Fascinating' to see support for nuclear mostly comes from over 65s

Fascinating' to see support for nuclear mostly comes from over 65s


Sky News contributor Daisy Cousens says she was 'fascinated' to see most of the support for nuclear energy in Australia is from those over the age of 65. It comes after a recent Omnipoll survey found almost half of Australians support nuclear energy following the announcement of the AUKUS submarine deal. 'I was fascinated to see that most of the support for nuclear actually comes from the over 65s who I would have thought would be the generation that was sort of understandable spooked by Chernobyl � but apparently not,' she told Sky News host Gary Hardgrave. 'And interestingly enough there is an increase in support for nuclear between the 18- to 34-year-old demographic who previously had been really quite anti it. "And I think that's very interesting as well because if you look at the kind of green idols like Greta Thunberg that the 18 to 34s look up to, they're still very, very anti-nuclear.'



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