Democrats 'don't believe' borders should exist

Democrats 'don't believe' borders should exist


Democrats don't seem 'particularly bothered' by millions of illegal migrants crossing the border each year, author Douglas Murray says. He said the left-wing policy of migration is 'always like this'. 'They have open borders because they don't believe there should be borders but at some point, somebody has to deal with the consequences of that,' he told Sky News Australia. 'For instance having millions of people who are effectively living in the black economy or who are going to put a strain on housing provisions.'




@DanielleDefeo-fw4cq Says:
They don't want borders because they know every US citizen taxpayer is done with them and beyond mad they've lost all the black votes going with King Trump!!! I believe that the covid virus was caused intentionally... They didn't care about giving them covid shots when everyone else was forced to they're going to try to get them to vote and it's not going because people are beyond mad and I will never be trusted again!!! They tried to divide us and they actually United us!!! Lets go Brandon 2024 hurry up ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
@josenajera280 Says:
They will believe when paying top $$$$ to feed, cloth, shelter & educate those 2 plus mil immigrants for a least twenty years!
@myfavoritemartian1 Says:
"One World Order" is their eventual dream. A world composed of slaves ruled by elite families.
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
Apart from nutters, this is the only way for the Left to get new voters.
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@radow869 Says:
They want to rule the world.
@bellohadiza9414 Says:
Because Americas , Australia and New Zealand doesn't belong to the whites occupiers is a red indians lands , what a world ............
@keenfire8151 Says:
If democrats dont believe in borders, tell them to take the doors off their house. Afterall, there's no need for doors.
@Marcel-kn2mh Says:
Interesting: US Tax Payers recently built a secure fence around Biden's private residence. He also has armed guards, 24/7. Yet no awareness, shame or apology to the struggling residents of Texas. Personally, I believe Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are demonic.
@frankmorris2603 Says:
The dumbest people on the planet. You could show these idiots videos of cartel executioners cutting up innocent people and they still wouldn't get it. Just let em in ay ???
@garyalanretouch Says:
Open the borders totally, like they want. Come back in 5 years and America will be over run with poverty, crime and all the rest of the good stuff.
@nancygermain2996 Says:
Now that’s a war waiting to happen. The dems are the dimmest. We owe the entire world nothing. Bus all these illegals to all the places they live. They will see what it’s doing to the country. They won’t care but they should pay the price & speaking of paying take every penny use from their pockets. They intentionally caused this problem. We have veterans & families living on our streets. Bastards each & everyone. Democrats disperse & desist
@Dallas_K Says:
That's right Democrats, remove your front doors!
@laryjohnson5736 Says:
This is what brandon wants.
@jillellis62 Says:
Texas Governor sent buses straight to DC!! THEN, they were crying about it!! It’s not just the border, planes are flying 24/7/365 with immigrants coming in, via our military’s orders!!! VOTES matter, even immigrants now, I assume is WHY they need them. BUT ALSO, MIGRANTS HAVE ZERO MANDATES! But if I leave the USA, & come back, I MUST HAVE THAT SHOT!!
@jillellis62 Says:
OMG. THEY ARE LITERALLY FLYING THEM INTO ALL OF OUR COUNTRY 24 HOURS A DAY. So your # is SOOO LOW! They’re going straight to the middle of South America & picking people up & bringing them in on OUR MILITARY PLANES!!! THATS THE TRUTH!!!
@chrischeshire6528 Says:
I will never forget in 1993, watching two teenage kids who stole a car here in Los Angeles and were chased by the CHP. They drove to the border into Tijuana where the Mexican police just opened fire with M-16 rifles and killed both. Live on TV.
@alexanderpetrow8668 Says:
That's such bs. You guys are idiots. Dems don't want borders, that is moronic and a blatant lie. Stop scaring the elderly you d bags.
@cjford2217 Says:
I agree that borders and walls should not exist. If our elected officials were to allow law enforcement to do their jobs and ENFORCE THE LAWS, the fear of consequences and punishment for unlawfully invading our country would be enough to keep most from trying to cross over illegally. We're the only country on the planet that tolerates such disrespect.
@alloutk4938 Says:
You see now why you idiots are looked at as such!!!! Who said anything about "don't believe" in borders???? It's like you guys are born with no brains and no understanding of anything in life!!!! WOW. I can't wait for trump to be in prison......I want to see how the f*ck you all are going to react!!!!! Will you go in prison with him??? Please do!!!!
@Keyfer62 Says:
I wonder who could be profiting from all the drug and human trafficking?
@FDT000 Says:
Sky news 🤣🤣🤣 Australian hillbillies. Just think all your descendants were criminals thrown on an island. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@bambc7175 Says:
Democrats are setting this country back 20 years. Their admiration of China, marching us into communism with the WEF, slamming laws thru with no consideration of what the US people want/need - which is how congress is supposed to work, sneaking in international moves and decisions which include their children, insider trading (to be fair both sides), and the lies!!! one after another.
