Michael Kroger weighs in on Anthony Albanese recent shocker of an interview
Michael Kroger weighs in on Anthony Albanese recent shocker of an interview



@homebrandrules Says:
never vote labor or greens
@MuzzaBangkok Says:
Albo is just lazy. He is not prepared to research or indeed read his briefings. He’s cracked a wave but it’s almost reached the beach.
@BelloBudo007 Says:
As soon as Michael Kroger mentioned 'Albo not be interested in the detail', those terrible interviews of his about The Voice came to mind. What an utter disaster they were. He was clueless and instead of demonstrating that he was a leader that knew the subject, he went with the vibe AKA 'just trust me'.  After that, at least for me, he completely lost me. In fact, I started looking at his track record since becoming PM and it was dismal. The bloke is a complete dud.
@ulrikezachmann7596 Says:
What Albo has a Bachelor of Economics? 😱
@RT_today Says:
As the hashtags that were trending in the lead up to the election, #HopelessAlbo and #CluelessAlbo and they still stand to day. This guy has NO idea what he's doing, he has NO idea about the real issues Australians are facing and he he has NO plan for the future. This guy is completely useless!
@wayneevans8286 Says:
Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out, the worst leader ever of our once great country, moron
@michaeleggleston146 Says:
He knows he's finished
@StevenRichards-i3o Says:
Sake him
@eltoro2k88 Says:
Albonomics: My wedding is gonna cost 5 million dollars and you're all gonna pay for it
@markanderson8739 Says:
Prevention is always better than cure
@gilthorn3430 Says:
Putting 20B infstucture package and getting large amount of immigration on a market that needs a bit of immigration is basically burning the market down, while not fixing the supply chain for building material, which if u understand it as I do, it is simple to fix in less that 6 month with a bit of smarts...oh I forgot, Albo is the PM.
@scottfagan4374 Says:
Didn’t Kroger sink the Vic Libs?
@doltsbane Says:
Voters keep putting career politicians into power and then being shocked that they're completely out of touch with the concerns of ordinary people. Stop electing the Albanese, Biden, Harris, Starmer types and you'll at least have a chance that your leadership will address the issues "little people" worry about.
@chuckmaddison2924 Says:
We should not be giving Albo any thought. Just vote the See you in the Northern Territory out at the next election.
@rhettcorbett3346 Says:
Albosleasy is a glass jaw & thinskinned useless incompetent embarrassing flog.
@Chad.H. Says:
He hates interviews because he is not supported by his 11 media advisors. Live interviews show his true colours . Remember him saying im the prime minister i run this country when he bullied a victim of domestic violence to give him the mic to speak in a rally that he wasn't even invited to!
@Ragnar6000 Says:
Albo is our version of Kamala!
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
He's a quintessential FOP
@philipgould4438 Says:
My mother dreamt of a better Prime Minister for me.
@ehnowthen Says:
Albo is evil.
@kanehills4280 Says:
His a socialist…. He spends your money
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
This mate is totally UNFIT for office.
@Genesis-007 Says:
Welterweight? Lightweight?
@mives02 Says:
It's the economy stupid!
@lesleycrowther-scott1809 Says:
He deserves people to be mean to him he is the biggest twit in parliament other than the UN and they are out to lunch all day everyday
@jaypatel3979 Says:
They are ruining this economic system on purpose so no one can fix it so he can again say What a great nation we are
@Brad-lt4lw Says:
He has coverted the job his entire parrasotic career but has absolutley no idea what it enatails....Worst PM ever...
@ozzinedyoutubechannel1851 Says:
Albo needs to be run out of office...hes worthless
@Prognosis__ Says:
And I thought Krudd was bad
@BigBopper-zm1kf Says:
Gutless totally gutless
@TheKnightsTemplar1312 Says:
He should resign, he's out of touch

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