Australia has a 'huge job' in tending to labour shortage

Australia has a 'huge job' in tending to labour shortage


Skills and Training Minister Brendan O'Connor says the Jobs and Skills Australia body will advise the government in a "more effective way" about where it should be investing when it comes to the workforce. "The OECD has said that Australia is suffering the second-highest labour shortage in the developed world so we've got a huge job to tend to this," Mr O'Connor told Sky News Australia.




@Chris-cd9se Says:
Is it any wonder that this country has the second highest labour shortage in the developed world when so many Australians are being paid by the Australian Parliament to be idle, to be unproductive. 2.5 million people are on the old age pension alone; add to this the many other categories of welfare recipients, and you begin to see the extent of the problem! And the solution? It's simple isn't it: abolish the welfare state and the minimum wage, and the labour shortage will immediately disappear, and with it the need for income tax. The only people deserving of a gratuitous income from the National Charity (Centrelink) are those that are born disabled from work; for being disabled from work we have a duty to work for them.
@gawdsuniverse3282 Says:
Repair the Tax system, and make multinationals pay their fair share of taxes. The Australian nation needs to create a land army similar to that of WW2, so people in the mainstream can be supported when working in the outback. Fly-in fly-out jobs like in the mining sector, the biggest problem for people working away from home in the Agri-sector is paying for accommodation and up-keep while working in the bush, by the end of the season the money they take home is not worth the time and effort away from their families.
@georgehoyn916 Says:
Stop with the blame game during the virus scare from labour & Gerens there were more unemployed in que's wanting Centrelink support Now ALP & Albo are saying it's because SCOMO refused work visas for temporary workers they must be kidding This ALP & Greens mob cannot deliver on their promises with this nonsense of Zero carbon emissions including all the rest of the promised by them One looks at what has happened in the US and compare it with what the left is doing here is nearly the same So what is going on around the world other than CCP money and operatives infiltrated government & departments with bribes threats with other means available to the CCP that's probably why they hacked governments here and bitched when the CCP telco was banned here still operating in Canada which is still having troubles Secret service FBI and our own secret services can't even with government place the ABC and SBS into line crying foul with discrimination Australia needs to change but not in the Direction and needs of the Greens and ALP garbage policies Subsidies for solar panels who do you think pays these ? has anyone heard of the battlers getting a subsidy or government housing tenants been allowed to install or receive any subsidy No they don't pay enough tax they might get a 9 OR 10 dollar payment in their pension its a joke what is and has been happening in this counrty and others
@frankwren8215 Says:
"why don't people have confidence in the economy we helped the government shut down for nothing"
@youbigtubership Says:
Importing labour creates pressure on the housing market and drives up rents. Expect more rich foreigners, impoverished locals, and globalizing comintern stooge politicians.
@rogerthat487 Says:
It'll be ok. The insane energy policies will eliminate so many jobs there'll be mass unemployment.
@30verity Says:
Bring back sacked nurses !
@Drakesy Says:
Paid for by the business lobbyists no doubt The only shortage is the pay packets being offered
@buildmotosykletist1987 Says:
A bigger problem is dole bludgers. Time limits must apply, get a job or lose the dole.
@tyrantwitness2482 Says:
Who the hell wants to live in Austjailia after the last two years! Who wants to live in Auschwitz! HowardSprings!
@ArthurHugo Says:
Gotta love how the solution isn’t to end discrimination towards the unjabbed but to push an immigration agenda. Look at the VISA workers in Aus most are underemployed. This is modern slavery.
@pacifiststormtrooper8839 Says:
Why are there shortages, seen the birth rate per woman these days? How can the average guy afford his wife to stay home have a 2 or 3 kids anymore? Average salaried person can't have an average life or home, yet keep getting told we never had it so good.. how about the politicians treat the cause of the problem and not they symptom? This country more and more people are being pushed off the edge at an alarming rate, ask the charity sector about the massive increase in demand, this country is rich beyond the imagination of many other countries yet there is a tidal wave of our fellow Australians being left behind and pushed into oblivion, for shame and no wonder the young have no desire to fight to defend this system.
@geob8172 Says:
How did all the workers in Australia just disappear ???
@JohnMHazlewood Says:
They need to stop blaming the previous government and actually start doing something.
@micphoenix8200 Says:
What's clear is that the government does not work for the benefit of Australians. Our parasitic debt based monetary system is the cause of it all. There's NO NEED for it. We never used to have it and we flourished as a result.
@AS-gj5gl Says:
