Australia 'hung Israel out to dry' by abstaining on UN resolution
Australia 'hung Israel out to dry' by abstaining on UN resolution



@andrewferguson887 Says:
Gee this Government is weak, and knows nothing of basic history
@jge5874 Says:
Thanks Peta. This all beggars belief!! The world has become topsy turvy. evil Hamas / Hezbolla (that are literally contrary to all core values we hold dear) are supported and Israel / Jewish diaspora (who positively contribute so much to the global communities in which they live) are being isolated and left to fend for themselves. Crazy!
@AACC-n7c Says:
Bias reporting, majority of countries supported un resolution. Many western countries abstained
@AACC-n7c Says:
Absolute bias reporting by Peta as usual, this woman has no credibility. The facts are majority of countries over 120 countries supported the UN resolution, 40 abstain including UK Canada Germany and other western democracies. So the Australian government is right to abstained, its the minority prejudiced Israeli supporter like Peta that keep harping about the 1200 dead Israeli but ignoring 40000 dead Palestinian. Absolute shameless reporting.
@sammy_trix Says:
My support goes for Israel 🇮🇱 and they're surrounded by so many enemies, and even the countries in the UN doesn't want them. That only shows how much this propaganda from Hamas has been widespread.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Al-pinocchio, Wong, Burke and co did not condemn october 7th, so theres the answer 👍✅
@2ymn2mn Says:
She sounds like a North Korean propaganda presenter but for Israel 😂😂😂
@littlebear6119 Says:
@JamesBond-ce9bc Says:
The media trying to blag Australians into being apart of terrorism , shame on this reporter , you say 1200 israeli that was killed by the idf using the hannibal directive and what about the 40+ thousands dead on the Palestinians side huh ? This lady is sickening and twisted we should have her go fight these wars and then we can see what they report lying scum
@groberjager4746 Says:
Australia can no longer be trusted as a friend, ally, or anything like it. It is a shame but they have all gone off the deep end and I'm afraid will lead to their destruction!!!
@pikeymicky Says:
This current Labor 'government" has to go, these people are crapping on all the people of past generations who fought to defend our way of life against the forces of evil who are now resurrected in the guise of Islamist barbarian death cultists. That disgusting speech by James Larsen has expressed the views of Albo, Wong & their islamist friends & surely is not representative of mainstream Australia. Quite right Peta ---"As soon as we can have an election, the better!"
@sujendrapremaka1620 Says:
Labour does not represent the views of the people of Australia.
@jaysomjenbun5818 Says:
Many antisemitism leaders in UN security council..❤
@sheepshit666 Says:
No one really cares about these clowns. Australians support what is right & just.
@brianlove8413 Says:
Great to hear, Israel needs to be sanctioned, not supported!
@patriot388 Says:
This would have been Penny Wrongs doing! The sooner we get this clown show government out of office the better! 🤡🤡🤡
@nealkent Says:
WRONG. Australia should have never, and should now withdraw ALL and any DOING with the middle east over their wars and conflict over religion other than oil trades. They have been fighting for over 2000 years over something they believe in (religion) and NO amount of bombs or money will EVER solve this. Withdraw immediately Australia and close all ties.
@steverogers9507 Says:
To look at wong and to hear her voice makes me want to vomit .I know , no capital w for wong. Doesn`t deserve it. I will give her a capital for her Willie though.
@steverogers9507 Says:
GG no comment???? She is on great money for nothing? OOH , Albos mate I forgot.
@tilapiadave3234 Says:
Penny needs a pager , disgraceful
@yfelwulf Says:
We now see Radios used by Ambulance drivers in Lebanon explode and injure aid workers. Turns out most of them Hezbollah who actually form part of the government in Lebanon were the equivalent of PUBLIC SERVANT'S. It was a simple terror attack on civilians no pager is SECURE for transmission of data and pretending otherwise is media complicity in a WAR CRIME / TERRORIST ATTACK. Israel loves to kill academics government officials etc because it weakens the leadership of those they want to destroy. We saw massacres at 2 Hospitals hundreds 279 at one executed some mutilated all with hands tied even patients in beds were executed. Medical workers are afraid to be seen in hospital uniforms because they are target for execution by the IDF. These are your peaceful JEWS. This HAG should be ashamed to even speak another PAID for Israeli PRESSTITUTE.
@dubaigospel6382 Says:
@leannejones980 Says:
Ive voted labour for 36 Years. NEVER AGAIN!
@bradcavanagh3092 Says:
Israel is not our friend. Friends don't rip-off friend's passports to conduct assassinations in other countries.
