NSW parliament's anti-bullying training a 'tick the box' operation
NSW parliament's anti-bullying training a 'tick the box' operation



@brandontodd3799 Says:
The mandated training is to create a passive go along to get along... Generation of politician.. don't argue our debate... Just do as you're told.. a bunch of wimpy symps
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Pussies nowadays think their Boss telling them to get to work is Bullying . These Civil Servants wouldn't last 5 minutes in Private Industry .
@michaelsmart2640 Says:
“Bullying”: American politics!!!😮
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
It's Woke crap.
@danielmendes2162 Says:
Whilst I acknowledge that bullying is not something that can and should be tolerated. It must be done so that the person being bullied doesn’t get all wrapped up in bubble wrap. Also, any government or senate chamber is where this sort of behaviour is commonplace. So any anti bullying stuff will not work there
@andrew6526 Says:
This would only be for Labor flogs surely. What a disgrace these muppets are.

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