'Trump is fulfilling his calling': Christian explains why she supports Trump
'Trump is fulfilling his calling': Christian explains why she supports Trump



@TorukMaktoDracarys Says:
Wanna know why more than half of US 🇺🇸 ❤ President Trump, America could afford to EAT, 1.9% 4 year avg LOW inflation, Real Wages were RISING, Poverty DECLINING
@wilfont3544 Says:
These are the misguided christians blindly following a false prophet...could be the Antichrist
@aaronkuntze7494 Says:
Politics and religion are both IQ tests by definition. Trump and the church love the poorly educated for a reason. Low IQ individuals are easy to manipulate.. Liberals have integrity and moral high ground conservatives practice situational ethics and make excuses for everything they do. Conservatives are deplorable hypocrites!
@rayvezeau Says:
I gave up religion years ago they are hypocrite
@jameslewis8227 Says:
Does Ms. Dotti Davidson know that the Western Roman Empire collapsed while under the control of its Christian emperors? It’s true the Eastern Roman Empire lasted for another thousand years, but it was at war constantly and its society was nothing like what these citizens of the MAGAverse imagine they’re about to create.
@MacDaddy8200 Says:
Religious fanatics are scary as hell, it doesnt matter if its christians, jews, muslims, hindu, sikh or whateever.
@mwashington1103 Says:
Trumps worshipers would choose trump over Jesus. What a shame.
@garyhunter141 Says:
Ok well then as a Christian what about treating our neighbors like ourselves and clothing and feeding the needy. Jesus never said to build a wall or call your neighbor vermin. What about that 🤷🏽‍♂️?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@tbs7229 Says:
So misguided
@josephsheu8948 Says:
If you are a believer in Christ, you embrace the truth. Read Matthew 24:11.
@johnrepublic624 Says:
These ppl are sick. Smh.
@BlackandBlessed100 Says:
Majority 🇺🇸Americans will defeat trump and maga on all levels Majority of America 🇺🇸 is not maga Americans do Not believe immigrants are eating pets or January 6 was a Love day or you can grab women by the ***** or climate change is a hoax or American military are suckers and losers or Russia is a Friend America 🇺🇸Majority will defeat trump and maga On All Levels
@BlackandBlessed100 Says:
Majority 🇺🇸Americans will defeat trump and maga on all levels Majority of America 🇺🇸 is not maga Americans do Not believe immigrants are eating pets or January 6 was a Love day or you can grab women by the ***** or climate change is a hoax or American military are suckers and losers or Russia is a Friend America 🇺🇸Majority will defeat trump and maga On All Levels
@kb7yim960 Says:
Rome finally fell when the emperor on his right to continue, could not do the required test of running around a field perimeter three times. He could not do it. He was the last emperor.
@denisegrant5150 Says:
These are the same people who say that God and Jesus are truth. They know that truth is central to God's character, and that God requires his followers to speak the truth, walk in truth, and love in truth. Yet they support a leader who is a documented liar- some say pathological. That contradiction in their core beliefs cannot be justified in any way, shape, or form. They are commissioned to "speak the truth in love" and to love God with all of their heart, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbor as themself." Everything that Donald Trump says and does is in direct opposition to the mandates of their faith. They have tarnished their witness to the entire world by supporting and following a documented liar who hates the very people they are commanded to love. As a Christian myself, this is something that grieves me to my core and has shaken my belief of what I thought the church of Jesus Christ is supposed to represent. I'm so ashamed of the Evangelical Church and the damage they have done to their witness to the world, and the pain and danger they have put the very people that the Lord commands them to love and care for. 😢
@sethd6485 Says:
these ppl worship donald trump, not Jesus Christ. this is so damn backwards. and no, America is not a f*cking Christian nation.
@noedle6669 Says:
This woman, would she let her daughter near Trump? Unguarded?
