Business Weekend | 22 September
Business Weekend | 22 September



@peterburke8650 Says:
An economy is it's output. Waxing arseholes selling each other coffee and flipping houses is not an economy. Having said that big business needs to be shut down. Facism never works. What works is capitalism. Free market capitalism.
@rabidsminions2079 Says:
End to Multi Employer bargaining but the BCA witch is a multi employer group is allow to act as a group but worker are not allowed to act as a group from different Employers. Hypocrite much? Rules for thee not for me?
@Ernst12 Says:
I can’t believe whether the BCA is serious with its latest messaging because during the voice it was right behind the Labor/Greens government with the voice and other woke Leftist causes. Business in Australia should not have been so naïve to think, that sucking up to a Labor government that is anti-business with its Leftist and union dominated ideology, is a good idea. The behaviour and the lecturing the voters on during the voice campaign was not only disgusting but highly inappropriate, especially as we now find that Labor is all about big controlling, meddling and regulation overflow style government crowding out the private sector and treating everyone outside the Labor union bubble like an orphan. So, it is high time that the private sector grows up and starts to make rational and adult decisions that are in the interests of the shareholder and not the Labor party.
@weiguo9887 Says:
The interviewer keeps asking multiple choice questions…
@lChannel-bk3we Says:
very good.

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