'Shameless': Sky News host slams CNN's coverage of Trump assassination attempt
'Shameless': Sky News host slams CNN's coverage of Trump assassination attempt



@markpeterson7298 Says:
Sky news are purveyors of poisonous fabrication toxic speculation innuendo and invention, they continue to prostitute themselves with a mindless compliance to trumps litany of lies, propagation of manufactured baseless claims and unrestrained moral depravity.
@countyorga764 Says:
More "quality journalism" from irrelevant, legend in her own mind, whining murdoch turd powerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Piss off.
@trickyboy1517 Says:
Who cares? Clearly the majority of Americans don't. Registered republican voters seem to. ;)
@warrenturner397 Says:
Good to see you've picked up after even FOX ditched him
@salcracolici-kg5es Says:
Only CNN have courage seller fake news
@ausejoski Says:
CNN is trash media.
@JethalalGada-b4c Says:
Chad Trump ( -_β€’)▄︻テحكـ━一πŸ’₯leftist πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
@skirtonbear1 Says:
Victim Blaming. The Dems have no shame!
@timmothy58 Says:
trump played the media in using them to win in 2016 like a master puppeteer...which is why they hate him to the core of their structure...2020 election was a media interfered event and they will do anything they have to to stop him...any thing...their hate for him is on the table for all to see...
@happyman9113 Says:
CNN has no shame !!!
@ivareskesner2019 Says:
I half expected CNN to call it _'a peaceful assassination attempt'._ They're known to do such things..
@imamangoo8632 Says:
West Media can't digest the real news they have to make some shit up which clearly we have seen all online still they will give false narratives which will only affect old voting population but most them are conservatives so overall WEST MEDIA is nothing but waste of resources
@alexcam-n1m Says:
I have a hedge in my garden next to a fence. If I tried to poke a metal pole through the fence the hedge sparrows living there would fly up out of the hedge. I wonder if that's what happened and that blew his cover. Matthew 10 29 to 31. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Also, God saved President Trump head being obliterated, just as He saved Malchus' head 2000 years ago. Both had their right ear damaged and mended. Peter would have been executed for murder. John 18.10 Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.
@merlinite- Says:
This is like saying George Bush created an environment for terrorism πŸ˜‚
@charwest9449 Says:
The ABC Debate Whistle-Blower who filed an AFFIDAVIT exposing ABC & Kamala collusion (she demanded fact checks to interrupt him, and questions they could not ask her) -- that whistleblower was apparently KILLED in a Bethesda MD car accident Friday!
@revawesson7050 Says:
CNN is crap!
@leonhue722 Says:
Did any of their journalist's pagers explode ?
@seandelap8587 Says:
Trump is the only reason that CNN has any ratings at all so they should be grateful for it
@aussiebornandbred Says:
Trump for POTUS 2024
@Chakjjang18 Says:

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