Morrison 'needs to explain himself' following reports of secret moves

Morrison 'needs to explain himself' following reports of secret moves


Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie says former prime minister Scott Morrison 'needs to explain himself' following reports he secretly swore himself into ministerial portfolios in 2020. Ms Lambie said there are questions that need to be answered, following reports Mr Morrison secretively swore himself into two ministerial roles in March 2020. 'It's extremely worrying if that's what he was doing,' she told Sky News Australia. 'It reminds me of someone who's an absolute control freak."




@WalkOverHotCoal Says:
One role ScoMo ought to swear himself into is toilet cleaner. But wait...wouldn't he be punching above his own weight?
@babs1735 Says:
Can somebody explain the implications of this to me? What was the gain for him doing this?
@travisryan5459 Says:
Morrison is your typical conservative church goer. Lying pos hypocrite.
@raymondpulham1600 Says:
Scomo was 100% correct when he said we should not trust governments. It seems "his" government especially. Bet he wishes he could take all that back now, I see family time for him coming up soon, could also get in a holy roller job preaching fake religion
@leghunter9201 Says:
@johnmasia6577 Says:
I think we should find out what decisions Scott Morrison made in his capacity as Undercover Minister in each of those portfolios apart from rescinding the PEP 11 project.
@santoshrathod123 Says:
Worst PM in Australia's history
@drewsale7288 Says:
A secret government! Real Banana Republic stuff. This must be fully investigated.
@WTC-1990 Says:
And Morrison's biggest cheerleaders have finally turned on him #shutdownskynews
@raypestrapur2897 Says:
This is the same news channel that promoted him and credlins husband took Scummo to Japan to give "important speeches" when the scumster should have been arriving for the first week of parliament under the new government. How's those bushfire victims going that you promised to "tirelessly campaign for" Credlin? Sky News= JOKE.
@andrewmatyear5212 Says:
Cant he just fade away with his 100 million from covid? Of course he can . They all will. Trillions were made , trillions.
@topher.m Says:
The Liberal faithful comments here are utter trash. It’s ok to admit your fearless leader did a boo boo.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
Just what is it that Morrison is being accused of? Okay, he swore himself into several portfolios, unusual sure, but is it criminal? Does it warrent an investigation given what else is going on in the country.
@kathleencook3060 Says:
Who's running the Country today.?
@spacecobra3101 Says:
Jesus the stefanovic brothers are shit tv host
@bryanpask8423 Says:
Ultimately this bloke should be in jail! What else will we learn!?
@emanuelvella536 Says:
Sounds like putin
@michaelscanlon6279 Says:
Morrison had the responsibility of dealing with a "Once in a hundred year pandemic" and he and Josh did a good job. He had 3 years of the ABC and most other media outlets attacking him for his stance on China and the way he treated the Marxists at the ABC. It did not matter what he did, the media were going to smack him anyway. Good on him for taking on extra responsibility during the pandemic - it is not what Albanese would ever do. Albanese is not the leader we need for these times and his Treasurer is a shocker - he has not got a clue. Albanese is very limited and his party do not have what it takes to help Australia recover. As for Sky, it is little wonder that few even watch them now - without Credlin they would be irrelevant.
@graemestephens1894 Says:
Morrison the Dictator
@Valerie-jt5vb Says:
check out Morrison after his loss speaking at Victory Church Perth..
@tinkertailor7385 Says:
Why pointless legal action Jacqui? Morrison is not PM now. Why not pass legislation clearly limiting political and bureaucratic power? Now that we are ALL on the same page about Authoritarian abuses of power and Bureaucratic overreach. Lets limit it. Morrison is now irrelevant. Mr Albanese is PM. Prime Minister Albanese needs to pass legislation limiting Government power and not waste this opportunity to do so.
@manyanful Says:
Did the Morrison claim any extra money for the extra work and what about staff
@melvinleong3731 Says:
This guy ran the county … THE FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD !! Wake TF UP !!
@the-igloo Says:
how about those eyebrows!!
@mathewkelly9968 Says:
Would be dictator , we dodged a bullet last election . As for you Liberal voters go to sleep with a mirror and wake upto yourself .
