Socialist/Communist countries control the only message that is allowed. Democratic countries don't allow the government to control the message.
@WalJames Says:
It's quite amusing that around the world, it's only lefties complaining about mis/dis-information. You wont find any conservatives complaining because our brains work enough to be able to discern information for ourselves.
@maxinerizzon9090 Says:
We needed this mis dis information shit thru the covid vax times
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
It gets better. 34 of 63 comments showing. 😆
@ggslv58gng57 Says:
from the Guardian - "The Australian government will push on with regulation of social media and artificial intelligence despite the incoming Trump administration’s opposition to both, Ed Husic has signalled."
The exact OPPOSITE from Trump’s free speech initiative a five-step plan that includes:Executive Orders: 1 Ban federal agencies from CENSORING lawful speech 2 DOJ Investigation: 3 Section 230 Reform: 4.Defunding Censorship:
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Listening to Stephen Conroy is like being inside and empty shipping container, the only way is the Labor Way, no Disinformation just bare faced LIES.
@DennisMahaney-n3w Says:
Media lies 95 % of the time . The other 5% is guys like me if you have heard anything by 8 am start something.
@garyhartley7413 Says:
It wont be the social media companies that do the censoring or deciding what is or isn't misinformation, it will be the government itself, who will then direct these companies to remove said material or be fined.. Conroy remains as truthful as his track record has always been.. not one to be trusted with honesty in the slightest.. what he just spouted was the very propaganda he would have us believe the government wants to curtail.
@kkcw6668 Says:
There's an unprecedented level of 'dinner party' interest in this, and with civilian disquiet being aroused in a way that is likely to see matters of historical significance be brought to the fore time & time again, the consequences may well be of a Nature none of you had ever contemplated... should have left well enough alone, since you all havent, dogs will be awakened and the bite will be more severe than the bark!
@tagiscom Says:
Yeah all of those facts and evidence must make you unsettled especially the safe and affective weedkiller.
@michaelross-aj6fgvk3rz Says:
Ahh Conroy. Whenever Albo wants to send a message, he sends Steve the court jester.
@just_julie00 Says:
Yes you have government, parliament & elections guess what you have the AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE who won't be electing you lot again, so how about listening to us
@bosco9028 Says:
How fkn dare you Stephen Conroy and Anne Twomey trying to tell us WTF you think is misinformation!!! How dare you!!!! Not you, your Labor cronies or any other stupid academic have the right to tell me or my family what you think is propaganda or what is right or wrong when it comes to information I decide to consume. How fkn dare you!!! The arrogance by this left idiot and his crony Labor mates is absurd. These people should not be deciding what is misinformation or not. Because most of the time they get it wrong and are spewing out their own form of propaganda and lies. Now they want to legislate censorship like it is some Communist State. How dare you! Go away and leave us the fk alone. We will read, watch or consume any content we fkn want. Not content you tell us we can.
What is the ABC Conroy? The propaganda mouthpiece for the left and Labor. Don't give me this shit you want to protect us from misinformation you imbec1le. You've never worked a real job in your entire pathetic life Conroy. Get lost!!!!
@LegendaryInfortainment Says:
Elon doesn't want the professionally witless such as this telling us what free speech is or isn't. I agree.
@rof8200 Says:
'When a politician says they want to stop "misinformation", what they really mean is that they want to stop anyone from contradicting their lies' - Elon Musk
@jamessykes2760 Says:
Canada's CBC is thick with propaganda, usually China centric, environmental, first people and of course identify. They really love everything divisive and against any freedoms westerners used to enjoy, like freedom of speech for example.
@lechenaultia5863 Says:
Plenty of government disinformation. They need to be held accountable.
@tikkabrno Says:
So Labor wants the ABC shut down. Good news 👏
@RetroRocketReview Says:
well, DuckDuckGo, the search engine where we used to find truth is now exactly as Google, they scrubbed a lot of sites off that had info on the vax, elections, corrupt gov't's, etc
@MrHmauch Says:
These clowns still don't understand that none of this has anything to do with Elon Musk. It's about this fascist behaviour of our government which is unacceptable .
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
The source😂
@krisp4889 Says:
The State run propaganda came from the Australian Government NOT from outside actors, same in the USA the MSM have been proven over and over again to be pushing Government misinformation and down right lies.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
Yes, we certainly saw mountains of state-based propaganda ..... during covid. The worst offender in pushing propaganda on the Australian people are our own governments. Closely followed nightly by Stephen Convoy on the Paul Murray Show.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Stephen, you spout a load of waffle!!! Still going on about Russian disinformation, Orwellian.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Like sky terrorist zionist nazi propagandists
@jackojacko3545 Says:
Labour and Liberal are now birds of the same feather .Don't be fooled .Jesus bless ya from a brother from downunder 🇦🇺💒🤠
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
State based disinformation says Conroy, but when the law in Australia is tinkered with by the ALP over the next few years it will target ordinary Australians, that is clearly the end game.
That is also why the anti freedom of speech ALP are on their way out at the next election.
Cannot trust any govt to be the arbiter of truth, just look at Covid. Canada is almost a dictatorship and only msm that it is authorised by Trudeau gets to publish.
As that horrible former PM of NZ said, the govt is the source of information. Well we know how that turned out.
@Creality.R.Crooks Says:
Yeah, we're not going to allow Australian government propaganda to dominate our news cycle! (Fat chance, Buck)
@srichards5042 Says:
Conroy suffers fromTDS
@danielfournier4659 Says:
Trying to work your way on that tariff list?
@goatielocks404 Says:
Did he use Russia disinformation in our elections?! lol loser
@CeeDEE-l8b Says:
Trump should mandate every country that doesn't have a "Freedom of Speech" clause/law/etc as an enemy state and barred from American trade/UN participation.
Problem solved.
@Beachlife4567 Says:
Albo want clear air to
Get his misinformation out there. We will
Lower power bills by $250!
@jacqueline726 Says:
Oh stop already! Did the people of this country agree to any of what our govt is trying to get us to do? Ok, some just don’t care, but most would. Why isn’t their information considered misinformation? Why can they say what they want? Sounds messed up.
@LuciferBlack-k6m Says:
How to identify a checkbook journalist...
The eye's don't lie when they read what's scripted on the teleprompter..
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
9 of 14 comments showing.
@MrUbermanstories Says:
Check the historical tactics of communist propaganda in foreign nations, Musk is not the problem. Many have fallen for the anti-God socialist propaganda, through universities, schools and paid traitors, ultimately weakening Western enemy nations. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
This bill will be the end of renewable energy in Australia.
@jule3480 Says:
Vote Labor OUT!!
@oldnutta7611 Says:
Watch what Brian Marlow said.
The debate should have ended right there.
@bealzibub4002 Says:
The government’s of the world are the ones pushing the most misinformation while silencing citizens
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
We see it here every hour of every day. It’s an ugly safe space for ignorant fascists so certainly serves a purpose.
@UnintendedConsequences Says:
Everything government says is “misinformation.” Let’s just outlaw them, and problem solved.
@lauran1212 Says:
Dont forget the Aussies and the hysteria caused by a runny nose 😅
@tomjones5338 Says:
Albo bin lying is the Queen of missinformation
@WamSUBNZ Says:
Censorship is nothing but a tool of a fascist totalitarian dictatorship
Freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas is the root of democracy without freedom of speech we are not in a democracy we are nothing but slaves of a state
@TruthNationUncensored Says:
Don't take life so seriously folks .. None of us make it out alive 🤷♂️