So there is hope for the future, Polish politicians seems to have balls. Huge respect to Poland and Ukraine greetings from Scandinavia.
@crushingvanessa3277 Says:
Maybe with Poland at the helm things will get better for Ukraine. Trump will likely just use Orban as a tool.
@norbertdapunt5092 Says:
The Cartel is now full establish.
@เหงียนเกาด๊าก Says:
🇺🇸😏👈Trump 👎👎😮
@ZiGGi03 Says:
If orban is saying this he knows something he’s obviously spoke to his fab handlers about what trump said to putin . If this does happen we know trump n Putin work together . Putin uses trump and plays him like a fiddle .
@Antropoids Says:
why is it that Hungary has not been trown out of EU and NATO
@garrydullaghan3207 Says:
Orban putins boyfriend in Europe
@holamellamocarlos6377 Says:
It just means America First. If there is anything left, Ukraine can take out a loan and get it.
@natalieturko4808 Says:
What a monstrous thing for Orban to say. He knows full well that Ukraine is the victim here, NOT Russia, and that Ukraine is a sovereign country with a legitimate government. What business is it of Putin, and Orban, as to who leads Ukraine, an independent, sovereign and peaceful neighbor??
@ruvanefriebus-cv6td Says:
Seems Hungary forgot what the Orban family are famous for
@jimharmon1509 Says:
trump, orban, Nazi putin and musk are all butt buddies.
@gedteesdale2794 Says:
Orban must be dethroned and his country deselect him as soon as possible, he isa traitor to all things democratic and free.
Possibly unpopular opinion/take.
I don’t think so..I think given the Warhawks in his cabinet Trump could be swayed to keep supporting Ukraine against Russia for ego reasons.
(Him withdrawing support for Ukraine would immediately make him look weak in front of the entire world and that’s something he can’t abide) he’s already thrown voters under the buss and he’ll throw plenty more.
I think Russia may try to test its luck with the West thinking that Trump won’t help nato despite the risk to American troops stationed in Europe.
Potentially Trump could pull Orban away from Putin in such a case by simply being himself.
@michaelpivola3rd195 Says:
The Republican party has adopted AMERICA FIRST as its guess whats next