New York tightens gun restrictions

New York tightens gun restrictions


New York has approved measures aimed to reduce mass shootings by raising the minimum age to purchase semiautomatic rifles to 21.




Lol NY law is as useful as a broken condom
@MRPricks Says:
Now you can be like us in Australia anyone can Rob you we are told to run hide crawl if necessary and call the police but nine times out of ten you get shot or murdered before they show up.
@KabukeeJo Says:
Funny how I can't legally buy or own a gun in NYC but I can go get them illegally just fine if I wanted to. Democrats don't help law abiding citizens, they only help criminals.
@KabukeeJo Says:
Meanwhile, the NYC criminal thugs still have their illegal weapons and gun violence continues unabated as NYC inches it's way into becoming Chicago 2.0
@dB_944 Says:
Now I have to wait until 21 to be a criminal???
@aaroncameron406 Says:
Good news bois we should be safer now to rob and murder these chumps!
@oldieman730 Says:
The US Constitution calls for well armed Militias of the people, in order to keep their Government honest. Obviously the Globalists intend to weaken and remove this part of their Constitution.
@jeffreydlugokinski9038 Says:
None of these will do anything to stop criminals. Criminals dont obey laws.
@SocialismSucks Says:
Not much to tighten, the commies have violated the 2nd Amendment massively, and the crime is higher than ever🤪
@cunninglinguist6944 Says:
I'm taking bets on the next mass shooting location, toll and weapon type.
@olivertremayne9985 Says:
I live in Melbourne, not jabbed and can go wherever I want, best part is that I get the freedom without the American gun culture.
@fallinegg Says:
lol enjoy those strict gun laws ole son....shit doesnt work clearly best defense to an active shooter is being armed yourself because no one else is coming to save your glad i dont like in a blue state if i wasnt mugged within a week i'd be shot within a week.
@olivertremayne9985 Says:
About time, guns haven't done anything to protect freedom in the US. New Yorkers obeyed the mask rules, vaccine mandates and lockdowns, how did guns help !?! The country is full of Woke propaganda in media and leftists stealing elections, but the guns did not prevent that. Seems that Americans prefer to use their guns against school children and hospital staff instead, no one going after globalists. Better to take their guns away. Thankfully I am in Australia, and no, I am no sheep, not vaxxine jabbed, never even took the tests and now that the narrative has fallen apart I am free to go to anywhere I want in Victoria, June 10 WA dropping the vaccine mandates. I feel sorry for the good yanks stuck in the US, but it is what it is.
@nopotts Says:
@aotearoablitz9881 Says:
What does Australia, New Zealand and China all have in common? Their Foreign Governments have left their people defenceless by removing guns. Don't let that happen to you all U.S.A residents.
@bunberrier Says:
@nadie2795 Says:
They're jealous of Chicago having more murders and they want the top spot. This will definitely do it. 🤣🤪😂🤡
@Boogman820 Says:
Good thing I moved out of this shithole state...
@lettherebelight6910 Says:
If we’re ganna strip people of the right to self defense, then law enforcement must be stripped of their lethal weapons in exchange for non-lethal. For At that point there will be no need for law enforcement to carry such extreme force, especially rogue cops we enjoy bullying and injuring innocent civilians. But let’s be real..... they won’t strip law enforcement just YOU. Wake up.
@floydschake1749 Says:
I'm sure all gangs of New York will appreciate you preventing legals for vests etc... Watch new York start losing population like California
@ethanwinters7829 Says:
And criminals will still be able to get them off the black market.
@AmalgamationofMan Says:
Laws don't prevent criminals from committing crime . Tyrants are merely attempting to manipulate and steer the masses into giving up there ability to defend themselves against tyrants.
@bookertee3057 Says:
New York has one of worst crime rates in America. Strict guns laws don't work here. Just like Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
@Velo1010 Says:
Someone needs to remind the criminals of these new gun restrictions so they don’t break the laws.
@_LeeroyJenkins Says:
The power of NYC and it’s goons ruins the rest of the beautiful state !
@trentspackman3597 Says:
Great, so the gun crime should come down lol. Watch this have the complete opposite effect.
@JoyinFlorida Says:
Because that'll stop the shootings? The bad guys will follow the rules, sure. Chicago much? #falseflagseverywhere All of our leaders and politicians are demonic👺
@Garfield-l5m Says:
Am I supposed to believe that teenagers commit more mass shootings than people in their 20s and older? Give me a break!
@jamesreck8476 Says:
Because all of their other gun laws have done so much to deter crime...
@blackmanops3749 Says:
Well ladies, don't leave the house without a bodyguard. Good luck!
@northwoodsdad7506 Says:
The crime rate just went up even higher.....
@Harrygreen111 Says:
It's against the law not to have a gun
@stormsurge6765 Says:
Criminals dont care about laws.
@johnhsmith9207 Says:
Unconstitutional! Why hasn’t Mayor Cuomo, the Nursing home Killer been apprehended yet??? Illegal laws that just serve Criminals and Tyrannical Government!!! Some supermarkets have express lanes for shoplifters in NYC I hear?
@jonathanlemonwrestlingshow9251 Says:
Thank god 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@republicunited2183 Says:
Instead they need to address the mentally ill, criminals, and political failed policies. Criminals will always get guns!
@claytongross5657 Says:
@2hotscottpro Says:
ny is dum
@josephhewes8931 Says:
These new laws will do absolutely NOTHING to stop deranged criminals. The problem in NY State is the deranged, power hungry Sociopaths that are the elected officials and THEY KNOW IT WON'T STOP CRIMINALS BUT DON'T CARE !
@zekelucente9702 Says:
Well there you have it this means the murder rate in NYC will plummet. Great job Democrats.
@JohnSmith-sf3he Says:
I am a gun owner and second amendment supporter and I don't even think that kids under 21 should own a gun, not today's youth there minds have been polluted too much especially because of these corrupt social media platforms
@geejaybee Says:
This is excellent news .... for the criminals who own illegal guns and who won't be affected by any legislative measures.
@FutureJ23 Says:
With New Your logic criminals will stop buying guns and shooting people cause they tightened restrictions.
@no.4mk126 Says:
Commie scumbags
@nopeno6514 Says:
That's a place I won't revisit in my lifetime.
@blainesitter9110 Says:
Prosecutors don't charge gun crimes on the books , why invent new ones ? so they can go after legal owners !
@search4truth104 Says:
LOL I am sure the criminals are just wondering how they will get past these tough new laws.
@helenl2343 Says:
Now you'll never, ever get a gun permit ( Unless you're politically connected )
@skyecommander2169 Says:
That’s it we got them, the criminals are going to turn in their guns and illegal guns are just going to get thanos’d away…said no one ever.
@johngillespie3409 Says:
Ban bullies not guns.

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