His langguage has adjusted to the situaton..... His Victory plan had the prentention as if he
was a general the size of Napoleon , when I see his present army fighting , a bunch of teletubies in the warzone, his own people turning against him. Perhaps Zelensky read too many books as Napoleon did
@mbulelontseke5114 Says:
@tomschi9485 Says:
*Really? We must find a way together to end the war and restore Ukraine's full sovereignty?*
*Yes, because this is exactly what the NATO states USA and UK (as well as Russia) have committed themselves to in the Budapest Memorandum.* It is a great, inconceivable shame that this responsibility is still not being taken 100% seriously. *After all, who will sign a treaty with the USA, the UK or Russia in the future and trust that it is worth anything? ANYONE who trusts such a treaty is stupid and foolish.*
@ionchira5448 Says:
Because of Zelenski Ukraine is destroyed and will never be rebuild. Sorry for all Ukraine people.
@alexlong3714 Says:
Zelensky is begging for assisting, for his "Victory" plan. Seriously. Even this former US top general has his doubt about Zelensky's "Victory" Plan.
Nov 17, 2022. Milley: Low probability of Ukraine fully evicting Russia
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley on Nov. 16 said chances were low that Russia or Ukraine would fully conquer all of Ukraine militarily
@stewartfenton9099 Says:
His term ended 6 months ago now he is a tyrant dictator with multiple offshore Accounts in shell companies as shown in the Pandora papers. He has imprisoned opposition parties, persecuted religious groups, closed independent media and imprisoned his own people. Don't be fooled by this man.
@darkozmija6849 Says:
You had a chance with Russia and peace was there you listened US and NATO now is too late for talk's
@joeie5979 Says:
Get lost ..go home and face the music..game over ..rien ne vas plus
@mariabengtssonviking Says:
Ukrainians, we the people of Europe are standing with you, and our politicians better start listening to your President...
We understand that they are delaying the decisions necessary for you to win....
The majority of people in the free world doesn't agree with restrictions on anything that you want and need..
Slava Ukraine from Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe 🖖💙✊💙🇺🇦
@rhondabailey9238 Says:
Zelensky haters see "No Suit"... I see a world Hero with the most glorious cape🦸♀🌐🌟
@alvaroc.g.gemignani Says:
São Paulo (Brazil), October 15, 2024.
Putin, the big liar, doesn't like women in politics.
He did everything in his power to ensure that Hillary Clinton was defeated by demagogue Trump.
And now he is doing everything he can to ensure that Kamala Harris is defeated by the same demagogue.
We hope that US voters will not allow themselves to be manipulated by Putin again.
Cordial greetings.
Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani
São Paulo (Brazil), August 24, 2024.
Today, August 24th, we celebrate the Independence of Ukraine. And, due to circumstances, that day becomes Independence Day for all DEMOCRACIES.
The valiant Ukrainian people, by fighting against this imperialist, dictatorial and criminal regime of Putin (Trump's friend) are also fighting to free the people of the Russian Federation. There is nothing to negotiate with dictatorships. They must be systematically weakened and eliminated.
Ukraine's territorial integrity must be FULLY restored and Putin's regime must pay for all the countless war crimes it committed against the Ukrainian people.
Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani
São Paulo (Brazil), July 18, 2024.
It is unlikely that Trump and Vance will be able to beat Biden and Harris. Trump and Vance have many weaknesses.
Even this regrettable attack against Trump last Saturday is being associated with the irresponsibility of Republicans regarding the ease of selling and possessing firearms in the USA.
Do a comparative SWOT analysis of these opponents and you will see that Biden and Harris have greater chances.
Finally, for the US to remain ahead of China as a power, the US will need to have a population of around five hundred million by the end of this century. To do so, in addition to increasing the birth rate, it will be necessary to welcome tens of millions of immigrants and the Republicans do not want this.
The Democrats are more willing to make the necessary adjustments so that the US remains the greatest power on the planet.
Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani
São Paulo (Brazil), July 9, 2024.
Just as voting is secret, polls on voting intentions must also be secret.
In the USA, many voters are probably afraid of suffering retaliation from their employers and fanatics if they say they intend to vote for the Democratic Party candidate, Mr. Biden.
For this reason, it is possible that Mr. Biden has many more voters supporting him than polls indicate.
As for Mr. Biden's cognitive capabilities, they seem perfect, as he has managed to put together a great government team and is doing the best government possible in the current context of "extremely choppy waters".
Mr. Biden just needs to be careful about falls. A few years ago I lost a friend because he hit his head when he fell on the sidewalk.
