Defence to accelerate strategic purchases

Defence to accelerate strategic purchases


Defence will overhaul its procurement process in a bid to fast-track new projects as strategic urgency increases. Major reforms will be introduced in 2022 to cut red tape and streamline tender processes, giving industry greater clarity on upcoming tenders. The changes will slash up to 12 months from the four years it typically takes to get projects to contract stage. The reforms follow a 14-month review that received responses from small family-run enterprises to giant defence firms.




@drwinklepecker9298 Says:
Three years to make a decision and sign a contract (well done). China will have tripled their militaty in that time.
@cunninglinguist3707 Says:
Let's spend hundreds of billions of dollars on useless crap. FMD
@sierramikebravo7332 Says:
It appalls me it has taken the coalition how many years of government to figure this out?
@tinkertailor7385 Says:
And what are we fighting to defend? A debauched bureaucratic elite and their favored Corporate mates? That's about all. Remember Covid showed us that the entire bureaucracy and political class considers private and free enterprise to be Non Essential. Pointless fighting for these people. Win, lose or draw. You're still going to be Non Essential.
@Drakesy Says:
Two things the defence are good at Blowing out project timeframes Blowing out project budgets They're not even great at killing people (the taliban that is)
@mariceto100 Says:
How about to build new dam,buy hospital equipment,more money for heavy diseases,investment in education but no we are going to do virtually donations raising money and your job is making more enemies and buying more weapons that are late and useless against your imaginary rivals. What you should work on it is trading,jobs,friendship and innovation things that you the politicians are not capable of achieving.
@foxmeow3061 Says:
Sky Why do you remove my comments, but let me still see them?
@infernosfmatt Says:
How bout they invest in Australia and build their own. Bring back manufacturing
@nz2144 Says:
Dont join the defence force? Play .
@danny5473 Says:
The best defense is no defense at all.  When you understand this you become invulnerable from all attack by anyone.
@johnpaul-gf1et Says:
Ive seen this reporter off her head in the city!!!!
@blinkybill2997 Says:
We are -ever so slowly- beefing up our defence, but are still going to bed with the enemy!!!
@curtisburns Says:
ASPI says jump, Dutton says "Yes Daddy!" 😂
@andrewwhite1065 Says:
You know Trump could have eliminated even more red tap & fast tracked any defence procurement in under a year and not 3 or 4.
@midnorthmidwest3128 Says:
Defence and safety will be the libs election campaign. The cupboard is pretty bare this time round.
@kokotismorrison4416 Says:
This strategic plans , including to gets back all Chinese ports and Chinese owned lands in Australia ? Another’s way is a stupid joke.
@harrykuheim6107 Says:
Russia and China are not the Enemy...Black Lies Matter , Brandon, Socialists,and the EU Globalists are...
@geoffsaunders5030 Says:
Potato head is reportedly worth 300 million dollars if that is the case how did he get the time to amass that kind of money whilst being a career politician. Especially in my opinion when every portfolio he has supposedly managed becomes a vicious mess.
@annaa6566 Says:
The number one strategic priority must be to get the china Olympics cancelled or at the very least not send any of our athletes! There are rumours china may release a new virus or variant there...
@GearHeadBoris Says:
What about national service? Where will we volunteer to fight the enemy? The army is too small and we have primitive weapons.
@ILDG86 Says:
The liberals have nothing going for them during next year's election. The only thing they can do is play the Defence card.
@setildes Says:
They have to get rid of CASG, all of the other reviews ("first principles" being one) all failed because of the public servants who know they will not have jobs when procurement is fixed. Thanks to CASG our troops are always armed with last year's (or the last generation) model of equipment and it is never supported properly, no spares, no missiles, wrong transport, no refueling capability, no fuel, unsupportable local modifications (Collins, AWD, M1A1 BMS, LHD, Helicopters, Landing craft) and using contract labour rather than the OEM to do maintenance (often very badly). All of the formal reviews define the common sense fixes but they never get implemented.