If the labour shortage is real and not just an excuse to apply downward pressure on wages by saturating the labour market, surely we need to be looking at novel solutions in regards to reskilling, automation, work for the dole, etc. Infinite population growth is not sustainable and also massively increases our country's carbon footprint (I thought reducing that was important 🤷‍♂). It also leads to the destruction of wildlife habitats for more housing and not to mention the cultural/social cohesion problems that come with more migrants.
@micphoenix8200 Says:
THERE'S NO LABOUR SHORTAGE...this is the B.S. agenda to dilute our labour force and put downward pressure on wage growth.
@anglosaxon876 Says:
Skilled & educated people overseas aren't interested in Australia, seeing how it behaved during covid.
@RB-mr6cr Says:
What labour shortages, we have enough uber eat drivers, taxis drivers and supermarkets trolley collecter. Living here long enough to gain PR than go on the dole lol
@chrishewitt1165 Says:
I saw this coming in the 80s. You need a certificate to do almost anything.
@wilowest3509 Says:
The amount of Fake job ads out there is truely unbelievable. Many of these so called desperate employers never fill the position they advertise even when I know multiple people personally that have applied for them get no answer back ! Why ??? Obviously trying to push Albo for cheap foreign Scab Labour importation .
@christinetysoe4850 Says:
Unbelievable. If they just let unjabbed get back to work the problem will mostly be solved.
@kanevparise Says:
Bring in more skilled migrants and give them housing while Aussies sleep in their cars 👍👍👍
@JohnJaneson3 Says:
Labour shortage and Unemployment at the same time!
@oldnutta7611 Says:
How did this happen all of a sudden ? 🤔
@ilguitaro Says:
There was NEVER talk of labour shortage, until the vax came out....suddenly there it is........jeezuz folks, connect the ain't all that hard to work out................................!
@somtingwongwai7194 Says:
why on earth in Australia would you do contemplate in doing anything else other than sitting in an climate controlled office with a 20K espresso machine filling in government related forms, and getting paid twice as much. Building application forms, development application forms, Environmental assessment forms, loan application forms, migration application forms, safety management forms, need i go on?
@vinody Says:
Why do I feel the answer is somehow going to be wage crushing through immigration?
@jodiebaker3635 Says:
*Never forget that your lost your job for refusing to take something that they knew wasn't going to work. Even worse you took something that they knew wasn't going to work just to keep your job. At best you're going to get the thing it was supposed to prevent. And at worst you are going to get serious side effects.*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*The Bank Of International Settlements*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*The Central Bank*
@dfor50 Says:
Australia has no idea how to solve a labour shortage other than to swamp the country with more immigration. Too bad for our kids that were hoping for a fall in the housing market.
@perpetualgrin5804 Says:
Mandatory return to work for all retired ' health workers. These staff should go from work to patient.
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*A Coup Of the Bankers*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*You Can't Organise Billions Of People*
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Why is SADS taking out so many working aged Australians?
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*They Don't Have Enough Data*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*Is Communism*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*Central Planning Always Fails*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*Peak Centralisation*
@chuckh5999 Says:
900,000 unemployed many of whom are only good at producing mini me's and they are rabbiting on about skills from that highly educated Afghani, Somali and Sudanese populations etal . O'Connor you are a dud hiding behind the "talk fest. It is an insidious way of dumbing down the population and dropping the IQ LCD.
@crowsfan691 Says:
Make everyone poor enough and the problem goes away.
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*The Policy Enforcers* *The Governments*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*The Policy Makers* *The Club Of Rome* *World Economic Forum* *World Health Organisation* *World Trade Organisation* *World Meteorological Association* *United Nations* *International Monetary Fund*
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
Maybe people who do the heavy lifting are fed up with your BS
@Ken-ru8et Says:
Lift the mandated vaccines for employment and you’d resolve a fair bit of the current labor shortage which the Covid-19 spin created in then first place.. and I’m unvaccinated and perfectly healthy… my option btw
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*A Coup Of the Bankers* *The Central Bank* *Is Communism* *The Bank Of International Settlements*
@vivianlouder8774 Says:
*Peak Centralisation* *Central Planning Always Fails* *They Don't Have Enough Data* *You Can't Organise Billions Of People*
@jefffeudner408 Says:
@daveo3122 Says:
No, it doesn't. All they have to do is add a section that demanding a medical intervention as a condition of employment carries a penalty of 1000 units to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

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