Why is the left 'villainizing' Trump after the Al Smith Dinner?
Why is the left 'villainizing' Trump after the Al Smith Dinner?



@4vinylsound Says:
Donald trumpets and bibles are made in China
@tonyuzan7171 Says:
What’s new. Press is just a tool of politicians at this point. As is the very network we’re watching here. Journalism is dead
@4vinylsound Says:
Donald Trump hats and bibles are made in China
@peterkassner3552 Says:
Gaffigan is a comedian? Really? Isnt he supposed to be funny then? This was my first taste of this loser... it was complete garbage.
@4vinylsound Says:
Donald Trump terminally ill refuses to release medical records
@demigod1013 Says:
'Villanizing' - more projection from Faux. Every MAGA accusation is a confession 💯
@lonesomebayou Says:
Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor....so....what do you call what the left has done to Trump?
@soylentgreen738 Says:
Scared? Of what? The AGW-caused yearly 15% inflation of food, housing, auto and home insurance costs that its greenhouse g@s emissions are causing; along with the global-warming-refugees [GWR] at the southern border?
@lars1701again Says:
It’s all too clear she has no sense of humor
@MKMK-xo9lo Says:
Because he is pathetic man?
@demigod1013 Says:
Kamala doesn't dine with rapists and sexual predators.
@TWstudio2 Says:
"She's upset at her people" for this? So she's blaming her staff? We'd get 4 years of that if elected. Mad at "her people" for her horrendous decisions. Wait... didn't she just lecture Bret Baier on taking responsibility just the other day?
@TB7-X Says:
After Kamala Harris wins, the real work begins.. Vote for the prosecutor, not the felon, unless you’re just morally corrupt trash.
@Arkinals Says:
Becausee trump's a freakin' villian! TRUMP FOR PRISON 2024!
@TB7-X Says:
Never before has a presidential nominee openly suggested turning the military on Americans simply because they oppose his candidacy. With voting underway, Donald Trump has turned to dark vows of retribution.
@calmvideo-kv6gv Says:
She didn't show because she was scarred.
@leroybrown3856 Says:
Why is the left villainizing Trump? Because that’s all they ever do. I’m guessing the question was rhetorical.
@TWstudio2 Says:
She picked her team. How could someone who wants us to think she has the savvy to run our country, provide the world with an optic of everyone slamming her and smiling along with her opponent? Without the camera panning to her laughing like a sport to remind the world it was all in fun and endured for a good cause? It's a stunning lapse in aptitude.
@Tazz77 Says:
They've been villianizing Trump long before this.
@jamesclark26 Says:
@javtimestwo Says:
Look at the demented fool trying to be funny and trying to read. He's like a dunce without the cap. For someone who brags about stamina, the convicted felon sure is ducking future interviews with major networks and news outlets. 🤣
@mutiatamaseu7262 Says:
All the liberals will cry
@latinfly1977 Says:
She's a no-show when she's there. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be more useless than Biden, but Kamal has him beet more and more every time she speaks!
@Patrick-w1j Says:
Selling fear instead of policies is a sign of a failed campaign 😂
@Patrick-w1j Says:
Dems shows all signs of failed campaign 😅
@jbkibs Says:
Because they are Evil.
@rodohara6215 Says:
I wish we could have had a few Ashley Babbitt jokes.😅
@ItisOKtobewhite Says:
In her defense, Khamala could leave her husband with the nanny.
@TWstudio2 Says:
Because he's winning? Translation for that fear mongering, "He'll put his enemies in jail" = He's got the team to drain the swamp this time. Whoever's afraid of that has outed himself.
@ellie5562 Says:
INVEST IN EDUCATION, America!! The level of DUMB in your country is staggggering!!
@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 Says:
~ President George Washington ~ “Cunning, ambitious, and *unprincipled men.* Will be enabled to subvert the power of the people. And to usurp for themselves the reins of government. Destroying afterwards the very engines; which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 Says:
~ Alexander Hamilton ~ _“When a man unprincipled in private life._ *Desperate in his fortune.* Bold in his temper. Possessed of considerable talents. Having the advantage of military habits. Despotic in his ordinary demeanor. Known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty. When such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity. *To join in the cry of danger to liberty.* To take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government and bringing it under suspicion. *To flatter and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day.* _It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion_ *that he may ride the storm; and direct the whirlwind.”* A1
@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 Says:
~ President Abraham Lincoln ~ “It is not the foreign aggressor we must fear. *It is corrosion from within. The rot. The viciousness. The lassitude. The ignorance.* Anarchy is one potential consequence of all this. Another is the rise of an ambitious leader. Unfettered by conscience, or precedent, or decency. Who would make himself supreme. If destruction be our lot. We must ourselves be its author and finisher.” L1
@salvadormanago Says:
Villainizing someone during the 'Al Smith Dinner' confirms the left is sick mentally. Traditionally, both parties attend that dinner, roasts and ridicule themselves. It's a time for everyone to relax from the heat of the election campaign. For someone who loves to talk about the 'significance of the passage of time' clearly has not learned anything with the passage of time.
