'Falls hopelessly short': Robbie Katter critiques David Crisafulli's youth crime plan
'Falls hopelessly short': Robbie Katter critiques David Crisafulli's youth crime plan



@Poorlineforeva Says:
Robbie redneck
@kanethronder5616 Says:
Take it from from someone who's been through it, live it and learned from it. No amount of laws, no amount of prisons will fix it. Society itself must change, the family unit must be brought back into popularity, community connection, neighbours knowing neighbours, cease the positive promotion of criminality, positive reinforcement of positive behaviour, discipline of unfavourable behaviour, promote respectful role models, there's a long hard road ahead if anything is to be done about it, even worse if nothing gets done. Most youth get lost seeking their place, finding purpose. Trust me I know all too well about it.
@JeannineCoventon Says:
@vernonwillis9975 Says:
I didn't Sky "News" covered stories about Australia. I thought all you did was spew pro-Trump propaganda about the U.S. presidential election.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Failed Parenting and Failed government.
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
at 2:12 and onwards... 1. sounds like GULAGs in the "free" world (didn't work well for Stalin who did time in Siberia) 2. Saving the Planet... look at it this way: the damage is done and the more you try to fix it, the more harm you end up doing 3. nuclear is safe, if it is done properly, but if you try to cut corners so you can get more bang for your buck... then you'll definitely get a BANG.
@patrussell8917 Says:
Youth crime too high due to poor parenting & ineffective laws Better sense of self respect & authority needed & victims need help
@Psittacine-pp5yd Says:
Put them Bogans in the Army make men out of them stop pussy footing around.
@Psittacine-pp5yd Says:
Where's the Bogan parents of these young Bogans committing crimes.
@saltywitch4082 Says:
Why? Oh that's right..no jobs, no Frontline services, no one cares at home. You become street smart in two days. This isn't a short term solution. Prisons in Australia don't rehabilitate, they educate bad behaviors. Media glorifies crime and drugs.
@PhilippaWesterman Says:
All males of military age who are not employed or in education should do compulsory military service. Women if they want to can also take up the offer.
@BenPatterson-w8x Says:
All aspects of people commit crime, like most of the drugs dont come from the bronx and most drink drivers dont know how to build a car.
@Berserker978 Says:
Is he going to wiggle his finger at them and say its Unacceptable. That'll Work. Just ask Albo and Wong. 😆

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