This new October surprise is a 'gift from Gods' to Kamala Harris, Kurtz says
This new October surprise is a 'gift from Gods' to Kamala Harris, Kurtz says



@cheryladams1173 Says:
When a 4 Star General knows Commander In Chief trumps 4 Stars........Kelly had loose lips and the Commander In Chief saw that as incompetency. Be gone Obamalala.
@OnceBlonde Says:
Politics divides, as it's designed to. 1 John 5:19 shows who actually rules the world. Not God, but Satan and division is the Devil's ultimate goal. 1 John 5:19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Have you ever read Luke 4:5-7 ? You might want to. Not only does the Devil claim control of the world's governments, but Jesus also acknowledged this.. John 12:31 Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. Revelation 12:9,10 “Don’t put your trust in human leaders; no human being can save you.”—Psalm 146:3, Good News Translation Daniel 2:44 describes the complete destruction of the world's governments and their political systems and replacement by God's Kingdom government.
@idlesurfer214 Says:
Hey MAGAts! *Brace yourselves for a Harris\Walz victory in November - by 320/330 to 218/208 EC; and 9-10 million in popular vote.*
@idlesurfer214 Says:
Not all Republicans are racist. But _it seems_ that all racists are Republicans. I've NEVER seen Democratic party supporters flying the US flag *ALONGSIDE A SWASTIKA FLAG* - like Donvict supporters were doing at a boat parade.
@idlesurfer214 Says:
@maggierab -"She dress like a man why?"_ Donvict *acts like a pu$$y. Why?*
@Thomas-em9du Says:
I don't listen to kamala-la even when she's on😂😂
@carriecovey3867 Says:
What surprise? We’ve all heard KaKa call him facist before. 🤦‍♀️ Dragging out old the old playbook is a sign of desperation.
@ozman6602 Says:
It's about time near election to turn on Trump Fox news does it all the time, fox is no different than CNN only difference is CNN is a communist socialist news channel and doesn't claim to be any different fox is but claims to be conservative. Their all controlled by the swamp.
@idlesurfer214 Says:
@marvinwilliamson811 _"The left always takes Trump's comments out of text"_ The "context" being *HE'S NUCKING FUTS!!!*
@colleenuotila7161 Says:
Never big G with the “Gods” but “g! They are certainly not, in any way a part of our God, the real God!
@beautifulseattle Says:
Idk Washington state is blocking people from voting, that's all I know.
@CaptTestosterone Says:
October BS
@starriderstudios Says:
I don't believe anything CBS says about anything
@adipoem Says:
@oldjarhead386 Says:
Kelly is not respected. Kurtz goes on the assumption that Kelly is honest. And of course Foxnews taking the bait and keeping the story alive.
@Lifetimehappy24 Says:
Are still talking about Hitters 😮
@idlesurfer214 Says:
*DONALD TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON, FRAUDSTER, AND AN ADJUDICATED RAPIST.* _- His Campaign Manager_ - *FELON* _- His Deputy Campaign Manager_ - *FELON* _- His Personal Lawyer_ - *FELON* _- His Chief Stratergist_ - *FELON* _- His National Security Adviser_ - *FELON* _- His Trade Adviser_ - *FELON* _- His Foreign Policy Adviser_ - *FELON* _- His Campain "Fixer"_ - *FELON* _- His Company CFO_ - *FELON* _- His Lawyers (Cohen, Ellis, Eastman, Powell, Chesboro)_ - *FELONS*
@windowdancercymbals8246 Says:
Why is Fox News giving this airtime? ??
@lilyblum4602 Says:
The duded lied there was other people in the room he is pissed because he was fired
@the_united_republican Says:
The Trump Train derailed on Jan 6th, I'm glad it's us true Republicans that are going to defeat Trump by helping Harris. If our country is wounded and bleeding out, I'd rather have short term pain from cauterization, than let the rot of Trumpism cause irreversible damage to us all.
@michelmichel6292 Says:
kurtz is a lying communist
@soldierken Says:
Howard Kuntz saying on National tv that he believes the trash about Trump which he knows nothing about......while those in the room said and knew that it was untrue. Howard Kuntz what a Trump hating trash bag.
