we have got no defence in this country, so where is the money truly going to all these invaders they brought to our shores and in the pockets of the evil government, we have no defence in the western countries now because our borders are wide open. So what are they trying to lie about again they think the people are stupid but the only stupid people are truly the government are sold out for power and money and what they will get will be tripled for what they’ve done to us for what’s coming on then you can’t imagine when our father Jesus Christ. His wrath is let loose on this evil world and it’s at the door right now.💯💯❤️
@mikestrohm3271 Says:
Typical labour, they are only going to increase defence spending to 2.5% by 2030. The problem is the MOD who overspend on projects that over run by years. One example is the new optical periscopes which are video only (so no-one looks through eyepieces anymore). The controller for these periscopes costs around £10 - 11 thousand pounds but an X Box controller which costs £40 is just the same and does the job.
@renegadewren2150 Says:
They need to increase “ negotiation “ skills.
@CFCseventy Says:
The way that clown is going there won’t be anything to defend
@kbkirati8761 Says:
I am totally agreeable UK's rises Defence budget increase for ownslf safety to Nation rather than spending money in Ukraine’s war with getting nothing. 🎉