'Geopolitical unrest is occurring': Andrew Hastie

'Geopolitical unrest is occurring': Andrew Hastie


Shadow Defence Minister Andrew Hastie says things are 'hotting up' regarding a potential war and are 'not actually stabilising'. 'Geopolitical unrest is occurring, great power competition is taking place, military modernisation is happening,' Mr Hastie told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'We have to respond as a country and secure our interests.'




@aidacuthbertson9671 Says:
Do more homework
@sigmaoctantis4706 Says:
No worries cobbers - the Kiwi's have got your 6 ( and a well proven orbital launch capability) 🥝
@keza3250 Says:
Stop giving hastie's an Patterson air time he is the regiment rat that got 2 SAS r regiments an 1 rar commando's regiment disbanded he swore aligence to egland not Australia he is a shameful rat shameful sky news just shameful
@kdnz3 Says:
Interesting. I think the caution the defense minister shows with this is a good thing. China could have message USA ...oops sorry, our weather balloon has escaped, just letting you know in case you think it's something else...feel free to shoot it down if you want...or else let it keep going and hopefully it'll float back to us. I don't know, that's what I would message my neighbour.
@aussiemadman7560 Says:
good call
@kevinansley7353 Says:
Does Wong like any country?
@patricksharp1063 Says:
Has America ever sent a spy plane over a foreign country? Every country who can do that, will. Much to do about nothing.
@ruthjilani4760 Says:
There is nothing Australia or America that is civilian. Clearly America has to justify their idotic reaction the world jokes about . It just showes how nervouse they are
@briananderson7285 Says:
Sending money to Ukraine is geopolitical is it not . Australian government siding with nazis .
@benjamin4894 Says:
Why is this 'spy balloon' some kind of revelation when the entire Biden family are all Chinese assets..? And don't even get me started on the likes of Ms Wong! 🤔
@jennyohara4011 Says:
Andrew Hastie believed Iraq had WMD as well.. always wrong.. typical fascist
@jennyohara4011 Says:
Debris from the Chinese Balloon has shown it was a Weather Balloon.
@kidsoxoxox Says:
The Japanese were using balloons to bomb the USA 80 years ago that started some forest fires, not much damage, just like the German automatic robot weather stations on remote Canadian islands. Perhaps a surprise EMP weapon/s from a nuclear detonation/s at high altitude/orbit would be of more concern to analog and digitial electronics. Hello 18th century.
@brianngai1828 Says:
this guy is a defence minister? guess we don't need satellites anymore . tell this guy to buy millions of balloons he will get nation ready to fight like in the 1890s
@peterleversha9651 Says:
A trillion of debt and we just move on like nothing has happened.. We have p*ss weak leaders.
@buildmotosykletist1987 Says:
The CCP shot down a US balloon way back when. SKYNEWS should dig up the news footage and details of that event.
@manuvkrishnan3673 Says:
That satellite was meant to be in so called space. NASA is fake, the U.S. are liars, but not everyone is a fool.
@AP-ei4jt Says:
This clearly demonstrates the collective IQ, or stupidity of the western media and politicians over something so trivial. There’s a sense of desperation somewhere and where could it have come from? Ukraine! This is a distraction folks. Don’t fall for it.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
The only dangerous and stupid thing flying over austral ia is Hastie himself, flying from Perth to Csnberra. Hastie knows nothing new about the balloon. He is just waffling on.
@TerrenceBosworth Says:
Spot on. From the day Putin and Xi signed the 5000 word pact to support one another in every endeavour the world was put on high alert to greatest threat to mankind since the Cuban crisis. With both leaders or their mouthpieces threating to use nuclear weapons and since Putin invaded Ukraine any dealings with the CCP should be handled knowing the CCPs end game.
@wilowest3509 Says:
Wong will just invite the C,hi,nese in, like the secret C,hine,se Police in Melbourne already exposed by Avi Yemmini.
@markswansborough9426 Says:
Let's launch our own balloons at China! We might be able to use the port in the northern territory we sold to them if we ask nicely
@truefactjack Says:
War is coming start digging your bunkers people
@JDVHS Says:
Never forget,.......the 110,000 SLRs our politicians melted down at BHP in the mid 90's......
@johnhoylesunvaccinatedbrother. Says:
Should of been blown out of the sky at first sight.
@pacnbeans Says:
Australia - China relations won't remain stable when the US takes action over the balloon drama !
@PAS_2020 Says:
Does anybody think of the possibility this is a hoax? The Biden administration and his goons the Pentagon are setting up some thing that is not going to be very nice for the American people? May be another pandemic scare with a lockdown and the balloon has something to do with it? The lunatics in charge of the US are just as crazy as that.
@earbus1 Says:
It's because of racism and climate change .🤣🥱
@onlythaclonessir2525 Says:
sir detector arrest ( look away j howard )
@rickfromhove3324 Says:
Ok got it. What about capturing the dark fleet that is vacuuming our oceans.
@4u2nve Says:
It was NOT shot down. There were numerous reports about 6 hours before that it was deflating and falling on its own, which corroborates what China is saying that they lost control of it. Those things can only stay afloat for so long. While it was sinking the US was saying they’re advising not to shoot at it. It wasn’t till several hours after that They claimed to have brought it down. They didn’t!
@Millennialtomb Says:
So that explains the one child policy that produced a surplus of fighting age men right around now. They've been planning this thing for decades.
@4u2nve Says:
This is all theater designed to justify what these War mongers within all of these countries and their masters at the central banks are about to do next And the west is the worst one
@fungi1256 Says:
Fuck off Hastie You are nothing but a spineless careerist
@seandelap8587 Says:
Yes and NATO and the weapons manufacturers are only too delighted about this money making venture

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