Prof. Alvaro C. G. Gemignani
@henryruizmeeden Says:
@ntuthuzelontantiso5394 Says:
😂😂😂 this guy shouldn't have left his career of being a comedian🤞🏾
@cheebacheeo Says:
I wish a good health to Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and prompt victory for Ukraine ❤️💪🇺🇦🙋♂️🇫🇮
@soewin9784 Says:
Zelenskyy is the Conqueror. Ukraine is the Winner.
@eddastrohmayer251 Says:
What a delusional guy...
@humphreykapau1667 Says:
The Victory Plan is basically a Surrender Plan.
@bertkoerts3991 Says:
What a hero, and how stubborn we are… 😊👍🇳🇱
@ronferguson1265 Says:
Together we can stand, divided we fall.
@ecossearthur Says:
"Slava Ukraini!"
@bernardotesta3391 Says:
You can't speak on behalf of ukraine your mandate has expired
You are a dictator
@mjrooney710 Says:
This man has destroyed his life, his country and hundreds of thousands of lives. Such a shame he chose to believe a pack of lies. Elections should have been held in May so he isn't even legitimate. He will be a marked man forever.
@timothysowers685 Says:
@francklikibi6434 Says:
Allowing Russia to get away with this is to underestimate the the supremacy of NATO and the free world
@marlenfras5490 Says:
Good reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine. Strong NATO. Strong Poland.
@meso8848 Says:
He looks like a dog running here and here 😂
@meso8848 Says:
He looks like a dog running here and here 😂
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
Heroyam Slava dear president zelenskyy 👍 💖 💯 well done and spoken ✅️✅️glory to Ukraine 💙 💛 ✌️ 💯 🤝
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Selenzti yrittää vetää euroopan mukaan tuhon tielle. Ukrainan tilanne päättyy siihen, että koko ukraina lakkaa olemasta , ja venäjä rakentaa koko ukrainan uusiksi. Näin tämä päättyy. Naton RUTTE on tämän tehnyt selväksi, että koko ukraina päätyy venäjän huostaan, koska nato ei halua rauhaa.... Nato ja EU, näillä ei ole varaa pitää sotaa ylllä, koko EU, on jo romahdustilassa. Talven aikana sammuu koko ukrainan valot.!
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Gaazaan tulee kaksi valtiota. Toinen ei edes pyllistä natoon ja EU, hun päin.! Tässä rautalankasta kaikille. Toinen valtio saa ihan kaiken, mm, venäjältä, ja toinen valtio nääntyy ja on pahamaineisen kolhoosin 2 kpl, käskytyksessä. >>> Selkisikö.?
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Suomi hidastelee , miksi ei voi tunnustaa asioita. Gaazaan tulee kahden valtion malli, siitä ei ole kahta puhetta. Miksi suomi ei tunnusta palestinaa...? Eikö Amarikka anna lupaa....? Näinkö kehnosti on asiat, että ei uskalleta tunnustaa, vaan täytyy olla amerikan lupa, etteivät suutu. Amerikan käskytyksessä, EU,n käskytyksessä.... Tällaista on elämä näissä pahamaineisissa kolhooseissa, EU- nato, mitään ei uskalleta myöntää, että jokin on nyt väärin. Tällaisia nämä kolhoosit ovat. Itsenäisinä valtioina on kaikkein paras. Kuvitelkaa tilanne, kun 27 EU, valtiota kiskoo narusta väärään suuntaan, ja vain yksi vetää narua oikeaan suuntaan, järjen suuntaan.... Vain yksi viisas järkevä valtio. >> Unkari
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Häkkänen huolehtikoon Suomen asioista, eikö niissä ole työsarkaa yllin kyllin. ? Suomen tila heikkenee joka päivä. Suomi on kohta selvitystilassa, hyvin velkainen ja palvelut romahtaneet. Ihmisille elintärkeät palvelut romahtaneet "HÄKKÄSTEN takia.! " Eikö kansalaiset olisi etusijalla, vai onko ukrainan sota sumentanut järjenjuoksun.! Tätä se tekee, kun kumartelee väärää tahoa.
