Bolsonaro's Kamikaze Bill

Bolsonaro's Kamikaze Bill


Election regulations in Brazil forbid sitting presidents, governors, and mayors from creating or enhancing social policies in election years. The rationale is pretty straightforward. The rules aim at leveling the playing field by preventing the use of the public purse directly for electoral gains. In the past, social policies were essentially used as vote-for-cash schemes by politicians. There are, of course, loopholes in the rules. One of them is if the country is in a state of emergency. Editor-in-chief Gustavo Ribeiro and Brasília Correspondent Cedê Silva explain how the Bolsonaro administration, with the help of party leaders in Congress, has tried to take advantage of that loophole. Read more in The Brazilian Report: 00:00 How Bolsonaro administration is trying to create an Electoral Momentum 00:49 What is the Kamikaze bill? 02:55 Bolsonaro's Kamikaze Bill and cash-transfer programs 04:49 Bolsonaro's Kamikaze bill impact on public spending and in congress 06:47 Who is Arthur Lira, speaker of the House 08:15 Effects of the Kamikaze Bill 10:42 What is the destination of the money received by cash-transfer programs 11:20 How Bolsonaro is trying to win the voter's sympathy 13:18 Presidential Popularity and the economy 13:56 Optimism among the president's allies? 15:10 Bolsonaro is growing in the polls? 16:45 Inflation could erode cash-transfer programs benefits 17:11 Brazil politics are getting closer to the USA polarization? 18:28 First brazilian election with 2 presidents running #elections #brazil #bolsonaro



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