Debate about Indigenous Voice referendum will be 'messy'

Debate about Indigenous Voice referendum will be 'messy'


Sky News host Jenna Clarke says debate about the proposed referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be 'messy' but she hopes the heat will be "taken out" once details are provided.




@lozfromozlyons4749 Says:
The VOICE of reason saids that we each have different morals and groups have different morals. A reasonable voter will ask is this a win win for you and me. Therefore until the reasons are made clear and are demonstrable V is for VOTE … O is for OFFERING … I is for INCREASED … C is for CONFUSION … E is for EVERYWHERE
@bobhebblewhite1685 Says:
this move is the most dangerest move labor has ever made. to give 3.3% of the population of anstralia a higher status and more say in the government will split this country and bring ruin upon the people who seek it.
@thethinkingman- Says:
if aborigines want to be accepted by australians they need to show some repect for what australians have given them, and they should even become australian, and then they can vote like everyone else does! its time australians stop listening to the aborigine dictators who only think of themselves and have no respect for the australian way of life.
@bobhebblewhite1685 Says:
to buy a pig in a poke . poke is a bag and to buy anything sight unseen is stupid. albo wants us to agree to a change in the constitution without any details. this is stupid and i feel albo thinks we are STUPID.
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
Labor couldent care less about Australia, they're only interested in their neo-communist ideology.
@olivier8264 Says:
so after "accepting" or including Aborigines ans TS Islanders as Ozzie citizens in 67, now they want "not" to be, they want apartheid but on the cost and support of the Ozzie taxpayer and enshrine it in the constitution.
@frankwren8215 Says:
Get absolutely fucked. You helped govt stamp on our necks and now you help them sweep it under the rug, for literal racism for god's sake Have you no shame
@pwillis1589 Says:
Great speech by the PM. All was explained and the question laid out.
@goodyear05 Says:
No more white aboriginal racists in politics
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@jfkfitirjdjjsisieirirjfjdj5967 Says:
🤣 sky still crying bout it,shame,very childish and selfish,it’s time for change,grow up 🤥liers,of course it’s going to be a bit bumpy it’s never been done ere before,but we will get it done
@AshleyJOsborne Says:
@mattmacca3990 Says:
It will be messy as no politician (with the exception of Pauline Hanson) had the guts to say anything about anything that related to Indigenous affairs. Both sides of politics are so frightened of being branded “racist”, which is what occurs when you challenge this “indigenous victim ideology” that it is a competition to see how “woke” they can be.. Until we move on from from colonisation, the stolen generation etc, nothing will improve other than good money will be thrown recklessly into anything OR anyone who claims to be indigenous..
@advanceaustralia3321 Says:
No citizen. One vote. No special rights or privileges for people who identify as aborigine.
@71518 Says:
Like the pope xD
@GordonPavilion Says:
Sky News is a CANCER upon Australia
@gulaggreens296 Says:
How about giving us all a voice?
@gulaggreens296 Says:
Everyone knows the Labor criminals will just jam this through whether we want it or not
@dopermeen2432 Says:
Yep can’t wait for every nut job alphabet fringe dwelling local councillor to get their hands on the constitution. No mention of the pursuit of happiness or maybe freedom of speech or privacy protection from government dont piss yourself a moral obligation to protect yourself. No it will just be more power to bureaucracy more power for government just like the last time they unconstitutionally changed the constitution. Look at what’s going on in New Zealand then look at the left across the world green groomers all of them.
@killbotone6210 Says:
Australia belongs to England so really this decision is entirely up to The Queen or Charles.
@wayneholmes6656 Says:
How about this deal. The natives get equal rights and representation and they in turn appreciate the whites for a standard of living and technology. Maybe they can stop wining and simply appreciate a diversity of culture other than thier own. Perhaps they can also stop disrespecting a people from Europe that came to Australia in chains. The Aborigines get indoor plumbing, the actually wear clothes made of cloth now and they drove to the protest in a machine they had nothing to do with inventing, developing or manufactoring on asphalt roads that may have provided them with jobs by helping to build them along with a house that isn't made with what's lying around a mile from thier last meal. I'm sick of the one sided disrespect.
@wayneholmes6656 Says:
Oh give it a rest with the natives. WGAF? This is so stupid
@matthewflinders1978 Says:
That’s because racial political power is racist. One person, one vote. That’s the only fair way.
@returnofrome1523 Says:
I have zero interest in indigenous voices. They’re Australian.
@juliancate7089 Says:
Wow. The White guilt is palpable. Do abo's not have citizenship? Do abo's not have a right to vote and hold office? Oh, they do? Then why the hell do they need a "voice" in the Constitution? The groveling is both stupid, but costly. Nevermind, just welcome to the People's Democratic Woke-loving Soviet Socialist Republic of Australia. Just be sure to be quadruple vaxxed and have plenty of face diapers before you come.
@trentspackman3597 Says:
This is why the government did it and the media is pushing it. Division!!! Without it they have no power.
@卢军宏台长心灵法-u3d Says:
Looking for excuses to cover up your mistakes is an indication that you do not want to change. The process of looking for excuses is detrimental to your true nature. It harms you and leaves your conscience with no place to stay.
@peterhavord5984 Says:
As Bronwyn Bishop gets around in a gas guzzling helicopter why doesn't she donate a squadron of her broomsticks to Ukraine to bolster their airforce ?
@blackmoney7 Says:
@onlythaclonessir2525 Says:
@jimmycook872 Says:
This referendum on indigenous people will fail. Labour are living in Lala land if they think this is going to become law. LOL LOOOSERS.
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Before I start work tomorrow I’m going to do a welcome to country in the car park. Use my cigarette as the smoking ceremony.
@gravelrash4870 Says:
As Australia is so woke now, a foreign toxic philosophical import, it is but guaranteed they will stuff this up. The stuff up will create division rather than the unity it pretends to want to achieve. And the slide into societal collapse will soldier on unabated.
@notafreespeechplatform4201 Says:
What about a voice for the Kanakas and Malays who were shipped over as farm labour? Or the Latvian immigrants?
@jimmycook872 Says:
When are they going to have a referendum on climate change and let the general Australia people decide what they want. Absolute treasonous scam.
@ETERNITY777 Says:
@KurtBoulter Says:
The elections are now rigged in Australia now, since preferences and the election commission, are in on the fraud, so why even speak about the referendum, as we know, amazingly, the votes will come in from somewhere, that the majority of Australians want the country separated and judged by the colour of one's skin, rather than the content of one's character.
@ETERNITY777 Says:
@emmas4336 Says:
@pittuk6500 Says:
to honor indigenous communities, right to become an alcoholic should be a constitutionally protected right.
@carriemartin9400 Says:

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