The Grieving Father Who Took Down Alex Jones
The Grieving Father Who Took Down Alex Jones



@MichellePondueCruz Says:
2A = dead children. I do not support that in any way.
@sputnikmoonchild Says:
What a courageous man to be so compassionate towards Jones' audience /victims in circumstances of such trauma and loss. Wow, he has the strength of titans! ❤
@amyr8280 Says:
Welcome to "The Assignment"😂😂😂
@zelig1799 Says:
He was not taken down because of Sandy and we all know it. Guy is a complete fool for the way he covered the incident and the aftermath. But, we all know why he's been targeted like he has been and why the media, the establishment and the judiciary are doing what they are.
@williamshaw5388 Says:
But did NOTHING on gun control. What a loser and sell out. Go after the 1st amendment but not the 2nd. This man and this country are a disgrace.
@danielkingery2894 Says:
Yeah!! Fuck the 1st Ammendment. Fuck Alex Jones and all his constitutional rights. "We're really glad to push this Marxist bullshit" -CNN Communist News Network
@gravityeye32 Says:
Her outfit is so funny!!! She is culturally white man but a black man haor cut .... why does she hate women?
@gravityeye32 Says:
Lol 911 was not an inside job....epstein didn't kill himself... lol bill Clinton never Cheated on Hillary lol
@timhansen5303 Says:
Crisis actor or awkward communicator?
@greg11786 Says:
@annapignatato5048 Says:
@lapidaryland Says:
Jones has four kids, he hates. 😊
@gravityeye32 Says:
What does a false flag event to push gun control look like??? Could this be a false flag event ??? Alex jones has been right about so much.... false flag 911 and this is just free speech.... are parts of the government doing false flags to gain more control??? What would actors look like in the false flags?? Could real humans have died also??? Could the ff plan to use real victims to run cover?? What does that look like??
@keepingit8797 Says:
So much for freedom of speech! Disgusting what our country has become. Those people didn't deserve a dime from Jones. This sue happy nation we've created will be it's undoing.
@robinstearns2151 Says:
Twelve years on and the pain is still so raw. My heart goes out to this dad for having the courage to speak the truth. No one should ever have to go through what these families have gone through. Jones is a vile individual who doesn’t give a crap about anything other than himself and his $. I can’t wait until this he is finally irrelevant but I’m sure there is some rich twisted and warped individual that will step in and “save” his show. What a sad society we live in when people laugh, mock, bully, and threaten the victim and not the perpetrator. This family’s lives have been changed forever, I just can’t even begin to imagine all they and others like them have been through. I hope one day they find the peace they so deserve.
@insertlastname Says:
Was Alex jones the school shooter? Oh his words hurt some feelings but he didn’t actually do any physical harm
@FoougieTV Says:
Robby Parker, thee actor.
@sundreamer1599 Says:
You may have got money that you'll never receive but Alex Jones is out there running free and still talking. Robbie Parker sorry for your loss but you don't vote Trump 2024 you're lost forever.
@Loloff210 Says:
Hey it’s smiling Robbie. Weird how he was all chatty and happy, then when he was told he’d be going on tv, he had to get in character. Oh no. Now he’ll come to sue me. Maybe I’ll just walk around in a circle , going in and out of a bloody murder scene for an hour with some kids.
@derequejones1026 Says:
The tin foil hat mafia never ceases to disappoint, they really have no bottom. Great job as always Audie!
@mvvpro8688 Says:
The worrying thing is that there are thousands willing to take over Alex Jones' job of spreading conspiracies about a tragic event that cost many lives and profit from it. Just look at some of the comments.
@marilynh. Says:
That's a bad rule where your kids can't come out of their rooms until a certain time. WHY is that rule needed??? My condolences to this father and all the parents of that school massacre on that horrible day🙏.
@dranderson6071 Says:
Poor fakenews CNN
@matts3191 Says:
mean while on Fox… trump is talking about windmills, Hannibal Lector, Ak47s, Haitians eating dogs and cats😂😂😂
@jezballs4018 Says:
Why did the government pay off all of the mortgages of the teachers who worked at the school?
@ksharp23 Says:
Where is the wife/mom?
@ksharp23 Says:
Sounds really mathematical! This Alex Jones guy sounds like a real mean bully! He even sells toxic masculinity pills!
@johnward43 Says:
Alex Jones warned us about Kamala and the Democrat communists.
@ludimaes1 Says:
Alex Jones is going strong. You just took info wars
@ksharp23 Says:
Why does it seem this story seems so fake?
@maxinewest2191 Says:
Very interesting news coverage.
@ScottyPimpinATL Says:
That guy looks like the fed
@elingles2854 Says:
Waterloo Sunset just played on the radio. I never felt this anger and sadness that overcame me. That was one of Mother's favourite songs. There is nothing we can do to prosecute the 4 Horsemen, the General and his lady in waiting, or Hilary. Nothing, Nada, Zilch, Niet. All designed to suppress us and talk down to us like children. Proper Tyranny.
@ksharp23 Says:
Smith-Mundt act is a hell of a drug...
@michael3864 Says:
Your vote counts! Cast your ballot!
@charlesalan5999 Says:
Just can’t watch this as a father of a boy who’s just turned 17!
@SketchFlygirl Says:
He didn’t take down Alex Jones. The crazy guy still has a lot of following.
@ksharp23 Says:
Vocal fry off the charts in this! Put another $ in the AJ piggy bank. Crisis situation indeed; I'm fascinated! It's totally wild! This poor guy got picked apart when he just wanred to relax.
@lillybyte Says:
Alex Jones was a paid actor that lost everything.
@djjorge87 Says:
I always say man, she's my favorite. I've been waiting for a visual podcast version of the assignment. I can't believe it's here.Thank you. Audie is the best!!! Very sad story, but I'd just like to see great reporting.
@alanbuzby613 Says:
Cnn is so desperate to save Harris
@alanbuzby613 Says:
Paid actor .😂😂😂
@Jayzilla-jr4fr Says:
Just like the numerous successful lawsuits against CNN for just making stories up.
@DonnaRoberts-t3j Says:
If I had as much talent as the man in this video, I'd be famous by now✨
@DorothyCollins-y9j Says:
That moment when you realize that the comments under a video can be even funnier than the video itself💚

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