Marxist infiltration of western institutions has left 'virtually none of them immune'

Marxist infiltration of western institutions has left 'virtually none of them immune'


The family is the one institution to hold out against the Marxist "infiltration" of the west οΏ½ but even that is under threat, according to former ABC Chairman Maurice Newman. Mr Newman said the extent of Marxist infiltration in western institutions over the last 60 years has left "virtually none of them immune" οΏ½ apart from families. "The family is under threat, marriage of course is under threat," he told Sky News host Caleb Bond. "But what we're seeing with the promotion of promiscuity and essentially the destruction of the values which served us so well for so many generations οΏ½ this has all now been cast aside. "Replaced by nothing other than the notion that what we have is evil."




@alexdisisto5521 Says:
This identical to "cultural Bolshevism" which was Nazi terminology, stop fear mongering
@davidcampbell2477 Says:
It's only rich middle class woke filth that believe in this crap. Let's go Brandon πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί
@markmonoko7096 Says:
I love Sky News Australia one of the best television channels in the world πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
@hirschy10 Says:
The sheeples are running around like headless πŸ” stand up do not let the dictators win πŸ–•. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ˜Ž Australia Day πŸ‘
@patricelauverjon3177 Says:
For most of us it is only history, but the warm reception that the US military got at the end of World War II is well documented. It is very unfortunate that such displays of gratitude have not been apparent in.Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Yemen, just to name those! The reason is very probably that the bases of conflicts are done on drawing boards with Marxist theories requiring chaos to be implemented and where serial killing behind hand shakes and white teeth is designed as solutions to social issues. On both sides of Politics BIGTEC benefits while Humanism deteriorates: this can only be accepted by brain washed Citizens.
@harpar1028 Says:
@vincam4674 Says:
Yes, just went to my local Woolies and there was Marxism propaganda plastered over the wall as you enter. As was pointed out there is no Communist country that has any worthwhile success even China with its massive growth is a facade hiding what really is going on in that country, even their Covid numbers are a lie what 104,000 and just under 5000 deaths from 2019 for 1.4 billion people in China what a lot of cucumbers.
@carmeldowley9207 Says:
Certainly looks like it....
@humanbeing6933 Says:
Where do you get these people? Lol… China exploits its own workforce in the way the US exploits foreign countries and backs their governments repression to keep costs down.
@terrieferguson4514 Says:
Bread and Circuses
@johnhoylessceptreofself-so6214 Says:
I got expelled from uni just before my final exam because the cafeteria ran out of everything except Chinese food and I said I don't like Chinese food then some short dumpy lezzo with purple hair and those glasses like Roz from Monsters inc. started screeching at me about white privilege
@georgemav7 Says:
We are living in cancel culture were we are geing manipulated into totalitarianism for the greater good. Australia used to be a fair go. That is no more Great interview which I doubt the ABC will support.
@kingcosworth2643 Says:
Yeonmi Park says that in North Korea there is 50 levels of class, but it's impossible to move up in class.
@carlstringer2922 Says:
So what is being said no police or prisons that means if I'm attacked or my property is stolen or damaged, I could therefore kill that person with no come back ?
@robbie84 Says:
Its waaaaay too late for australia. we already have fallen. the covid pandemic was just the cherry on top
@mirthabarahona3356 Says:
Lol!! This is really funny
@jvds1360 Says:
Here in The Netherlands. Exactly the same thing! Hard to believe people are letting themselves lured into communism! Wake up people!
@andrewgamble5332 Says:
On the other hand the meetings of the rich and exclusive crowd at one presumes public expense at Davos and the like do not fill me with enthusiasm either.We live in a very odd sort of freedom in Europe.Great to watch the riot police in mainland Europe shoot and beat protesters over the past weeks.Funny old world.
@davannaleah Says:
The generations that follow will have no freedom but, because the governments change the history they are taught and limit what information they have access to, they won't even be aware of the free society that we have enjoyed, fought for an died for in the past. What a delightful prospect. Ignorance is bliss! I'm just glad I will not be there to 'enjoy' it!
@dantrey3714 Says:
mass formation psychosis.
@chrishewitt1165 Says:
Looking at our current "democracy" I can understand why
@westernslav6453 Says:
Lefties are like little children who only know how to cry about pretty much everything.
@incognitosteeze6980 Says:
Too late infiltrated everywhere esp education politics media. Only a revolt will get you Freemason Satanists out. Marxism is only one of your evil tools.
