As the saying goes - Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money -
@batmanlives6456 Says:
Labour voters getting what they voted for !!!
@chriscoghlan692 Says:
Labor equals big spending big tax
@DrewPortman-x3q Says:
lol from. Corrupt prick to an old boiler that belongs on a school board.
@dimitriosfreedom9282 Says:
What else would you expect from a communist government that hates Australia and its economic system.
@markholly3757 Says:
The Libs will get in, but what a mess they will inherit. A poison chalice. This state is totally stuffed and will be for 50+ years.
@peterpace2463 Says:
Absolute extortion. I paid and NOW I want my money BACK! F@&$ing EXTORTION. PISS OFF Allan and give me my F@&$ING money! The Victorian Labour government is going down. Give me my F@@$ing money BACK NOW!!!
@AnchorsAweighNarooma Says:
We are giving so much money to the non productive and stupid handling of ideas such as Victoria’s North-East Link was estimated to cost $15.8 billion but is now expected to cost $26 billion. If government was a business it would go to the wall....sad its not the only state.
@davidwright5347 Says:
2025 the year of non compliance.
@James19780 Says:
The only thing the Australian Labour Party is for is a good laugh and joke
@skynewsisevil5751 Says:
Sky news. Watched by CUNTS
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
These incompetent politicians waste the taxpayers money and run up huge debts and the taxpayers are left to pay the bills,,,, Labor has destroyed Victoria and there is no accountability!!
@allenjenkins7947 Says:
But will the Coalition repeal, reverse and refund this extortion? There's a long history of oppositions, both sides of politics, State and Federal railing against new or increased taxes, then failing to remove them once in power. I hope it's different this time, but I won't hold my breath.
@sandorrubane8964 Says:
But the experts argue that a Land tax is soooooo much better than stamp duty LMAO. It's just a regular, unlimited hand in the till for financially incompetent and greedy state governments.
@infidel202 Says:
So in a housing crisis labor decides to tax the people supplying rental properties making them sell the property to immigrants and increases death duties
@lovechineseforever9434 Says:
@alexlanning712 Says:
its only hurting those who can most afford it
@petermurphy2167 Says:
This includes commercial property, Approx 500 % increase to all bussiness's plus increases to fee's and charges. So all these costs are passed on to consumers driving up inflation and interest rates.
@Nae395 Says:
Cath Andrews still calling the shots from Mulgrave to Jacinta I see.
@richardmunoz2824 Says:
Daniel Andrews was and IS a cancer to the state of Victoria. He has destroyed the state. What a disgrace. Labor NO MORE!!!.
@TrangLe-cu3qv Says:
Sale and retired , not investment less tresses more happy life
@chrisdagg5117 Says:
Vote them out
@chrisdagg5117 Says:
Well done labor voters
@gazafred2 Says:
Federal Labor now on defensive saying big problems 2025 as economy suffers from Labors unrealized projections on performance.
@mfmcintyre Says:
Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to. Start saving, keep saving, and stick to investments.
@Heisthelightoftheworld Says:
Victoria licence plates boast "The Education State" really! And yet Despicable Dan financially wrecked the state and his replacement is no better and the educated people voted these socialist back in a again...again.
@meba109 Says:
Scumbag Unions and Labor Voters are the ones that caused this Problem !
@FlyOz-b7b Says:
Bloody thieves Andrews is a total P. The print a license for them to steal huge amounts then the P. it up against a wall THEY ARE CRIMINALS
@mrporsche4236 Says:
Why do fully grown adults still think voting is real. No one voted for Daniel Andrews or albo. Are you stupid
@nfl_fan_aus8532 Says:
Stop taxing us and build some houses you useless pricks!
@johnmancini4700 Says:
Agree with previous comments. What have they accomplished or achieved? Oh that’s right, record debt and interest payments and the project delays and blowouts continue. Common denominator is as has been for the past decade LABOUR. And yet you get what you vote for.
@destinyangel5 Says:
Victorians Just don't pay it . Protest .
If everybody in Victoria would stand up to this communist maybe she will step down or her people will eventually tap her on the shoulder tell her to bugger off for her incompetence and mismanagement of tax payers money .
@RogerWilson-u4i Says:
Where is the Victorian political opposition?
The Victorian LNP continues to be found missing in action.
@halitosis75 Says:
The majorrity of people on here voted for the kh unt
@halitosis75 Says:
Andrews and Allan's land tax grab was even mentioned on the block last night 😂😂😂😂😂
@jmcham1000 Says:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe Says:
I don’t think you really own a property if the ongoing title in your name is predicated on paying thousands and thousands to the government year after year.
@neilr4867 Says:
Don't pay it. There's no way they can enforce it. They're broke.
@brettnorton817 Says:
Socialist Governments show themselves through economic depression.
@GlennFyson Says:
Typical Labor Governments raising another tax to gouge funds for there disgusting over spending, it's basically LEGALISED THEFT. These people could not run or even organise a Kindergarten Chook Raffle let alone Gov Spending.
@hl5910 Says:
Unfortunately all these pathetic useless politicians still walk away with a massive extremely undeserved golden handshake once they're voted out, I really think getting voted out doesn't bother them, they'll indulge in revisionism when it comes to their failures turning them into successes after they've left. They're laughing all the way to the bank for an extremely substandard job which in many case's destroys people's financial and employment situations
@unclebuck8558 Says:
62 days and our family 😂cut Victoria
We also take 2 companies with us - another 16 ppl to become unemployed in Victoria
Fuck you labor - libs
@joeydepp6823 Says:
Don’t feel like an enemy of the state, more like an ATM.
@boltang Says:
People are planing on leaving Aussie in droves . Councils rates are killing people let alone property tax!
@helenfloros2524 Says:
Evil , evil, evil Labour government tax,tax,tax is all they know how dare they.
@racerboy-d2z Says:
Victoria is bankrupt and trading whilst insolvenr!
@lincolnmcgrath1998 Says:
Worlds smallest violin, property prices should be going down, property shouldn't be a wealth vehicle
@mattypurcell Says:
Fuck Dan Andrews.... reckt my life completly
@creditelectric Says:
Probably, they have a whiff of death around them, but thought that before the last election.But that was before the Liberal Party recycled Guy & the opposition AG crashed his Jaguar under the influence.
@mmmarcd Says:
All you grifts want other people to foot the bill for your properties. Land tax is far more preferable than stamp duty which is what needs to go.