'Housing shortage' is a problem for Australia's high migration numbers
'Housing shortage' is a problem for Australia's high migration numbers



@waynedodds5839 Says:
Listen you guys - they ain’t listening-in the UK we have allowed 10 million in, that we officially know about since 1997 and Christ knows how many we don’t- we continually vote for parties that promise to do something about it and yet it continues on a scale never experienced in our history and it ain’t stopping -housing shortage is the least of your problems because you haven’t seen anything yet - I had a stroke and had to wait 7 hours in my local hospital before they admitted me … mad mad mad …
@kanehills4280 Says:
Destroying our culture and way of life.. albo should pay for this…
@rabidsminions2079 Says:
Gen Y still think it's the Baby Boomers fault.
@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 Says:
We are being REPLACED by the 3rd world
@andrew6526 Says:
Albo is like a cancer for Australia, the quicker he's voted out the better. Weakest mummy boy PM Australia has ever had.
@rickman2267 Says:
Every new house built in my old suburb is occupied by a migrant, not Australians!
@Ksins1 Says:
агат Russian forces defeated a number of brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a unit of the Ukrainian special Operations Forces (SSO) and a detachment of the American PMCs Forward, and also destroyed several hundred pieces of equipment.
@williamzabiski7653 Says:
The chinese mainlanders are buying without using it. Its only a summer house for them. They have to return back to china as they dont want to forfeit there chinese citizenships
@Gin_11162 Says:
Let them live with the gators..
@peterl3669 Says:
NDIS has helped so many overseas people coming to Australia to work.....Pay is so much more here and easy to apply PR if work in age care industry.
@Chad.H. Says:
Pauline Hanson ❤.Powerful questions about the immigration from Pauline Hanson yesterday in Parliament. Labors llied and blamed it on librals and peter dutton. Librals and Peter dutton were ,are ,and will remain silent about immigration because they are "same labor different name " ir is on you tube watch it .! VOTE PAULINE HANSON Vote the twin parties labor/ Librals out and, of course, their tales, national, and greens out the door 🚪

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