@Fenrir72 Says:
Smells of desperation from a floundering campaign!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@demigod1013 Says:
Trump running scared till Nov. 5th..afraid to debate Kamala a second time after being dogwalked speaks volumes to his cowardice! "If you have something to say to me, say it to my face!" - Kamala Harris 🙌
@idlesurfer214 Says:
The Democrats are lying. The press are lying The DOJ, FBI, CIA, CBP.....are lying The prosecutors are lying The trials are rigged The juries are rigged. The judges are rigged\lying. The Emmy's were rigged. The Forbes "Rich List" is rigged. Former Cabinet ministers\officials are lying. The Generals\Military leaders are lying. The TWENTY SIX (and counting) women accusing me of sexual assault\misconduct are lying. *EVERYONE and EVERYTHING IS LYING AND\OR RIGGED - and THE ONLY ONE telling the truth IS ME!* *And you MAGAts have no clue how this sounds to a SENTIENT being.*
@michellet6227 Says:
Sick of the dems and media games
@noname-fn6cp Says:
How to organically block out ghost whispers. 🧐💜📝📝📝📝📝📝🎧📹
@noname-fn6cp Says:
The honest truth about nuclear weapons and how to locate, track and override any targeted weapons. 🧐💜📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝🎧📹
@robertmiller5135 Says:
And Kurtz says that Trump supporters aren't going to be pealed off by the fact that Trump's own Chief of staff, and Head of the Joint Chiefs, both military men, have labelled him a fascist. Strange isn't it that Hitler's supporters had the same kind of blind loyalty as well, even as their country was destroyed around them. How did these people turn their backs on American values? Well, Fox 'News" helped.
@leinam4164 Says:
Kamalazoo 😛😛
@brandonjones8059 Says:
A gift from the Gods? It’s a nothing burger
@jrnamdam2177 Says:
Gift from "gods" ! at least we know it didnt come from christians.
@Mahmoud-mk9rw Says:
You can not claim you got cheated when you have a guy burning mailboxes with ballots in there arrested go look at that picture who do you think he’s voting for? It’s gonna be extremely tuff to cry 1776 and we got cheated this time around sorry. Im sure the fbi and others are already ready for any shenanigans this time around it might be more Ashley Babbits if you pull that again.
@virginiazaragoza4926 Says:
No one believes your lies...
@idlesurfer214 Says:
*How bad a businessman must you be TO FILE BANKRUPTCY FOR THREE CASINO'S???* *"The House always wins" - UNLESS IT'S DONVICT'S HOUSE!* *If he wins (he won't) AMERICA will be HIS SEVENTH BANKRUPTCY!*
@barbaras.3762 Says:
You journalists are so not trustworthy. It’s election time and folks even Kelly who can do know harm should be taken with a grain of salt!!
@SM2005_ Says:
Dogs for trump!!
@divinenation22 Says:
Does anybody think there isnt an enemy within?
@hanieho Says:
Maybe they need to place cars with a camera 📷 record outside of each 🗳 center.
@comedianshippen Says:
Trump hates the military.
@Cupid-Stunt Says:
XIV signs of fascism:👈👈👈 I. Powerful and continuing nationalism II. Disdain for the recognition of human rights III. Identification of enemies/scapegoats [of the country’s problems] as a unifying cause IV. Rampant sexism V. Supremacy of the military VI. Controlled mass media VII. Obsession with national security VIII. Religion and government are intertwined IX. Corporate power is protected X. Labor power is suppressed XI. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts XII. Obsession with crime and punishment XIII. Rampant cronyism and corruption, and XIV. Fraudulent elections
@Cupid-Stunt Says:
Trump is a fascist.
@aisle_of_view Says:
How dumb do you have to be to believe that a guy selling crypto, NFTs, gold sneakers, worthless shares and 100,000 USD watches is not in it for the money?
@aisle_of_view Says:
Remember when Trump sent his translator out of the Oval Office so he could share secrets with the Russian diplomats who were visiting? Trump also reportedly boasted to the Russians about the intelligence he was receiving, telling the two men, "I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day" The information relayed by the president to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak "jeopardized a critical source of intelligence" on ISIS
@masonhunter2921 Says:
Almost half of those handpicked by Trump to be in his Cabinet or as security advisors have also said Trump is unfit. All former Republican Presidents and Vice Presidents have said he’s unfit. Former Republican candidates for President have said he’s unfit. The former chairman of the RNC says he’s unfit.
This administration is so full of sh^t. Anything to see if it sticks. What a bunch of fu^king losers.
@sinenomine5779 Says:
Kelly is on the board of an investment firm that stands to make tens of millions of dollars if Harris is elected
@e.sjolund4011 Says:
President of the USA Kamala Harris is a decent and wise person. USA’s through out time best leader! 💪
@wolfculpa6073 Says:
Kamala Harris will win the election 🇺🇸
@BrooksLMM1 Says:
No we thought Kamala was going to turn the page. Oh lying again. Leopards don’t change their spots. Lying is their MO. TRUMP /VANCE 2024. We voted to late for the leftist shenanigans. Sit down already. Everything they accuse the right of is actually what the left is doing or has done. ♥️👍🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌪️🌀🇮🇱

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