductive health” and be disgusted and utterly grateful they don’t have to live in such a barbaric and delusional world.
@moistdaddy451 Says:
@amzys.o6482 Says:
Ted won the debate hands down 😅 go watch the full debate and don't be mislead by media spine

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