Peter Dutton taking pointers from Trump's US presidential campaign
Peter Dutton taking pointers from Trump's US presidential campaign



@RWROW Says:
Doesn't Australia still have much stronger defamation laws than the U.S. still? if so, Dutton can expect to be sued regularly if he adopts Trump's approach of using lies about people and legal entities in his propaganda.
@bobwarner8158 Says:
Yep he'll be Donald Dutton by election time, awash with the same slogans. MAGA switches quite nicely! Build a fence around NZ and make them pay for it.. Get rid of bureaucracy and sell the ABC to Rupert.
@topoftherock3628 Says:
Ohhhh Peter, 😂. Please be original, and be an Australian. And not some crawler to the extreme US right.
@elenawalker3746 Says:
Well, if that's the case will the blue uni-party be REPEALING the Digital ID, Surveillance and MAD bills, return to our 1901 constitution, take it to the people to revise by dropping ALL references to the satanic Royals, add a Bill of Rights, introduce water tight Citizen Initiated Referendums so that the States can't override the people's voices. Our current system is a dictatorship, once they're elected they bring in laws they vote on for their own personal, lobbyists and globalist agendas we the people have no say, time to become a Constitutional Republic.
@galaxyexplorer6189 Says:
@Whereareyouthen Says:
Dutton is a clown. One nation
@AlanFitness-t3n Says:
He should take on board the Trump campaign policies. People in general around the world are sick to death of the Woke & Climate Change bullshit agendas ruining good countries. Jacinda Arderns & Justin Trudeau’s of the world are toxic to society.
@colonelklink9911 Says:
Rolf Harris for PM.
@markmccann5711 Says:
Why does he need to talk to them he should know what we want ,to get out of all of NWO and WHO influences on our nation not be told what to do by a pack of God less grubs that want total control over us and to make us slaves to their system just like what albosleezy is doing right now .
@upsidedown5618 Says:
We don’t need either Albo or Dutton , people need to stick together and say NO
@upsidedown5618 Says:
Dutton is still a sleep , just like Albo
@HotGeneration200 Says:
How about asking Australians?
@chezzachezza7325 Says:
No, this is Australia stop this shit this is our country nobody should copy American if you want healthcare just like GST was voted for to stop boats it did nothing
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
Peter just needs to listen to we the people.
@rinoporcu6241 Says:
ONE NATION for GOVERNMENT.. No more two party corruption parties, they do not work for Australians, they are WEF , UN CABAL Puppets. Pauline for PM. Albo had Gates to tell him how to run the Nation, that is TREASON upon him and shows you that he is bought and paid for.
@well-blazeredman6187 Says:
Dutton only has to read the belief-system written on his party's website. And then make sure that every one of his policies is aligned with that.
@carbonite1999 Says:
the liberals help the labor cartel to pass the mis info bill , freedom of speech is a human right not a right the two party cartel system can take away.. freedom is taken not given ru ready to take it back?
@blackukulele Says:
Hasn't Dutton already been talking about these things, for 2.5 years?
@Maria-h1q6w Says:
@JsckSzx Says:
he is unelectable
@Bubblehead088 Says:
You mean to say he can’t formulate an idea for Australia without going to America? Look around and see what’s happening. If you’re that disconnected then we don’t need another Albo
@Brendan-ow6bi Says:
Australians not as stupid as Americans.
@Slayer-3666 Says:
This is MAGA country
@ndingsmidt2806 Says:
U got my vote. Strong leader is what we need ❤
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
He looks like a ballsack
@Eisho.G Says:
We need Trump for Australia.
@kerriebarwick9050 Says:
Dutton is no different to the current PM. Albo…. He has no strength, 😢we need a strong PM who will not be influenced by the elite or media but will follow Jesus as number 1. This is what President Trump did.. I pray he follows through.
@Lenergyiskey358 Says:
What about the woke, the effect on our children in schools and women's rights in sports and online support groups. What about the misinformation Bill and freedom of speech and opinion. We should not be legally obligated to agree with another persons preferences. It's ridiculous.
