all them tower may be turn1 into units help work out how money for each unita may work out jobs for them better than nothing in them if jobs see how much to pay(love for DRAGON/B_R/GAZA
@DavidFoo-kh4ri Says:
And yet a certain country of 330m still believe that they 're the centre of the world...😢
@sam-1-USA Says:
In the United States the information about the PRIVATE citizen is kept private, except for what the citizen allows the government to know. Information about PUBLIC servants making up the government is kept public, allowing the citizens to know everything about them. In China, it is the exact opposite.
@superblue213 Says:
This ressembles to the Marshall plan, but eastward.
In order for the chinese economy to grow, it need not only to conquer new markets, but to develop the gdp of the global south, that explain the infrastructure investment, it is a daring plan, but if it succeeds, it will propel the chinese economy in new highs