@jfkfitirjdjjsisieirirjfjdj5967 Says:
give me my original nation back,stop whinging and invade una,like you invaded my land when we was weak
@amaryllislady8795 Says:
I realized it since 30 yrs, the slide towards Marxist ideology. I am 80, from Germany and I know how it was in the GDR former EAST Germany. The people on top had everything cars, western goods, they could travel. everywhere. The public had nothing, had to wait for yrs to get a Trabant car - you might know how often that broke down. It was pretty much only that car they had from 1957 to 1990. You could not travel to the West. Hundreds got shot at the border if they tried to flee.
@paulthomas4039 Says:
Funny how these dimwitts think communism doesn't have police and pisons! Lol. The only thing that gets abolished is the court system of "presumption of innocence" until proven guilty. Useful idiots are dangerous
@rushelm8101 Says:
I blame this all on Whitlam. I saw him at the English Ballet once, what a nice way for a Hobby Marxist to spend his evenings!
@rushelm8101 Says:
If you accept that "Victim Culture" stems from Marxist ideals (as I believe it does), then Feminism and a raft of other "isms" flow from it. The popularity of the Third Reich with German and Austrian citizens in the 1930's, was in part due to the overwhelming communist movements in Europe at the time and the rejection of the communist system, which had already killed millions by that point in history. MARXISTS ARE MURDERERS!! Get used to the truth!
@patrussell8917 Says:
Too many Australian Universities are loaded with Marxist ideals and impressing that on students . Political correctness is an impossible dream for a progressive future. Stop Chinese studies in our higher learning areas,we barely know enough of our own history with absorbing another version . ABC is a big promoter of woke rot ,barely watch the channel these days ,not reliable
@BrainHealth- Says:
Seriously what’s the difference. Poor people here aren’t free. The constant struggle to survive. Governments aren’t in control. It’s the worlds wealthy who tell us what to think. Here we are told what to think by a mega wealthy American
@dfaithrichoz60 Says:
And yet China has the audacity to call itself a developing of the oldest and richest countries on the planet....
@lappo253 Says:
Hahahaha by Marxist they mean greedy neo capitalist pigs. Says:
The police spray mace into old ladies faces bevause they are politicised like the ABC
@YaMomsOyster Says:
Look at lock downs, look at single parents , look at the division in the country now compared to fifty years ago.. It doesn’t look anything like the country I grew up in.
@steveolson69 Says:
Free education to learn what they allow you to learn. They teach auto mechanics and body and fender but not true history like in the hospitals also which you need when the government can punish you for anything you think let alone do!!
@Hitman-ds1ei Says:
Once apon a time they would arrest communists !
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
I came from former Czechoslovakia in 1968 -country was invaded by Russians, I could smell Marxist infiltration already in 1975,I didn't want to admit it to myself, as the time progressed I felt it was getting so much worse, now I can't believe how bad it is ,the worse part is ,Marxism is worshiped by politicians who have not lived it and yet they want it, they have no idea what they wish for, history of 1989 shows all Eastern block countries resigned from Marxist -Communist system and collapsed
@robertcastello2961 Says:
Freedom is not free. Western Christian democracies were not built by weak people dependant upon or tolerating dictatorship, oppressive government's etc. Thanks for exposing our leftward drift. Robert Castello Dixie General Store Heflin Alabama USA
@stevenfenton8137 Says:
Pauline has Australia's respect
@australianmade2659 Says:
Marxist = anti freedom
@TRUMPTheAntichrist Says:
@joshSmacknMouths Says:
These radical lefty criminals need a beat down.
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 Says:
Good God, imagine this bloke at ABC now? Short of that happening we should defund the whole West hating bloody thing!
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 Says:
Every bloody prediction of Marx failed, as has communism every time it has been tried and yet ...
@violinplayer3518 Says:
Why do you call them Marxists when prison is essential part of communism. Anarchists would be better. Don't compliment Marxism by stating is it against prisons. Opposite is true. Ask Chinese and Russians
@alanharrison573 Says:
Defund the ABC - subscription or oblivion!
@alanharrison573 Says:
Marxism needs to be treated with the contempt it deserves. Zero tolerance is the ONLY way to avoid insidious Marxist incremental creep!
@marcuscollins7328 Says:
more rice new man....really marxist...are we losing our collective consiousness lol
@BigBenn2014 Says:
Once these useful idiots destroy capitalism and usher in a β€˜socialist Utopia’ they’ll be the first to start moaning. They’re too stupid for their own good.

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