Helping dog owners enter rehab
Helping dog owners enter rehab



@BelieveWomenWhenTheySay Says:
This is beautiful. Thank you for your work.
@opaqueandbluefrommyphone4339 Says:
I hope this isn’t a puff piece about that place, because it’s amazing! And something that pet owners who want to straighten their lives out really need it! If it’s all real, they are life savers! With all of the imposters who pretend to be good people online, ripping people off for clout, and, well, tons of money, you never know. It’s disgusting that every good thing you hear about online has a huge chance of being fake. I really hope that this good feel story is actually real. Because it means that these dog owners have been able to get the help they needed, while this kind man took great care of their animals so they could focus on their health and mental issues enough to get their lives together enough to have a better one and pass on the goodwill. I also love that their puppies were loved and taken care of while they were away for 1-3 months. Getting help with your animals so you can get off of drugs and put your life back together and make something of yourself, even if it’s just to find mental peace, is something that you have to dedicate yourself to. The last thing you need is to abandon your family member because you couldn’t find a dog/cat sitter. That’s something that could cause an immediate relapse. Like I repeated multiple times (not intentionally, I have really bad adhd) the guy who made this program a reality and is still running it is an ANGEL! I wish more free programs were available for drug addicts who want to recover and make better lives for themselves. Now all we need to do is find doctors who are willing to treat drug addicts who suffer from physical disabilities/chronic illnesses (including pain disorders) That’s a specialty that desperately needs doctors willing to help them. Especially when you have an autoimmune disorder that causes pain. I should know, I have ankylosing spondylitis. My back feels like it has metal hooks in it that I’m hanging from. I have Crohn’s so I can’t take any NSAIDs, which is supposedly the primary treatment for it. Add my bifurcated ulcer ridden intestines, my migraines, and my hip joints that are turning into bone, and you have a drug overdose waiting to happen! Especially with someone who has never had to deal with pain like this, even a non drug addict would be taking extra pain meds! It’s incredibly painful. Especially since I will bleed out internally if I take drugs like ibuprofen. I can take steroids, but I’m risking my health if I take more than the 2weeks I’m usually given. Plus it makes you constipated and causes your immune system to crap out even more so. So I’m breaking out and my skin is sloughing off every time I squeeze a pimple. It looks like i tore into my face every-time I try to pop a zit! I swear it was only one! Not a cluster of 15! I’m on medical marijuana, methadone, and on a big regiment of Tylenol that can’t be healthy. I would kill for a specialist that could help me with this. Especially when you get sent to a clinic if you have to be sent to a drug rehabilitation specialist if you’re prescribed pain meds for more than 3 months. That’s when they think you should be off all pain medication if you’re given any for chronic pain. The whole medical system has determined that people with chronic pain are heavily addicted to opiates if you take them for more than 3 months. Even if you’re taking 3-4 5mg oxy codone a day and still healing from a colocysectomy. That takes 18month minimum to heal. Lol, that’s how long they gave me after I had my colon removed before they told me to a Suboxone program. Dead serious! If you have chronic pain, or are recovering from major surgery, do NOT take suboxone! If hour pain worsens or isn’t touched when you’re on suboxone, nothing other than heroin will touch it on suboxone. I ended up shooting up heroin just to get some comfort while on suboxone. Seriously the dumbest decision I ever made with pain treatment. Anything with norepinephrine in it us NOT for pain treatment. It’s to prevent relapse, period. So if you are dealing with pain management and are suffering from regulating chronic physical pain, avoid subutex or suboxone. I’m taking methadone and it’s helping immensely. And if you try to add on to the methadone, you’re not going to be taking extra pain pills or heroin. Why? Because it will constipate the hell out of you! Like it’ll make your stomach feel like it’s entirely full of shit and make it feel full of poop! Unless you take stool softeners regularly. Plus pain pills don’t affect you when you take methadone. You don’t feel high, you don’t feel them at all. You barely feel the pain too, unless you’re dragging yourself around with a freshly broken limbs or open wound, you’ll barely notice anything.
@SheilaBrothers Says:
Wow I love this!! ❤❤❤❤
@nobody4933 Says:
But i have a cat...
@tinkhix Says:
That is an amazing organization
@jieli3313 Says:
We warn the Chinese government to stop instructing North Korea to send troops to help Russia! Otherwise our US troops will be stationed in Taiwan!
@chrisquinn394 Says:
Democrats are weird...
@ivareskesner2019 Says:
Dogs are awesome people...dogs are better people than most people, actually...
@jamiebrotherston2241 Says:
My dog belongs in rehab. He eats poop. Serious mental health issues.
@wahebsahli4217 Says:
Westerners double standards,they love poppies and kill children in ghaza
@JazzyJADAxxx Says:
This is an amazing idea.. it’s the sole reason I haven’t seeked help yet getting off the stuff I’m a slave to .. my dogs are really old now so I’m just gonna keep going but 15 years I’ve known i can’t get help because I couldn’t leave my dogs anywhere… I wonder how different my life would be if I could’ve done this🤔 Amazing stuff 👍
@rude1527 Says:
Why am I on fake News? Da Dog
@DavidJ2222 Says:
Say no to Commiela and Tampon Tim
@DavidJ2222 Says:
Black dudes for Trump
@NguyễnLạcPhúcúc Says:
My grandmother watched this video and said she now wants to be a blogger. Looks like we're in the family business😛
@UnstoppableSpiritCA Says:
How can I help I'm crazy about dogs I used to foster, I have rehomed 55 dogs I want to help somehow
@QuáchTrungKiênên Says:
I watched this video at work and now my coworkers are laughing too. A great way to lift the mood in the office💚
@nuradary-c8d Says:
I wish you the best..🌎❤️

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