'Kindergarten thing': NSW politicians to undergo anti-bullying training
'Kindergarten thing': NSW politicians to undergo anti-bullying training



@leroylindblom2513 Says:
@eb2505 Says:
The time for thst was during covid. Treating tne people with contempt and not recognising you serve them, not the orher way around was a breach of trust with the public.
@andersdottir1111 Says:
Too late once they are in positions of power - bullies and narcissists need to be identified early in their careers and sacked. Then they might wake up to their toxic behaviours. At the moment these types are tolerated and promoted.
@Gungho1a Says:
Yet public serpents get sacked for it. Typical political.double standard.
@pwillis1589 Says:
How dare Tim expect people to behave with civility, he obviously can’t.
@TrickyBoy1517. Says:
The Australian left know they don't actually believe this stuff. They love to attempt to pray on people. They go through this stuff so they have some legislation to point at when someone makes them feel bad for something they've done.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
I want the politicians to fight for me and leave the niceties for somewhere else!!!

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