The Point: NATO goes north

The Point: NATO goes north


For more: NATO may get two new members. Finland's government said on May 15 that it intends to join the military alliance NATO � a move that would shift it away from decades of neutrality. And its neighbor country Sweden is expected to follow suit. Russia has called Finland's move a great "mistake," saying there are no threats to Finland's security from Russia. Why are these two Nordic countries taking steps to join NATO now? What would be the security impact for Europe? And more chances for peace or greater risks of war? Guests: Dr. Jan Oberg Research Director, Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research Prof. Ulrich Brückner Stanford University Michael O' Hanlon Foreign Policy Senior Fellow & Director of Research, Brookings Institution Brian Berletic Geopolitical Analyst Prof. Yury Tavrovsky Russia political commentator Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):



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