@KabukeeJo Says:
Many of these no borders democrats live in gated communities surrounded by walls, private security and all their doors are locked.
@erieshoresprepping Says:
An entire network has been set-up to make things easier for the illegals. Free housing ( taxpayer dime) , free schooling which has to taught in Spanish not English ( taxpayer dime), and yes gift cards handed out to buy food, clothing and cellphones. Try seeing you doctor, 3 month wait
@sario5157 Says:
There are 2 types of people.. Trump supporters and the other being zombie demented utopians
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
Not until politicians who refuse to do anything have these illegals live on their back door steps will they understand what many less fortunate Americans are having to deal with . The list is long as to how damaging this is to our sovereignty cost in taxes and security .
@NickC876 Says:
Everyone has a border policy, that's why we have doors, locks, keys, pants to secure or secret borders from invasion, passwords, eye lids to shut out something we don't want to see. A baby has a natural border policy and cries when a stranger enters their recognized personal space. Politicians has laws as their border policy to protect them from physically getting thrown out of office.
@sandylarson9788 Says:
They are only complaining in NY because IT'S a blue state already. The border states are all red and the democrats believe they can use illegal immigrants to turn these states blue as well.
@schneetiger9249 Says:
What an astonishing coincidence. I believe Democrats shouldn’t exist. Strange, isn’t it?
@brunoprimas1483 Says:
Democrats policies are usually considered O.K. by Liberals until they are personally affected by them.
@abangbulek1974 Says:
Dems and globalists are Satanic.Obama will become the Antichrist.
@N1gel Says:
OK So I dont believe that democrats should exist. Lets have a vote on it.
@deebater5711 Says:
No borders. No country. Don't call it the USA then. Don't have a flag. Don't have a govt. Don't have law.
@Alteringrealitystudios Says:
Nor Law & Order nor anyone being wealthy as they are. Rules for everyone else but none for them I could go on. And the sad part is most of these immigrants will end up in tent cities and wooded areas just like they did during the Obama era.
@oldtimers6460 Says:
People who don't believe in borders should never be in charge of anything of value like a country . Bus them all to Democrat states and cities ,see how long before their crime and homeless rate is to high to hide from the truth .
@yungcaco1443 Says:
Send em all to Martha’s Vineyard
@dopermeen2432 Says:
Only in Ukraine do boarders matter.
@yungcaco1443 Says:
Funny how they believe in borders for their own homes tho 🤔 they all live in gated communities.
@fastwheels195 Says:
I live near Eagle Pass and it is out of control. These people walk or swim across while the Texas National Guard and DPS wait for them, they don't even try to evade capture. They are processed and let go. Many end up on the streets throughout Texas and resort to crime. It costs us (Texas Tax payers) millions of dollars every day. Why should our one state pay for all of this? Why won't the federal government do something to slow, or stop this? I'm proud that Governor Abbott is allowing them the chance to relocate to other states and providing them transportation. It is at the least showing people outside of Texas what costs are involved.
@travismcclain4837 Says:
They encourage the immigration until you send a couple busloads up to the very city that encourages at the most. NYC. Now they’re losing their minds about it.
@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 Says:
Any nation unable or unwilling to protect its borders will ultimately self-destruct.
@mojesus680 Says:
Keep coming your going too cities that there going too Use Neutron Bombs on its a Extermination Migration Nuke America 🤣👀🚬
@Chaunceygardiner-q5f Says:
Well, good luck trying to walk into Nancy Pelosi's mansion. 😂
@rubbermallet3873 Says:
sure put them on but prepare for extremely hotter weater and life extintion for thousands of miles when the soil is altered that way 👹😭💔👺👁👁💀🕵😂😭🕰💤👀
@michellehughes576 Says:
Not to count 11 Million granted amnesty. Enough is enough. Darn tooting invasion
@km4089 Says:
Unfortunately the US will have to wait 2 years and hopefully if Trump is re elected he can put a stop to this left wing destruction. Same thing here in the UK where 1 million a year come legally and illegally and our infrastructure simply cannot cope.
@gregs8086 Says:
What's happening in the USA, is coming to Australia with Albanese mass immigration to Australia. The lefts goal is demographic change. A quarter of a million illegals are entering the USA every month, that's 12 million illegal by the end of the Biden administration. I hope Trump gets in and deports every single one of these nation stealing illegals.
@mayam6678 Says:
Why dont they go to Mexico then?
@jacquesdobatien3927 Says:
You have to ask why the dems are allowing illegals immigrants to come in the country the last 2 years (not so much under Obama but more openly under Biden)? Buying votes from existing illegal immigrants to bring their families and future illegal settlers Remember the slave trade? Same people Only updated to current economic reality

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