'Under lock and key': Records of Scott Morrison's ministerial moves kept secret

'Under lock and key': Records of Scott Morrison's ministerial moves kept secret


Former prime minister Scott Morrison has been 'outed this morning' as having secretly sworn himself into several different ministerial roles, says Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell. 'Scott Morrison has been outed this morning as having secretly sworn himself in while he was Prime Minister as Treasurer, Home Affairs Minister, Industry Minister, Science Minister, Energy Minister, Resources Minister, as well as Health and Finance Minister,' he said. 'And according to his colleagues, only the Health Minister Greg Hunt knew about it.' Mr Clennell said there were records of Mr Morrison's secret roles, however none of which were gazetted or made public. 'All of which appears to have been kept under lock and key in the Prime Minister's department,' Mr Clennell said.




@WalkOverHotCoal Says:
Why only Greg Hunt was told about his role was being doubled up, and non of the rest of the ministers who coped a double whopper told about it? I think Hunt is more accepting than the rest of the mob. If the rest of them were told about it, there would either be a mass resignation, or leaks.
@jimmywrangles Says:
This reeks of corruption and needs to be investigated.
@mjay6508 Says:
The only reason he took on all the other portfolios was to use his extra powers to VETOE the PEP-11 gas exploration. It would have been really obvious if he only assumed the resources ministry, so he assumed all the other portfolios at the same time, pretending he was the Supreme Mullah backing up his own ministers... that was all a BS front...... he only wanted the resources portfolio to BLOCK the gas exploration going ahead!!!! WHY???? Because he and his slimy dodgy backdoor mining mates want to get in on the gas exploration deals themselves. So we will block the PEP-11 and, being PM, I will get the deal for me and my shonky mining mates.... WHY??????? M O N E Y!!!!!!!!!! Millions could be billions and all at the expense of the integrity of the Westminster System of procedural laws that have served this country since Federation. So here we have, an unelected puppet PM, taking the pss out of the governments own laws, to set mining deals up for his maggot mining mates....... yep good Xtian fair dinkum honest boy our Scotty is....... makes me puke you lying thieving oxygen thief............... RESIGN NOW YOU PATHETIC SCUMBAG...
@frankwren8215 Says:
I don't care what bits of paper the man wrote himself. Jail for at least 20 years and forfeiture of all assets.
@tereseatkinson2043 Says:
He is disgusting and never cared about Australia but himself. Thank god hes gone. He is a disgrace.
@icu64 Says:
@paulfaigl8329 Says:
What a total disgrace. What outrageous hubris on side of ScoMo. What a disgrace to be exposed by a Labor politician. Shame on you ScoMo!
@amandashineyourlight2498 Says:
I hope Tucker Carlson gets wind of it. This needs to go global. Perhaps you can bring him on SKY News Australia to give his opinion on Scomo's secret government.
@gavriloprincip1477 Says:
it's obvious that Scott Morrison is a WEF Plant. Morrison sworn in, in secret by the GG. The GG should resign immediately for failing the Australian people. Prove me wrong. A BROAD Royal Commission is in order.
@-TheJewel- Says:
Caught red handed now bring him to court all of them that were involved. MORE IN THIS THAN MEETS THE EYE
@paulmatthews7323 Says:
Espionage,treason, money laundering, purgery, tax evasion . His tree bears no fruit and all involved , everyone connected to this will fall.
@paulmatthews7323 Says:
Your done sco mo.. What's done In the dark always comes to light
@johndwyer818 Says:
I wish this leftie socialist little BTIHC Albo would stop banging on about this storm in a teacup and do his job
@paulmatthews7323 Says:
Dig deeper enough ! Links to MURDER !
@jennyohara4011 Says:
Liberals have no Love for Country..only Love for Money...
@brucesturgeon4801 Says:
It’s not democracy it’s the Scott Morrison COMMUNIST PARTY.
@stephanosuk78 Says:
Sorry, did you say Sadam Morrison?
@bretloyd8097 Says:
Hahahahaha bahahaha hahahahaha bahahaha hahahahaha bahahaha hahahahaha bahahaha hahahahaha bahahaha fu@king hilarious!!!!
@rockybalboa4751 Says:
anyways, who cares, he is the hero for fighting against the EVIL COMMUNIST CH***.
@geob8172 Says:
Covering up their Crimes Against Humanity.
@amandashineyourlight2498 Says:
Pure Machiavellian. Secretive, hidden, sneaky abuse of power, hoping to accomplish his private plans before anyone knew anything was going on. Allegedly. !!!!!!!
@lazarjr330 Says:
Angus Taylor, another dodgy Polly
@micphoenix8200 Says:
Greg Hunt is a former director of strategy for the World Economic Forum...funny how he knew about it. Traitor
@peterburke8650 Says:
Nothing to see here but what the public do see is a government that won’t govern.get to work you losers.
@libatalklieb5793 Says:
This grub was taking all our money for doing sweet FA
@jester8790 Says:
Democracy is dead.
@mathewkelly9968 Says:
1984 'we know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it . Power is not a means ; it is an end.'
@chrishewitt1165 Says:
So much for his promise of transparency. Control freak
@Jessica6J6 Says:
F.O.I. Follow the money trail. Ministers were job sharing, in real world they'd be paid half salary. Former PM wants to keep secrets ..that's NOT how working for the people of Australia works.
@blindtoby8967 Says:
Wasn't there a story on tv or in a woman's weekly or woman day with the headline " how well to know scott Morrison ? " and something about his shoes being photoshopped ?
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Tell us about Andrews in Victoria
@adamrea2530 Says:
The federal court ordered Morrison to release all the minutes from the illegal "national cabinet" .To get around it they passed legislation.
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Magna Carta 1215, refutes hiding this vital public information.
@tomz1364 Says:
Can't help but think there's more to be uncovered.
Having made a point of raising this "important" matter, Albanese cannot even speak "off the cuff" or write his own material relying on his press secretary.
@infidel202 Says:
Jim chalmers treasurer now that's a contradiction of terms considering he has no economic credentials only a degree in political science making him a spin doctor and nothing else
@GC-ol6ih Says:
Obviously he's employed by WEF
@frankcoates4609 Says:
Jobs for the boy
@bradglawson4395 Says:
Breaking news!!! Morrison just sworn in as the new duece bigalow , male jigalow at the new brothel opening up in bathurst very soon...he will be cutting the red ribbon..😂😂😂
@damianjohns1519 Says:
Clenell you are full of shit like all the other nedia idiots.
@JustAName-it5qp Says:
I'll help yall Aussies out. His plans have WEF written all over it.
@est8239 Says:
How much money was he receivig in payments from the tax payer. Make the barstard pay everything back. Fuck your tax. Joshie boy the little Balshivist,you are up to your neck in spagbol
@damianjohns1519 Says:
See bloody sky news supporting labor they are all bullshit like labor,glad i can turn them off .
@chrisadams9952 Says:
Those with longer memories than most journalists and most politicians might recall that Gough Whitlam appointed himself and his deputy, Lance Barnard to numerous portfolios after 1972 Federal Election.
@bradglawson4395 Says:
Omfg The only board scomo hasnt put himself on is the Fucking monopoly board ... Dont pass go and collect $750 pandemic ... He has sat on more boards than layne beachley
No one noticed. The WEF knew beforehand I suspect. Btw is he married?
@johnhoylesunvaccinatedbrot5421 Says:
Dr William bay.
@j-1159 Says:
I bet Dutton is hung like a donut
@steveclifford1239 Says:
Move over Albo, I just swore myself in as prime minister. Works for one, works for all.
@cptfeathersword8276 Says:
Emperor or King ? ;)

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