The West has committed 'extraordinary amount' of defensive equipment to Ukraine

The West has committed 'extraordinary amount' of defensive equipment to Ukraine


The West has committed an 'extraordinary amount' of defensive equipment to Ukraine, author Pete Shmigel says. 'Properly, because it is in the interests of the West to do so, not just Ukraine,' he told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'What you see now is all sorts of Russian bases that were further away from the frontlines, now being taken out by HIMARS and Howitzer's and all sorts of long-range artillery that the Ukrainians have.'




@petermclaren2665 Says:
*We were told by the USA that the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan etc. etc. were being won right up until suddenly they weren't. I don't believe for a second that Ukraine is winning this war and down the track we'll suddenly hear they're not. Zelensky or someone will be blamed for letting the US down and that'll be the end of it until the US needs another war which they'll be planning right now*
@petermclaren2665 Says:
*A daily, accurate update on the war in Ukraine is to be found here*
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Bring Corey Bernardi on, he is not a hysterical as they other ZelenSKY journalists.
@serajk1727 Says:
Every country the usa does this too just prolongs the wars and so many more people die. Its a shame
@frankpedersen6404 Says:
the fat goeble
@mchughcb Says:
When Putin turns off the gas, the EU will go dark, and the supply of weapons to Ukraine will dry up in a week. Game over.
@xy9394 Says:
Enough is enough….It’s US Taxpayers footing the bill, and I don’t remember voting for this.
@chuckselvage3157 Says:
I just cooked a Mrs Macs meat pie in the microwave and smother it in tomato sauce
@MidTennPews Says:
The West as always sticking its nose where it doesn't belong.
@Oymmit Says:
defensive? like in afghanistan?
@piaschulze4482 Says:
The Ukraine is the khazarian mafias, (which rule the G7 countrys) last stronghold, they need to be removed, to free Europe. You have to understand that they want to k.i.l.l 90 procent of the world population, they are will see that all of europes goverments will suddenly change..
@brothermouzone1307 Says:
Defensive equipment 😂😂😂. Exactly how I feel about my weapon.
@karas1657 Says:
Russia is a terrorist state
@princemusky Says:
Yes they have given them equipment on credit... it's not free. Just like ww2, the British only just finished paying off their debt in 2020. The West have almost no incentive to protect ukraine.. Russia will win by then end of the year, saying ukraine is winning or going to win is unfortunately just propaganda. I wish it was the truth, but it isn't.
@Dantheman3993 Says:
Hiding bio labs and money laundering operations is very expensive!
@vg9137 Says:
*Zelensky: I better go back to the negotiation table.* *USA : shut up Zelensky & fight on to the last Ukrainian* *Zelensky: Yes Sir!*
@vg9137 Says:
*At this point Pete Shmigel is lurching between the illogical and the ridiculous. There is no Ukrainian offensive and never will be. Going on and on and on about it just sounds plain stupid already.*
@stendall Says:
Ah, look at the Russian bots crawl out of the wood-work. Some questions? Do you think Ukrainians will stop fighting? Do you think countries like Poland, and the Baltic States, that despise Russia because they've been oppressed by Russia, will cease their support? Putin had ONE shot to win this properly. He needed to have Kiev, Odesa and Kharkiv in his pocket with a week or two tops for Russia to win. The west now has no doubt that Putin's goal is the destruction of NATO and restoration of the old borders of the USSR! Certainly Finland and Sweden believe so. So no European NATO countries will ever stop supporting a country that will never stop fighting. The counter-offensives could be years away, or we can just keep bleeding that Putin c*nt until like the old USSR his system collapses. ...So tell me, how is Russia winning?
@oldtimers6460 Says:
Time to go to the peace table and get a resolve before Russia goes all in and devastates the country . Hmmm a weakened Russia may give China thoughts about the resource rich Siberia .
@Valkron11 Says:
I keep hearing about Russia taking the greatest loss in wartime history and that Ukraine is about to change the tide of war. So which is it? Has Russia been winning or losing? Because it seems like Russia is winning the war despite 100's of billions in misappropriated funds funneled to Ukraine oligarchs
@gingersam851 Says:
A pair of clowns spouting nonsense. Their "arguments" are not worthy of a rebuttal. I watched a recent interview with John Pilger, who said "Above all, this is a war of propaganda, and I would think almost nothing one reads in the Western press about the invasion of Ukraine is to be trusted."
@tylerdurden4006 Says:
"Defence"? Lmfao how does no one in the west know that america and the nazi's have been slaughtering civilians by the tens of thousands since 2014?
@tepporajala8570 Says:
It has been interesting to notice how much better the western weapons in Ukrainian hands have been performing when compared to Russian side. For example the fact that S-300 and S-400 haven’t been able to intercept HIMARS rockets has been surprising and makes you wonder are they even nearly as good as Russia has advertised. I wouldn’t buy one for sure if they only work against other Russian made weapons.
