High-quality childcare 'critically important' to workforce participation
High-quality childcare 'critically important' to workforce participation



@MichaelThoman Says:
The best quality child care happens when the mother can look after her own child therefore taxes and the size of government needs to be slashed.
@Rae-nq2yw Says:
Gotta get those much needed taxes to fund the greedy politicians and bureaucrats. Albo raked up a bill of 3.8 million in just 12 months alone not including flights or a staff of 70 hangers on. Wake up and raise your own children before someone else indoctrinates them.
@multioptioned Says:
Have kids but expect others to pay? Sounds like Australia 2024! 😮
@vitaluna1568 Says:
We need a GOV FREE market economy, low taxes, and more benefits for young couples with kids, and mums staying home to nourish the next generation, not wage slaves in thankless jobs. Keep your hands off from our children with gov mind washing agendas!
There goes the Temu prime minister again. Spending other peoples tax money like a billionaire 💰.
@nikita360bmx Says:
I dont have kids 1 of my brothers have cool kids mum loves them the are in Sydney, i am taking a break from painting i hope mum is happy i did nothing for 6 days apart from drink , i like painting but i stop for a drink and smoke ,mum doesnt drink i dont normally drink but i hit it.
Albanese and Co. making childcare the issue that it isn't. Just another juvenile distraction from their cost of living debacle...
@turtle-frogs Says:
Canberra is one big childcare facility.. Albo's king of the kids. 😫
Another bullshit report

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