'Distasteful': Recent revelations make Harry 'look like a liar again'

'Distasteful': Recent revelations make Harry 'look like a liar again'


Prince Harry's recollection of the night he lost his virginity compared to that of Sasha Walpole makes him "look like a liar again", says Sky News contributor Dominique Samuels. "There's something really distasteful about this, perhaps it's the way Harry remembers things," Ms Samuels told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'He made out in his memoir that this was an older woman that used him, treated him like a young stallion, but it turns out � you could even argue that she was the vulnerable one and not him. "She said that he attempted to comfort her with tequila shots when she saw that her ex-boyfriend had walked into the pub � where she was celebrating her birthday � with another woman. 'I don't think it's made Harry look very good actually, I think it's made him look like a liar again � but it also sounds like he sort of took advantage of a vulnerable girl and then never texted her again, even on her birthday.'



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