@williamallan7915 Says:
Peter Dutton should have been PM to start with, he was the challenger
@bign1667 Says:
Why are we wasting our time on people no longer in government these last few months? What have we got to gain?
@petersmith9785 Says:
It'll be like the Whitlam dismissal of 1975 watch this space!!!
@billogle4776 Says:
Ask Albanese about his dual Nationality
@lover-of-fate Says:
Why does Jacqui face seem fake? Has she got some type of fake enhancement. What a surprise a polies whose face even seems to be fake.
@dennishungerford4146 Says:
🇺🇸 submarine manned by Australia (USA military enlistment down)🇺🇸🙏✅
@dam8087 Says:
Right-wingers rhe world over are corrupt, immoral, despicable authoritarian scumbags.
@TurnerFamilyInOz Says:
Yeah! Let’s keep hounding “bad guys” over nothing while letting Labor grotesques bash protesters, destroy businesses, implement racist hard borders, throw women in labour out of hospital and remain entirely remorseless throughout 🤦‍♂️
Up the meds Lambi.
@daveo3122 Says:
And Lambie, someone who get's super agressive at people _NOT_ taking an experimental gene therapy injection, kinda reminds of a fledgling dictator, or nazi.
@radioaustralia5070 Says:
Oh gosh she is such a bogan, I can't watch that nut. She needs to learn how to do her do her eyebrows properly
@unclebuck8558 Says:
Lambie is another clown
@unclebuck8558 Says:
No surprise.
@nicethings2070 Says:
Can't stand this woman.
@peterjohnpj2778 Says:
why is there a worker shortage ??????
@crenattahm6018 Says:
During pandemic can be declared as an emergency economy situation that each country leader need to take any wise action together with their ministries. Remember.. it was during pandemic and Morrison government had done a great job to not make Australia economy collapse it was. In my opinion, during pandemic.. Mr Morrison government has achieved a great legacy in job keepers and Job Seeker program to help many Australia citizens and businesses from small to corporate. 😊✌️💙
@tamaveirene Says:
I wish the News Anchor could have maintained some 'Gravitas' when reporting this disgraceful news, instead of being obviously delighted...e.g. "...and what do you make of THAT?" - directing the question to her of the crooked eyebrows and even more crooked politics!!!.
@braxxian Says:
Morrison is as corrupt as they come. He is not prime minister material and should never have been so.
@tamaveirene Says:
Jacqui Lambie ...quick to find fault...slow to understand....😂
@user-rc4nw6xy5p Says:
Morrison had a problem with government. He said so at a recent church meeting. Which only brings home the fact he is a control freak. Would not have mattered if he held all the ministerial seats of government. He could not get across policy - like climate change - defense. Seems rather weird he did ask these ministers to resign. To go and swear yourself in as the minister in secret, is bizarre. As who is the minister in charge of those Departments. The Minister appointed by the P.M. or Morrison himself. ? If you think about it, Morrison is the minister in charge as he had himself sworn - without the relevant minister knowing ? Morrison clearly let his religion rule his head. With regards the TEAL candidates - he got climate action around how to generate electricity - wrong in the sense he really did nothing about it. Effectively a dictatorship. You the Minister in name only - I really run your Ministry - for Health - Finance - and so on and so on. Clearly Morrison is a person with strange values. And clearly since losing the election - aired those values. The Liberal Party has a lot of problems to fix. Namely candidate selection is a mess - and policy. The two big ones - that are what you say you are to voters, all need fixing and fixing fast. Clearly Peter Dutton was not the dangerous one after all.
@thomascorbett2936 Says:
I believe Australia is going down the same road of big government centralized control the United States is going down .
@readyorknot2344 Says:
No body questions McGowan doing exactly the same thing only difference is he did it publicly as far as we know... But he is far more corrupt
@neddychapman5504 Says:
tray tor Lambie do not forget
@tonyneville4425 Says:
Hey Lambie hows that Big pharma cheque going you Sellout inform the Australian public what they have been injected with
@imantifeminism556 Says:
One of Criminal ScumMo's secret is what he did to Adrian Wells will be arrested & charged along with Criminal Andrew Hastie

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