@aidenbodycoat3681 Says:
There will be no de-escalation when the radical islam people simply want to eradicate all Jews world wide and impose sharia law in every country. Seriously humanity has been through this barely 100 years ago now many maaany people openly chant gas the Jews through the streets of the countries that hundreds of thousands fought and died to stop the last group of people chanting that. And why is our government today openly defending those that have restarted that war and those who repeat that chant in our very own country and streets.
@AaronTakiari Says:
Penny Wong your a dumb mutt
@Aileen-n1u Says:
Vote labour out 😢
@dubaigospel6382 Says:
You keep quiet
@ralphsimpson4593 Says:
You failed to mention most voted for the resolution. The vote in the 193-member world body was 124-14, with Australia one of 43 member states to abstain. The United States voted against it.
@rosshitchen-ij6en Says:
@suhaimiabubakarsidek4204 Says:
I just wonder are all of u here stupid or something......? Ur goverment is trying to be on the right side of history..... why are u people still supporting the war criminal leader...... ? I seriously dun understand u australian... hamas and isreal are the real terrorist.... not the palestinian.....
@yfelwulf Says:
MOSSAD owned SKY supports NAZIONIST TERRORISM. Abstaining on a vote means you support Israel but are afraid of the repercussions if you do in effect ABSTAIN means you give FULL SUPPORT just as Shitstain 🇬🇧 and Israelistan 🇺🇸 do when they Abstain on almost every vote. Israel is a STATE created by TERRORIST'S in 1947 in fact they were the original international terrorists.
@andreikondisenko6089 Says:
So what is Australia’s going to do with 11,000 Ukrainian immigrants on Temp Visa issued since 2014 in Australia 🇦🇺 The Ukrainian Diplomat in Australia played our our Australian learned & illustrious politicians for fuckwit idiots . Send them back to Ukraine ?? Yeah , You think the Russian Ukrainians are going to welcome them back with a red carpet welcome . The Russian Ukrainian people don’t like much treacherous foreigners in their lands . What now Wong ?? What now Marles ?? What now Albanese ?? You have no business in Ukraine , Australia never had business in Ukraine . Australia has no business in Israel . Australia never had business in in Israel . And that’s how I see it . Andrej Kondisenko Moree Australia 🇦🇺
@spud9464 Says:
Go albo you will be on the right side history zionists led skynews are losing their nerve recognize Israel doesn't she realize it is not their land wow hearing her talking makes my skin crawl
@tarajoseph2860 Says:
What rubbish you spew!
@johntomlinson-j6x Says:
The left is in bed with Radical Islam so what Else is new. Never mind that some of the Gazan's involved in the OCT 7 massacre were Employed by UNWRA. Yeah what does Reality have to do with POLITIC'S. Abstain all you like the fact is.... ISRAEL has a Duty to Protect it's Citizens. Unlike these Gutless politician's that Care more about OPTIC'S than FACT'S
@Colbato. Says:
Australia! what wrong with You?
@mandycurcio357 Says:
I am so ashamed of the Australian Govt.. God is watching + those who oppose Israel are poking God in the eye ! We are now at risk of serious consequences! Islam radicalism is next in Aust !
@markstevens7015 Says:
I think that's the Wrong dsecession.
@markstevens7015 Says:
I'm Australian, I support Israel, God Bless Israel, Amen.
@LightSound369 Says:
What a load of bullshit lady, israel has slaughtered 10's of thousands of innocent people in Gaza and now Lebanon. You and retards like you are the reason zionism has crept into Australia, Piss off
@hellenicspartan4458 Says:
Can someone send BENNY WRONG a pager!!!!
@tonenotrequired8626 Says:
Israel changed Australia's perception of Israel. Israel committed the Genoside not the Australian government.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
Don't get to carried away Peta. The reality is the rest of the world doesn't give two hoots what Australia thinks or does on anything. Three quarters of the world doesn't even know where Australia is, with many thinking its a country next to Switzerland.
@jaredoliver9347 Says:
screw Palestine Aussies stand with Israel regardless of Albos sick desire to pleasure muslim groups hell bent on our destruction
@Peace.Please144 Says:
Australia abides by International Law.
@kensommers5096 Says:
Flush the toilet sack Labor install the LNP and send all these radicals we have here back to where they came from.🤠👍🇭🇲
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
Disgraceful misrepresentation of Australia, don't put up with this, a disgusting betrayal by W1 [Wong One] & the Labor/Greens-Teals set of collective dreaming out of control inept bungling misfits, YOU'RE FIRED...when you get the chance, VOTE THEM OUT...
@AhemISee Says:
Kiss US behind and you will pay the price later. Foggy brain got you go visit Dr Mads Gilbert or heed Paul Keatings words.

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