@8innings Says:
The world is really over run with racketeers n fakes n frauds and narcissists and killers. Most people are just filth. The rest are wonderful and decent.
@methodman6725 Says:
Yeah with little to show for it imo
@8innings Says:
Biden and family and Pelosi and family and John Kerry and family and many other US politicians have lucrative investments in ukraine allegedly.
@Abc15342 Says:
Th international legal principle of sovereignty, there's a catchphrase, eh? Didn't mean much for Cyprus in 1974, Didn't mean much for Serbia in Kosovo in 1999 or 2008, but in Ukraine, the West must uphold it. Why? So China doesn't get the wrong idea over Taiwan? Come again? Last time I checked, there is no sovereign country called Taiwan. It is a part of China, and even the US, which has been agitating the Taiwanese for independence from mainland China, does not recognise Taiwanese sovereignty, but officially upholds the "One China Policy", at least in word if not in deed since the early 70's. Some expert this guy is.
@AwakenedOne-qu Says:
All the west has done is prolonged the killing, Putin will not lose in Ukraine, the US has no respect of nations, how many have been over thrown or just bombed to submission, America is on the wrong side of history
@tamaveirene Says:
'Bout Time the Western World woke up to itself. Instead of DIPLOMACY they chose self-defeating Sanctions. That will cause Poverty, Hunger and Cold to millions. Then they chose to send Weapons to prolong and escalate the bloodshed and killing. Then they censored the Russian News Media so that no-one could get the other side story. And sent billions of dollars over to a known conman and his dodgy Asov Battalion (known for terrorism and horrific human rights abuses long before the Russian confrontation!)!
@madmickey78 Says:
Not with our permission though 🤷‍♂️
@knightnight1894 Says:
Today, 15th Aug. is the Victory day of WWII, Hail to those passed and still-fighting heroes who send Nazis back to the hell.
@planetmikusha5898 Says:
If the Orcs were doing well, they wouldn't be recruiting in prisons for new cannon fodder!
@kaydring2630 Says:
People don’t want there honest earned taxes funding corrupt politicians wars. If Zelensky was winning Why is the west funding the bio weapon labs And continuation of abuse of the Ukraine people.
@eb2505 Says:
A lot goes on the black market too, and Ukraine is also loosing.
@Conky769 Says:
Money laundering
@Fotis420 Says:
More Lies by Sky news. Ukraine is being slaughtered and have continuously lost ground since day 1. Sky news reporters should be charged with war crimes for reporting lies to encourage war.
@matthewdudael1931 Says:
Am I wrong but wasn't Golems ' ( Lord Of The Rings ) name Shimgel
@davidcraig8660 Says:
Since the jab, covid fatalities in Australia are at records, based on Google, and far above before the injections.
@manoftruth0935 Says:
Putin thanks the west for the generous donations of weaponry to Russia.
@AJ-ks2hv Says:
70% for the big guy.
@iguiste23 Says:
They need to stop provoking China full stop and vice versa. The USA don't want a war with China in the indo-pacific or in China's territory because in all reality China would win pretty easily and effectively with sattelite attacks, hacks and a navy onslaught knocking out the US naval base in Japan and using thier control of the island to box them in and pick them off which in turn could cause problems for Australia, Japan and India. If you don't beleive me run a real time war simulation it ends badly. It'd be the same if China attacked near USA soil the USA would obviously sink them. This idea of trying to anger Xi and push China into a war situation is a very dangerous game indeed. A war between China and NATO of any kind would be apocalyptic for anyone on Earth. Just stop fighting wars and try and find a peaceful solution between Ukraine and Russia. It's getting well out of hand and these war talks and threats could escalate us into a global disaster conflict. Ya'll leaders all need to sit down smoke some weed, have some beers and a bbq, have an actual conversation amongst one another and chill the hell out.
@tubbyarmyoftwo222 Says:
Sadly Ukraine is using some of that defence to hit its own power station.
@somethingsavedmylife.1341 Says:
Ukraine is shelling a nuclear power plant, and our western media either says nothing about it, or makes up stories saying Russia is bombing a power plant which they themselves occupy. Propaganda decade. All lies.
@somethingsavedmylife.1341 Says:
Ukraine is losing, these guys are lying
@jaqalenabrooks8499 Says:
The UN has warned Ukraine about firing missiles at the nuclear reactor on the border of Dombass Putin asked the UN to send in an "investigator" to assess the damage. The UN refused, citing it was too dangerous
@ashleythomson9102 Says:
Chris Kenny ,you may need to get some guest's on your show who know what their talking about in Ukraine, that could lift your ratings mate !!!!!
@thilli1859 Says:
Which is based. We should send them weapons.
@baroneleve1196 Says:
Can you imagine this guy, he's still talking about the mythical Kherson counteroffensive
@kbeau9538 Says:

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