@javelinmissiles7024 Says:
I'll take _Barack_ *WHO'S SANE* _Obama_ over AGW-denying QMAGAt-Fascist TrumPutin [inseparable] orange turd ANY DAY!!!!
@alanmorris7669 Says:
Mayor Bill de Blasio was a great mayor. Trump was a piece of shirt.
@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 Says:
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell
@kevinprouten5741 Says:
Didn't you know he is a convicted criminal?
@Mahen-j7c Says:
Tongue in cheek is no longer tolerated in usa... Harris wins....no.more comedy...no more free speech...
@javelinmissiles7024 Says:
~ General James Mattis responds to Trump at the Al Smith dinner. October 17, 2019 ~ “And I would note that the phrase *'All that have fought for liberty'.* Also includes the generations of ordinary citizens. Who have embodied our national ideals; and passed them down. In Springfield Lincoln invoked _Biblical_ language to describe how the power of this common spirit; protects our nation. He said, 'As truly as has been said of the only greater institution, your eminence. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.' So ladies and gentlemen. With malice for none and charity for all. *Let us restore trust in one another.”* ~ General James Mattis responds to Trump at the Al Smith dinner. October 17, 2019 ~
@Mahen-j7c Says:
He said it....for the first time in the history if this event....he will be fact checked...
@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 Says:
1 of 2 _February jobs report: US economy adds 275,000 jobs, unemployment rate hits 3.9%_ March 8, 2024 This news article was published by _yahoo!Finance._ The US economy created more new jobs than expected in February, while an increase in the unemployment rate for the first time in four months and downward revisions to job growth in prior months suggested signs of some softening in the US labor market. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released Friday showed the labor market added 275,000 nonfarm payroll jobs in February, significantly more additions than the 200,000 expected by economists. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate increased to 3.9% from 3.7% in January. This marks the first increase in the unemployment rate in four months, as it now sits at its highest level in the last two years. A revised 229,000 jobs were added in January, according to the report, down from the 353,000 initially reported. In total, revisions showed there were 167,000 fewer jobs added in December and January than previously expected. Meanwhile, wages increased 0.1% on a monthly basis in February, slower than the 0.2% economists expected. The downward revisions of previous months' job gains, coupled with the lower-than-anticipated wage growth, led one economist to conclude the Fed will be less concerned that a strong labor market will drive a resurgence in inflation. "Alongside the rise in the unemployment rate to a two-year high and a much weaker rise in wages, there is less reason now to be concerned that renewed labor market strength will drive inflation higher again," Capital Economics chief US economist Andrew Hunter wrote in a note to clients.
@photographytravels Says:
Kamala doesn't care for Christians/ catholics ....her ideology is of Wokism.... please Vote for Trump ❤
@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 Says:
2 of 2 Elsewhere in the report, the labor force participation rate stayed flat at 62.5%, and the average weekly hours worked increased from 34.1 to 34.3. The largest jobs increases in Friday's report were seen in healthcare which added 67,000 jobs in February. Meanwhile, government employment added 52,000 jobs. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell described the labor market as "relatively tight" but noted that "supply and demand conditions have continued to come into better balance" during his semiannual testimony in front of lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Markets entered Friday betting that the first Fed interest rate cut will come in June, per the _CME FedWatch Tool._ For the year, investors are pricing in a range of three to four rate cuts, per Bloomberg data.
@petercristo992 Says:
The Radical Left always tries to cancel, besmirch, slander and villainize anyone in their way. It's their M.O. when confronted with free speech they don't like. They utilize Big Media
@robertwilliams4852 Says:
Trump/Vance/RFK/Elon 24 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
@icantbreathe3420 Says:
*FDJT* DonOLD TrumPutin [the two are inseparable] is an ignorant uneducated racist sadistic Naz! Ku DUNCE ReTrumpliKlan trumpanzee that denies AGW; and believes bleach gives wind turbines c@ncer.
@Divinenubian Says:
Gays love kamela, of course she didn't show up for a Catholic dinner she a demon
@santifoster1741 Says:
Why lie?
@icantbreathe3420 Says:
“I'm not just an overrated general. I am the greatest. The world's most overrated general. And I'm honored to be considered that by Donald Trump. Because he also called Meryl Streep an overrated actress. So I guess I am the Meryl Streep of generals.” ~ General James Mattis responds to Trump at the Al Smith dinner. October 17, 2019 ~

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