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Ukrainan selenzti huolehtikoon vain oman valtion rauhasta. Ukraina on sotatilassa naton takia, ja nyt on ukrainan keskityttävä vain ja ainoastaan oman valtion rauhan saattamisen eteen. (Oma valtio, vain oma valtio.)) Rauha säilytetään EU, valtioissa, sekä nato valtioissa naton myötä, tästähän se nato paasaa kellon ympäri. On siis tärkeää saada ukrainaan rauha, natolla olisi nyt näytön paikka, mutta natolla ei taida olla rauhan haluja. Rutten puheet oli sen kaltaisia.!! Kansalaisia ei pidä höynäyttää perättömillä valheelisilla puheilla, että "kohta se venäjä hyökkää nato ja EU, valtioihin." HÖPÖ HÖPÖ. Eikös sitä juuri tämän takia natoon liitytty, kukin, että rauha säilyy. Ukrainan tila on toinen asia. RUTTE, tarvii varmasti ohjaajan. Ohjaajan opastamaan oikealle tielle.!
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
RUTTE, tässäpä sinulle rautalankasta, että tajuat asioita enemmän. >>> Ukraina ei pääse natoon, tällä hetkllä se on sotatilassa, ja natoon ei ole asiaa, ja kun lopulta sota päättyy, siinä vaiheessahan on jo koko ukraina venäjän huostassa, KOSKA, sota jatkuu naton tukemana. . Miten meinaat saada ukrainan natoon.? Naton kannattaa nyt vaan ottaa järki mukaan touhuunsa.!
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Ihmispoloiset puhuu rauhasta, miten se rauha tulee, kun naton RUTTE uhosi, että aseita annetaan niin kauan kuin tarvii. Tätäkö se rauhan rakentaminen on naton mielestä. ? Rauha ei tule tyylillä, tuossa on ase, tapa.! Nato on sairaiden ihmisten kolhoosi. Seurasin uutisia, siellä ei puhuttu rauhasta mitään, aseista he osaavat puhua, siihen he ovat tottuneet, aika on tehnyt nato elitistä entistä epävakaampia.! RUTTE, uhosi että putin saa olla varma, että me huolehdimme tappoaseista loppuun saakka. Onko nämä puheet jotenkin normaalijärkisen ihmisen puheita.? EI, ei ole. Rutte on vaarallisempi kuin stoltenberg. Rutten työkuva näkyy olevan sama kuin israelilekkin. Tuossa on aseita, tappakaa.! Nato ei edes tiedä mikä on rauha.
@KyökkänäKyökki Says:
Rutte. Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah.... Ukrainaa ei voi ottaa natoon, koska on sotatilassa. Tämä on natolle valtava tappio, karvas tappio. Rutte joutuu odotelemaan nöyränä niin kauan kuin sota loppuu, ja kun se loppuu, on jo koko ukraina venäjän huostassa. Että.....Näin..!
@datospora5770 Says:
Why doesn't Ukraine, too, recruit volunteers from across Africa & Asia?
@henk6522 Says:
We the west lost but Ukraine more. From 42 to 17 mio. The rest is fled dead or under Russian control. Former Ukraine would exist if they had no coup regime in 2014. Even Crimea.
Now they probably lose the Odessa oblast also. That’s what the hardliners in the Doema wants. The biggest opposition in the Doema are the communist and want nova Russia. Thanks nato thanks coup regime and thanks Zelenskyy who was chooses because he would execute the Minsk agreement. But he didn’t cause the west payed him.
@vae_victis3077 Says:
ZeClownsky "‘We Must Stop This War Together! Stop send army to Nazi-Ukraine"
@adamsaarinen3134 Says:
@johnallen1672 Says:
Zelensky talk. "We" means "thee". It does not include me.
There is no sacrifice too great for you to make.
And by the way, my wife needs a new coat or I won't get any.
"Ha, ha".
He's such a comedian.
@twalibulomy-cd4zd Says:
Gosh!, he's high again.
@darius3550 Says:
In resumen, he wants NATO to join the fight and Russia to surrender unconditionally, none of that will happen.
@lindasapiecha2515 Says:
@glossalth Says:
He lost 600 thousand Ukraine soldiers so far dead and half million more injured or missing and this clown is on about a victory plan
@DonalHarte Says:
You mean surrender to putin and over your country to him
You d o not know what you are talking about???
@DonalHarte Says:
Tragically Zelensky is speaking too a group of people who allowed putin.an indicited war criminal to murder thousands of innocent ukrainen civilians and children,
He has has committed 160,000 war crimes in ukraine with impunity and shredded all rules of international laws
However the large western States have the resources to stop putin in his tracks
They have no plan , political will or urgency to get putin of ukrain
They are ful rhetoric and promises and drip feeding weapons and support , which is prolonging the suffering of ukrainens
@extraterrestrialfascisti7625 Says:
the Ukrainians are refusing to fight. There are many videos showing Ukrainian men resisting mobilization orders