@healthrecord508 Says:
To little to late. Sitting ducks. Quack quack.
@politiciansarehonestNOT Says:
$90 billion.... forget the aukus subs.... like seriously... 10 LHD's.... 40 Hunter class Frigates... 20 AWD destroyers.... 10 kitted out OPV's ( super secret squirrel 38 VLS capacity to hunt those pesky fisherman.... ) with enough left over to still replace all our "failed" choppers... I dont know... one can dream... that would SECURE 1000's of jobs, our strategic security, an industry we could dominate globally, re-create our own steel making capacity ( project Boomerang comes too mind ) and you know.... put us on the map as an ACTUAL global player.... instead of being a under funded, over governed minority on the stage that is called planet earth... just thoughts of a simpleton patriot.. 👽🖖
@ricky6864 Says:
Politicians need time to work out how to divert large portions of taxpayers money to themselves
@HMASJervisBay Says:
As a person who used much of what was procured. Let me tell you the civilians in defence ef it up at every level. Corruption is rife in the public service. I always loved fitted for not with. Get the civies out of defence, recruiting more personal would be much cheaper. That Polly had it right with union greed and interference we couldn't build a canoe.
@concernedaussie1330 Says:
A marksman behind every blade of grass & anti armour weapon as well. M72 law's should be standard equipment & kept at home. We sould be able to reload ammo & reload the m72 rockets at home. Practice practice practice. Of course the HE war heads are not in civi hands untill needed.
@shanetharle9211 Says:
We shouldn't worry about buying over inflated prices of American military equipment! we should be buying Russian helicopters
@thatdeafblackfella1 Says:
Too little too late.
@liabilitymate4750 Says:
Until the armed forces start locking clowns like this up they are not protecting our country.
@plucky856 Says:
All paid for with printed money and currency debasement. QE to infinity!
@carbonite1999 Says:
How to win the next election ,,page 9 tell the sheeple war is coming , tell the sheeple we must spend to defend , tell the people WE THE CARTEL PAPTY Are your owners THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO WILL PROTECT YOU ! Don't fear the reaper fear the government !
@fungi708 Says:
As if they could do anything, the next 10 years the adf will be fighting bushfires, cleaning up storm damage and the leadership is 2nd rate at best They lack momentum. Dutton is not the right person you really want there, he is talking himself into the abyss He is useless And who's money is he spending with and for what.
@blacklucifer6761 Says:
Dumb Dumb panics as the Solomon islands ask china help..😵 I'll assume with confidence that after dumb Dumbs attack against Shanghai Scott's new ally, a new Chinese military base is enroute in the Pacific..🤦
@dennishatzidimitriou7899 Says:
Spend spend easily done when it’s not your money
@jimmycook872 Says:
Australia once made their own Bombers. Ballistic missiles developed in Australia. Quite a number of nuclear bombs were tested on Australian soil. Why in 2021 is Australia reliant on foreign powers for defence equipment.
@politicz1973 Says:
What is the point of spending all this money on defence when you have Catholic Jesuits teaching CRT in our schools..when they have a partnership with China?
@pekulike Says:
War, What is it Good For, Absolutely Nothing
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
Twaddle for idiots.
@Luum81 Says:
Good, less red tape, more streamlined, possibly even focussing on Australian company tenders over international to build up Aussie jobs and skills?
@jessekoch3480 Says:
you haven't got a hope Australia.
@TopperPenquin Says:
It's like a Lemonade Stand. BUY MY LEMONADE AS I WANT YOUR MONEY.
National Service !
@TopperPenquin Says:
Climate Change is a Russian+Chinese delusion of: TAKE AWAY OUR 🇭🇲 NATURAL GAS SUPPLY TO THE WORLD AS THE WORLD MUST HAVE MINE 🇷🇺.
@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 Says:
Restore the draft and teach young men combat skills.
@Voodoo4209 Says:
There's some good Second Hand Sales on at the Moment 😒 Chyna offering Specials 😏
@lollypop2413 Says:
Good news.
@AmericanPatriotsLoveTrump Says:
Impeach Joe Biden
@crecheshaw Says:
@trickytrigg9816 Says:
Too bad we're 20 years behind and people in charge of the military are soft gender neutral woketopian looneys

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