@wastedtalentinc8007 Says:
Dutton needs to disavow wef politics
@Coastal603 Says:
Let’s make it happen, Dutton for PM 2025!
@-TheJewel- Says:
If President Trump can cut government spending to fix up their defiect why cant Australia? If President Trump can work for the people of his country why cant Australians Prime Minister( and take a pay cut) If President Trump can make sure his American people have enough food on the table , why cant The Australian Prime Minister.Australians need a strong leader one for the Australian People And NOT FOR THEIR OWN DEEP POCKETS. #ITSOURMONEY #POLITICIANSYOUWORKFORTHEPEOPLE #THEPEOPLEDONTWORKFORTHEPOLITICANS #TIMEFORACHANGE #COMMONSENSESPREVAILS #ENDWOKEBS
@bigearz255 Says:
Trump without the charisma
@mk1479 Says:
Real original...
@GodsTruth09 Says:
Typical WEF puppet Dutton stealing inspirational ideas from President Trumps election campaign , Hypocritical Manipulating Dutton is so Vain & Desperate and will do anything to get votes !?
@davidhanak2767 Says:
@ZELJKO472 Says:
Uniparty UN franchises. Liberal and Labor same thing.
@robertthomas3777 Says:
Dream’n. First, give me the entire US Bill of rights with the Swiss system of Direct Democracy. Shut down unneeded quangos and departments. Have some someone head up a DOGE - oust many of the bureaucrats and unfit for purpose politicians. Reduce taxes. Yes, that’s right - reduce. Reduce funding to NIAA, NDIS…etc. Defund the ABC. Increase taxes on mining companies. Promote and encourage Australian farming and industry.
@firstlast-u1g Says:
Let's start being proud of our nation again! The story of convicts being forced here under hardship. Building a nation that the world envies. Stop the victimhood of peoples that never suffered in this current age. All our ancestors are dead. Grow up, build up!!!
@alwaysright3718 Says:
Strange... Dutton and the LNP are left wing, why would they get pointers from Trump.....
@aerotuc Says:
Mr Dutton needs to bring the party into line …A strong right wing conservative stance has to be enforced …No strangling leftist fake conservatives…Mr Dutton you have to remove any of these leftist infiltrators and traitorous labour fake LNP polititions in your.cabinet…We want most of all to shut tight the open door so rudely left by this vandal Anthony Albanese.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
Well if Dutton was taking inspiration from the US he wouldn't be supporting an age limit on accessing social media. The only way that will work is for EVERYONE to prove their age and identity, and so signup to a 'digital ID'. And from that 'thin edge of the wedge' dead easy for the left to totally control 'misinformation and disinformation' and guarantee they stay in power.
@stop_lying_to_me Says:
It's true. Nations do take pride in their convicted felons and patriotic draft dodgers.
@Genesis-007 Says:
Enough of the Labor Liberal uniparty, Australia needs another Trump... VOTE ONE NATION 🇦🇺 PROBLEM SOLVED
@GrooberNedJardine Says:
We need to ejaculate Labor and the Uniparty next year . Vote ONE NATION .
@LucienCanon Says:
As Gina Rinehart said to Nigel Farage at the beginning of Trump's victory speech: "Watch and learn". [This is the factual account of what actually was said and to whom]
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
P. Hanson said it all > I remember in 1999 > many of them let her down. Now they can chew their fingers. Now we see everyone coming out of their shell and supporting TRUMP. Hello. Pauline and Trump are no different. One Nation >> One Flag >> One Voice. >>> NO OTHER <<<
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
Too bad he’s a dud
@lisanewton3154 Says:
Free Speech Always
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
As a One Nation supporter > I have supported P. Dutton > when it comes to Immigration POLICY. < We as a One Nation should care for the Aussies > NOT the newcomers. >> F / Full STOP.
@judycorbett4462 Says:
Australia where you better off before the Labor Party was elected >>>>> Turn the page and Unburden Australia!!

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