@faithbrooks7355 Says:
@luckylucky-vo9zq Says:
These people seriously need to be deprogrammed. We know what Trump thinks of them behind their backs. They are also incredibly ignorant and small minded. I guess God can't be bothered with the rest of the world, just the US election and Trump. Hard to believe people can be this stupid. They must have really empty lives
@frosty7646 Says:
Christianity is the opioid of the weak minded handed out by the devils servants.
@sale_ai123 Says:
@jmark7390 Says:
Jews for Trump and Jesus. Please support Israel with your money and life. Jesus will reward you.
@rusethorcain Says:
Demon worshippers for TRUMP.
@santalenacaudillo1185 Says:
Thank You!
@ulyssesgrant2782 Says:
Trump can't quote a single scripture from those bibles he's selling.
@FiorellaKells Says:
Exodus 20:7 If you lift up his name in word or symbol but willfully sin (e.g., hate your neighbor or deal unethically in business), this is using the Lord’s name in vain by blemishing his reputation. Deuteronomy 5:8-10 "You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind, or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.  You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.
@slystone4892 Says:
Stupid despicable Christians
@Trtrucking79 Says:
Ever since trump got elected my family stopped going to church….. when the pastor said vote for trump o stopped going…. Now my children are older and think Christians are the biggest hypocrites…
@ArizonaSquatch Says:
Oof. Religion is the biggest pyramid scheme ever created. Christianity is predicated on a belief, rather than facts. Everyone in the Bible is a fictional character created by goat herders.
@1983jcheat Says:
Jesus would support the guy who cheated on his wives? Someone explain that to me.
@GOLDENEYE-sd8mc Says:
Democrats have tried to assassinate Trump put him in jail. Nothing had worked. He’s sent by god to save this country.
@Aaron-rw3lv Says:
You can’t be a Christian and vote for trump this woman is just a grifter
@vincentimbesi3947 Says:
These people are insane in the membrane! 🤣
@rjwil35 Says:
What I find so interesting is that this pastor seems to ignore the fact that a majority of the founding founding fathers where not only Christians but also clergy.
@multanemo Says:
Isn’t the devil imperfect too lol?
@celicaspr Says:
It seems to me that the lady has forgotten to read Exodus chapter 20.
@shannonschrader3324 Says:
Omg. Diaper don is satan personified. The master of division and lies. Not to mention 34 felony convictions. God would never promote violent acts. That is Old Testament stuff. Jesus never promoted violence
@claudinem6207 Says:
This is a cult and quite frankly it’s frightening 😢
@cashrjr23 Says:
he may be chosen to be the Antichrist...like Judas was chosen to betray Jesus
@Lillith1203 Says:
Swing states and red states where abortion is banned or limited, women of all ages are early voting in droves primarily because of this. Majority of the early voters are women that are first time voters to women in their 80's. I am 68 and like and dislike policies by both Republicans and Democrats but this one issue could very well make the decision and cost the Republicans this election. Roe v Wade should have been left alone or made a federal law. As for this story, I no longer recognize any organized religion.
@simonmoorcroft1417 Says:
How do you put 'Trump' and 'moral fibre' in the same sentance???
@HuskyOwner-bl1jf Says:
Christians are getting desperate The fastest growing religious preference in the U.S. is Atheism (25% of the country now) and the Christians feel their power draining away
@cez19 Says:
I'm a Christian, American, and democrat. I dont want my country to become a nationalist nation. God help us and Go Kamala 🙏🗳💙🪷🇺🇲
@Snkr_SVAG Says:
Doesn't matter who "WINS" Jesus is King & is coming soon! Our goal as Christian's is to be the best representation of Jesus Christ! To tell this lost world Jesus died for You & love's You beyond any human love here on earth! If You are reading this far, Jesus love's You beyond what You can imagine. God bless You ~ Savage
@Swails-e9x Says:
Ponder on this. Trump and his *cult driven* followers....WWJD?
@jeffreydahmersribshack9570 Says:
Jesus wore clown orange makeup @ the last supper.
@chenghonggoh4746 Says:
Birds of a feather flock together. 😊
@LUribe408 Says:
@ChristopherDecenaZaozaoWang Says:
Let him grab you , then .

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